The Role of Customized Help in Achieving Academic Goals

Customized academic help involves professional assistance offered by expert tutors using a personal approach. This assistance is based on the already-existing learning approach offered by teachers, only that it is more personalized to fit the student requirements. Technology has enabled customized academic help by providing online tutoring solutions, assignment help and project guidance.

How Customized Academic Support Works:

Tailored support has been proven to be the most effective way to transfer knowledge. This is because it engages the student interests, helps the student in their personal study and supports them in working on their weaknesses. Some of the examples of customized support include:

  1. Personalized approach to student learning activities and assessments.
  2. Applying performance-based algorithms in line with the learner’s objectives.
  3. Adapting to the student’s knowledge and skills to offer professional tutoring.
  4. Counselling services judging by the student interests and what the tutor perceives best for the student.
  5. Encouraging students to give their elaborations of how they interpreted and approached an assignment.

Professional academic support provides personalized guidance and resources to students, tailored to their individual needs. This assistance improves students’ comprehension of complex topics, improves their study skills and imparts confidence in their academic prowess. Besides, customized academic help enhances performance and success by aiding students to overcome time management challenges, ensuring work life balance and enabling easier grasping of technical concepts.

How to Access?

Technology has eased the process of finding reliable tutors. Different professionals develop online profiles where students can access their services, depending on their subjects. However, this space has been compromised by lack of monitoring criteria to assess their professionalism. Therefore it is essential to scrutinize their samples before trusting them with your academics. Some of the recommended tutors include:

For High School, college and Undergraduate Students:

For Graduate/Master’s and PhD Candidates:

The Importance of Plagiarism-Free Work in Academic Success

What is the meaning of plagiarize?

Plagiarizing refers to copying another person’s work, ideas and words and pretending they are yours. In the academic world, it is considered a breach of honesty as it involves duplicating someone else’s work without attribution. Plagiarism not only applies to written material, but also electronic data, digital content and most recently, the use of artificial intelligence (AI). However, there may be lenience with the use of AI if it is authorized by the institution for that specific task.

Plagiarism may take different forms, which include:

  1. Paraphrasing: This refers to expressing what somebody else has said by altering with the word order or closely following the structure of their argument without due acknowledgement. While most people use this format to draft their essays, it is recommendable to quote briefly the author’s sentiments or informing your reader prior that you are paraphrasing a certain author.
  2. Verbatim: This involves quoting an author’s argument word for word without using quotation marks. It is essential to inform your reader which sections you have drawn ideas from other sources using quotation marks or indentation.
  3. Copy and Paste: This mostly happens with internet data where a student derives data from online sources without adequately referencing it in the bibliography.
  4. Collusion: This occurs when a student sought external support but fails to attribute the collaboration. It is mandatory, if permitted, to indicate which sections of the assignments were independently done and where collaboration occurred.
  5. Citation inaccuracy: Proper citation is compulsory for any academic work. The in-text citations, bibliography and footnotes must be according to standard. For every paragraph where a reference was used, it should be quoted according to the required conventions of the tested writing style.
  6. Auto-plagiarism: This occurs when previously handed in work is resubmitted again. Whether the task was similarly tested in another module or you borrowed your fellow students, resubmitting the same assignment is considered plagiarism.

Why originality is key?

  1. Academic and professional integrity: The value for your education both personally and professionally, is dependent on how you tackle your academics, which is not limited to assignments only. The purpose for selection of a certain course is based on interests to learn more. Therefore, actively engaging in research goes a long way in ensuring academic success and upholding its integrity.
  2. Demonstration of skills: Academic projects cultivate critical thinking, deeper understanding and problem-solving skills. This skills are not only important in school but also career-wise. They form the basis of the must-have skills for any job.
  3. Professional reputation: In the career world, employers value honesty and integrity. Originality in academics sets a solid foundation for professional behavior. History has served some lessons of persons who have lost power due to plagiarism; such as, former Hungarian president Pal Schmitt and German President Guttenberg
  4. Intellectual growth: Actively participating in research work and academic projects helps you gain better comprehension of the subject you are pursuing. This enables idea creation and furtherance of knowledge in that particular field.

Some of the tactics to ensure originality in your work include:

  1. Understand the assignment requirements: Ensure you have read through the assignment instructions and understood what the examiner requires. Pinpoint the key requirements, objectives and the guidelines provided. This ensures you align your assignment with the required expectations.
  2. Conduct research: Thorough research is important in ensuring your assignment is well-informed. It is essential to use reputable sources for referencing to support your arguments. Note down all the sources applied in the research to avoid unintentional plagiarism.
  3. Develop a strong thesis statement: A strong thesis forms the foundation of your argument in the assignment. It denotes the perspective that you will support throughout your work. Learn how to develop a strong thesis statement here.
  4. Proper citation and referencing: It is mandatory to acknowledge the author whose work you have quoted in your research. Familiarize yourself with the different citation styles and their formats and follow the required one to the latter at any given time.
  5. Use plagiarism detection tools: As a way to further ensure originality of your work, use tools such as Turnitin and Grammarly to ensure your work is to the required standards.
  6. Seek feedback and proofread: Seeking feedback from peers, tutors and professors gives additional input that can be instrumental in improving quality. Keenly follow the suggestions and proofread your assignment to ensure clarity and authenticity.

For project assistance, contact us here.

Balancing Work, Life and Master’s Studies: Strategies for Success

Balancing Work, Life and Master’s Studies: Strategies for Success

Work-life balance is defined as the number of weekly hours spent working compared to those spent with family, relaxing and in this case studying. Graduate school involves immersive commitment to academic work, research and individual growth. Maintaining work life balance is instrumental in ensuring one’s physical, mental and emotional health is at check. This sets base for creativity, better social relation and future academic and professional success. Easier said than done!

Some of the factors that lead to work life imbalance include, but not limited to:

  1. Culture: Most students are known to be fully dedicated to their studies that they end up overworking themselves. This may result in stigmatization as none of them can openly admit they are suffering, else they be deemed weak or lacking dedication.
  2. Academic pressure: There is immense pressure to excel, especially for graduate students. This may inhibit their ability to share with others their challenges, lest they be termed unable to handle the course.
  3. Lack of awareness: Very few institutions, or none, emphasize on the need to establish a work life balance. Resultantly, students suffer the repercussions due to lack of sufficient information around this subject.
  4. Competition: It is the nature of students to compete among themselves. This may lead to one being overwhelmed by the pressure of excelling more than their peers. Subsequently, they suffer work-life imbalance since they cannot openly admit that the unfair competition is affecting them personally.
  5. Expectation: These are preset targets set by parents, individuals and institutions regarding the standard of their academics. In order to achieve these often high expectations, one may fail to adhere to work-life balance in the quest to prove a point.

Strategies to attain Work life balance:

  1. Set realistic goals and expectations.
  2. Effective time management.
  3. Try to be flexible and adaptable to different situations.
  4. Effective communication with employer(s), professors and relatives.
  5. Self-care and Mental Health: Check in with yourself often.

In the pursuit of academic excellence, it is necessary to ensure your personal life is well monitored as well. Mental health issues have become rampant as a result of work life imbalance. Therefore, it is essential to avert these challenges that may become a nuisance in future. One such technique that is highly recommended by psychologist is Ikigai, as illustrated below:

            How To Find Your Ikigai And Transform Your Outlook On Life And Business


Role of Professional Academic Help in Ensuring Work life balance:

In the quest for establishing an effective work life balance, it is inevitable to seek external support. In this case, consult with professional tutors that have a proven track record of delivering quality. This way, you can be certain that your research, projects and assignments are well handled to the required standards.

In summary, developing work life balance is essential in ensuring that a student is physically, mentally, emotionally and academically fit. Work life balance ensures that all pertinent aspects of a student’s life are adequately attended to and fulfilled. It is not only necessary in ensuring academic success, but also in effectively stabilizing one’s mental health. Therefore, don’t pressure too much with academics and leave out the other aspects of your life, and vice versa!

How to Select a Thesis Topic

Identifying the right topic for your thesis has to be one of the most daunting tasks, yet underrated. From the frequent recalls by the supervisors to review the topic to gathering data; hectic to say the least. However, one of the most crucial aspects of selecting a thesis topic is time. Time management is essential in comfortably choosing your intended research topic and compiling it to completion.

When selecting a thesis topic, it is necessary to focus on areas you are passionate about. Interests are developed by reading works of research, favorite study areas in your undergraduate level or identifying loopholes in scholarly works. Mostly, it occurs when you identify an area that you’d want to gather more information on or would want to add more to the already provided content.

Accomplished researchers mostly note future areas of improvement in their works. This can be a good starting point for selecting a thesis topic. Studies are mainly done to improve already researched work or addressing a particular issue in a new way. Therefore, by collecting these gaps in research in your specific study area, you can easily weigh options on which topic resonates your idea.

Sometimes, if well-read, it is easy to identify loopholes in research. By noting such errors, one may be interested in adding to the information or correcting the wrongly placed data with proof. This can be another basis of a thesis topic. However, it is necessary to be well-equipped with supporting data that will make your thesis valid.

Once you have identified potential areas of research, data should be the next point of concern. This is the backbone of your research. Do you have enough resources to complete your study? Is your study backed by already existing material? If not, have you identified a sample population and study setting? Ensure they are accessible. Also, out you study to the test by sending out surveys. The data garnered is essential in adjusting the thesis to resonate with your intended area of study.

These are just but some of the prerequisites that form the background of identifying the thesis topic on your own. The greatest ideas, it is said, are not created in isolation. Collaboration with colleagues and your lecturers is essential. Brainstorming your ideas with your classmates will give you a different perspective from your own. This exposes you to diverse ideas that are essential in adjusting and improving the thesis. Make an effort of consulting your tutors lecturers and professors. Their professional insight will be paramount in ensuring that all the sections of your study are at par with the required standards.