Published on: September 9, 2024
Now that you have significantly researched your topic, write an issue ppr of four to six pages where you consider the main points concerning your . Each point you consider should contribute substantially to the development and support of your main point. Significantly explain these points, including source origin and credibility, and discuss your strategy for addressing them in your ppr:
What are the main points?
What do these main points mean to your focus/claim and ppr development?
Why do you consider the points you identify as crucial?
How will you address each main point in your ppr? At what point will you introduce each main point and how will each main point relate to one another?
Conclude with a thorough discussion of the nature of opposition (at least one potential counter argument) you have encountered regarding these points and the effect this opposition has had upon your ppr development. Also, discuss how you will address the opposition of your pr argument/your position on this topic.
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