Published on: September 13, 2024
Write a summary and critique of a peer-reviewed article related to physical activity and aging. My article is on jogging and knee pain article must be pre-approved by the professor to ensure it is relevant and peer reviewed. Paper must be 1-2 pages, double-spaced following APA format(abstract not required). The critique will include a summary of the article, followed by interpretation and application of results including specifically an analysis of the topic chosen, the methods used in the article, the results of the article and an application of the results to a real-world situation.
article: 25 points
Appropriate peer reviewed article was analyzed /2.5
APA format was used /2.5
Article was correctly cited /2.5
1-2 pages in length /2.5
Quality of topic summary /2.5
Quality of methods section summary /2.5
Quality of results/conclusion section summary /5
Interpretation/ real world application of the findings /5
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