Published on: September 16, 2024
Use your understanding of the issue and different perspectives discovered in your SECOND draft to fully develop your FINAL ARGUMENT that includes a clear CLAIM (position on the issue), valid REASONS to support your claim, and credible & sufficient EVIDENCE to support your reasons. Your CLAIM must be a full sentence that clearly states your position on the issue. Remember that your CLAIM must be INFORMED; in other words, an argument is NOT about simply stating an opinion. An argument, and the CLAIM that is the central point of your argument, must be based on solid REASONS that support your claim, and these reasons must be based on EVIDENCE.
Length & Sources:
Minimum of 1000 words, excluding the Works Cited or References page.
Minimum of 5 credible sources
Use all rhetorical strategies to establish your own CREDIBILITY and persuades your audience (your classmates and me) through LOGIC and EMOTION/VALUES.
Discuss in a fair and balanced way those perspectives that disagree with your claim and show us how your position is a better answer.
Fully and accurately cite ALL SOURCES at the end of your argument in a ""Works Cited"" or ""References"" page. Make sure you provide full citations of each source and follow only one citation system, such as APA, MLA, or a citation style used in engineering, such as IEEE
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