Published on: September 16, 2024
For your final project for this course you will create a professional portfolio. A professional or career portfolio is created to help you stand out from the crowd. The goal is to personalize your resume, education, philosophy and artifacts to leave a positive impression on the those who view your work. Portfolios can be posted publicly or privately depending on your goals. For this course, the portfolio will be privately posted in the Portfolio area in the classroom on the Blackboard platform.
Requirements: The following pages are required for the Portfolio. Some of the content had been submitted in the course but should be revised based on feedback provided by your instructor and enhanced with graphics or photos for the Final Portfolio. Pages marked with a star * have been previously composed in the Blogs or weekly writing assignments. In total, 10 pages should be contained in the portfolio. The list below shows eight pages plus Artifacts. Artifacts are letters, memos, emails completed in your weekly writing assignments. You should choose two artifacts that reflect the areas such as positive messaging, promoting diversity, you attitude and positive emphasis.
Grading Criteria
In addition to the requirements outlined in the rubric, each item in the Portfolio amounts to 10% of the total grade (10 total items required for 100% total). Omission of an item results in a loss of 10% of the total grade. For instance, if you turn in a Portfolio that has 9 out of 10 of the required items, the highest grade you can obtain is 90%, notwithstanding any other issues noted in the rubric.
Required Portfolio Pages
Goals, Achievements & Community Service
Professional Philosophy*
Ethical Philosophy*
Communication: Positive & Negative Messaging
Leadership: Working in a diverse world: Non-sexist, non-racist, non-ageist and bias free
Artifacts (min. of 2) (align with the positive messaging, diversity, you attitude)*
Overview of the Portfolio Pages
The first page of your Final Portfolio is an introduction to the readers. It should provide an overview of your professional goals and the path you have set to lead you to success. It can also include as much (or as little) personal information as you care to share. An introduction should share some of your personality. Photos are required, specifically a head shot or selfie (professional). You may also include work-related photos or other photos or graphics that capture your likes, interests and personality. Introductions often include a relevant or inspiring quote.
This should be posted directly into the page and formatted for visual impact.
Goals, Achievements & Community Service:
This list can include any recognition, award, grades, participation in groups, or memorable event or milestone.
Professional Philosophy:
A professional philosophy was drafted in the Week One Blog. This should be a revised version of that statement with consideration of feedback received from your instructor and your peers in the Week Three Discussion.
Ethical Philosophy:
Ethical philosophy was drafted in Week Two Blog. This should be revised based on instructor feedback and included on its own page.
This should include the professional research writing assignment completed in Week Two. An introductory statement should be included introducing the three sources and why they are relevant to your career.
Positive & Negative Messaging A page should be created sharing your understanding of professional communication and how to use positive messaging in a business setting. Additionally, a statement about how to respond to problems or bad news and how you would handle delivering a negative message. This page should be 1-2 paragraphs long, recommended 250 words.
A leadership statement was drafted in Week Three Blog. This should be revised based on instructor feedback and included on its own page.
Artifacts (minimum of 2):
Artifacts are evidence of learning, frequently accompanied by explanatory text. For this portfolio one memo and one formal letter from your writing assignments should be included to demonstrate application of format. A brief statement should preface each artifact, describing what it is and what it demonstrates.
“The following memo addresses the need for heightened awareness to bias in language. Through careful language and specific examples, I was able to convey the importance of non-bias language in the workplace.”
You can import artifacts in two ways:
You can store your artifacts into your “My Artifacts” page and access them when needed.
You can access artifacts from the class, directly into your portfolio
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