How could a nurse assist the following clients to become more comfortable?

Published on: August 19, 2024

a. A sixty-five-year-old woman with terminal cancer of the pancreas.

b. A seventy-five-year-old man whose wife died one year ago and is now recovering from the flu."

A. A 65 year female presenting in the emergency with end stage pancreatic cancer

 1. Pain Management

 Assessment: The nurse should then use the necessity appropriate pain scales to assess the patient and in addition observe for other signs which the patient cannot tell which indicate that they are in pain.

 Medication Administration: Finger aspiration or any kind of ecchymosis which will scale it, use opioids or any standing medications to control the client’s pain and alter with the dosage as per the report of the said client.

 Non-Pharmacological Techniques: Administrative methods using natural ways for instance use of a drug allied to relaxation procedures, visualization or even massage for managing pain.

 2. Symptom Management

 Nausea and Vomiting: Administer the antiemetics after consultation with the doctor and advise the patient some of the recommendations to take regarding their diets which includes taking food in small portions and strictly avoiding cloudy water.

 Dyspnea: If the patient requires additional oxygen, provide it to him and assist the man in positioning his body so as not to suffer or get an ache, this can be done when one gives the man an upright position that leans forward.

 3. Emotional and Psychological Support

 Active Listening: Support patient’s familiar and affection to give comfort to the patient through reducing the patient’s stress about the disease.

 Counseling: Includes a referral for a Counselling to help the patient and or the family to cope with feelings of loss as well as confusion, a referral for a clergy person .

 4. Comfort Measures

 Hygiene and Comfort: Hygiene care should be continued and comfort measures that are non-pharmacological should be administering clean physical environment and appropriate dressing or mattress.

 Temperature Regulation: : Adjust the temperature of the rooms and where needed bring in a blanket for the patient or an air conditioning equipment.

 5. End-of-Life Planning

 Advance Directives: Coordinate: The specifics of the patient’s advance care decision and the patient’s treatment in the final stage of the disease.

 Family Support: There are suggestions that, let the families participate in care planning and provide them with information and incentives as to patients’ care.

 Seventy-Five-Year-Old Man has just caught Flu and the Wife of him Deceased One Year Ago

 1. Health Promotion for Clients with Intellectual Disability

 Symptom Relief: Heal flu through fever, coughs and fatigue with the appropriate medications and other interventions appropriately.

 Hydration and Nutrition: Closely observe the state of the client in regard to the possibility of sufficient fluid intake and consistently provide nutrition to the clients for health and against disease.

 2. Emotional Support

 Bereavement Support: One has to empathise with him and the loss of his wife that he had mentioned. Offer or prescribe an individual or a group counseling if there is a problem of grief or loss.

 Active Listening: Take him and have conversations with him that shall allow him to release his anger and on the same note, gain some closure in terms of emotional reassurance.

 3. Social Interaction

 Encouragement of Social Engagement: If you feel lonely, go for a social interaction so that you can be able to minimize on the feeling of loneliness or you can spend sometime with friends or relatives.

 Community Resources: Make him understand that there are facilities where he can go like a center for senior citizen or a volunteer bureau where individuals can offer him company.

 4. Safety and Fall Prevention

 Environmental Safety: Make sure that the home surrounding is free from threats of falling and ensure the environment is safe due to his recent sickness and weakness.

 Assistive Devices: Make walking aids in the event the patient falls realistic in anticipation of a fall; things like walking stick or a wheelchair.

 5. Health Education and Self-Care

 Education: Teach the patient on precautions to be taken during flu and procedures of resting, fluid intakes and consulting a doctor.

 Follow-Up: Ensure to make the next appointments and assist in enquiring with regard to any prescription or treatment that was provided.

 Closeness to patients’ appropriate physical and emotional requirements can enhance comfort and benefit general well-being in these transmutable situations.

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