Published on: August 5, 2024
- Include statutory benefits and non-statutory effects. Decide statutory for those the laws define as the companies have to, the employees must. These are additional extra nonstatutory benefits which are provided voluntarily by a company but are not written in the original CBA.
- Specify 5-7 essential statutory benefits and succinctly pinpoint every one - ESI, PF, gratuity, maternity leave, minimum wages, workplace safety. Cite governing laws.
- Indicate among non-statutory benefits presented in an example company - medical insurance, health care programs, leave policies, pension schemes, recreational activities.
- Describe the private health insurance and wellness advantages your company offers, including the levels of coverage, plan details, and benefits to employees.
- Point out the function that benefits play - making the workers happy, keeping them at the same posts, attracting new employees, and bridging the gap between work and private life.
- Sum up by saying that in concurrence both statutory and non-statutory benefits serve to safeguard and serve employees
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