
Published on: August 19, 2024


The novel coronavirus pandemic started in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 and has spread dramatically around the world since then, despite quarantine and containment measures. This new viral disease is the third most common viral disease in the twenty-first century after Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), as of September 26, 2020, about 213 countries all around the world have been affected by this disease, resulting in 32,700,000 confirmed cases and more than 993,000 deaths. In Iran, as the 13th country affected by this disease, the number of cases on the same date has reached more than 439,000 cases and the number of deaths has reached more than 25,000, which is unprecedented in the history of Iran, and of course, this statistic is changing every day [7]. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has placed a heavy burden on the health care system, particularly on nurses who are faced with the greatest challenges regarding the unprecedented outbreak of coronavirus worldwide . COVID-19 has created unprecedented professional, social, and psychological challenges for nurses . By recognizing the sources of health care workers' concerns, health care managers and leaders can provide targeted approaches to address these concerns and provide specific support to their health care workforce. This study can guide nursing managers in this regard.

1.The _________ sequencer discriminates _________ motifs from _________ background

conformations through demanding that motifs transpire in various input series and tend not

to be _________ duplicated in any single chain. What transpires as the length of the motif


2.Which polymerase is instigated by PF3 collection for reparation of DNA damage?

3.Define coupled and allied response.

4.Justify the verdict below. Explain thoroughly.

It takes a lesser time if the DNA transmission is performed in mutual consignments.

5.Where are Decoy fragments which attach to Fas L observed in?

6.Naturally, ________ are non-________ and the series is more random than ________.

7.Render the trigger for ease in conducting sequencing of the entire gene.

8.Why is bacterial genome difficult to sequence?

9.Identify a Ubiquitin instigating enzyme and describe the entire mechanism.

10.True or false?

A dynamic target for anticancer drugs is the Ubiquitin-proteasome trail."

The _____ sequencer distinguish _____ motifs from _____ background conformations in that motifs are required to be present in several input strings and not _________ repeated in one string. When the length of the motif is increased what happens?


 Answer: The motif sequencer differentiate between accurate binding motifs and random conformations because these motifs must exist in all the input series and the motifs should not be repeated too many times in a single chain. The longer the motif is, the higher the levels of sequence recognition and selectivity, but it becomes rather difficult to discern and analyze the motifs.


 Which polymerase is initiated by the PF3 collection for the repair of DNA damage?


 Answer: This paper proves that PF3 collection initiates DNA polymerase for the repair of DNA damage. In particular, DNA polymerase III in bacteria or DNA polymerase ε and δ in eukaryotic cells are involved in the repair of DNA damage.


 Explain the meanings of the terms ‘coupled’ and ‘allied’ response.


 Answer: This means that two or more biological processes or reactions are connected so that the outcome of the first process affects the second, the second affects the third, and so on in a chain like manner. Allied response is a concept that encompasses processes which may act in synergy, or in close temporal association, to produce a particular biological effect and, whilst they may be sequential, this is not a necessary requirement.


 Justify the verdict below. Explain thoroughly.


 Verdict: It takes a short time if the DNA transmission is done in mutual consignments.


 Justification: In mutual consignments, or in parallel processing of samples or sequences, transmission and sequencing of DNA can be performed at the same time for different samples or sequences. This parallelization makes the total time taken to process the samples to be less than the time that would be taken when each sample is processed in isolation.


 Where are Decoy fragments which bind to Fas L found?


 Answer: Decoy fragments that bind to Fas L (Fas Ligand) are found on the cell surface or in the extracellular matrix. These decoy receptors are capable of binding to FasL so as to deny Fas L the chance of binding to its natural receptor thus preventing apoptosis.


 Of course, ________ are non-________ and the series is rather more randomized than ________.


 Answer: Of course, gene sequences are not identical and the series is not as regular as coding sequences series.


 To facilitate this, the trigger should be rendered for easy sequencing of the whole gene.


 Answer: The reason why it is easy to conduct sequencing of the entire gene is due to the fact that there are enhanced sequencing technologies that are in use today including a new generation sequencing (NGS) which is a high throughput and accurate method of sequencing the entire genome or gene.


 How is it that bacterial genome is having such a hard time being sequenced?


 Answer: Bacterial genomes is a challenge due to size, the complexity and the high level of repeats and hence, their sequencing is challenging. Also, the differences in GC content and the presence of mobile elements are other factors that may affect the sequencing process.


 Name one Ubiquitin activating enzyme and explain the whole process.


 Answer: The E1 enzyme or also known as Ubiquitin-activating enzyme is the first enzyme involved in the starter step of the Ubiquitination process. The mechanism involves:


 Activation: Ubiquitin is first activated by E1 in an ATP-dependent manner, and then forms a ubiquitin-E1 complex.

 Conjugation: Activated ubiquitin is then passed over to an E2 enzyme (Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme).

 Ligation: The E3 enzyme (Ubiquitin ligase) helps in the process of transferring of Ubiquitin from E2 to target protein and this attachment is covalent in nature.

 Polyubiquitination: The protein can be tagged with multiple ubiquitin molecules in order to form a polyubiquitin chain which targets the protein to be degraded by the proteasome. 

 True or false? A moving target for anticancer drugs is the Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway.


 Answer: True. The Ubiquitin-proteasome system is one of the most promising targets for anticancer drugs because it controls protein degradation and turnover that is a critical factor in cell cycle and apoptosis. The normal functioning of this system can have impact on cancer cell survival and growth.

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