Published on: August 19, 2024
Hello Tutor, based on the above video link and the case study below kindly answer the following questions.
These chromosomes not only contain code for genetic characteristics, they also contain something of a genetic fingerprint of the parents in each child. That's why two siblings, born of the same two parents, will share a considerable amount of chromosomal data.Cousins, too, share chromosomal data, just not as much. The fingerprint has, essentially, been diluted. As you move back in time to grandparents and great grandparents and great great grandparents, and then down other branches of the tree to first cousins, second cousins, third cousins, fourth cousins, and so forth, less and less of the DNA sequences will match.The reason you need to understand a bit about chromosomes is that you're about to make a decision: Which test type do you choose? That's next.Generally, there are three different test types: Autosomal, Y-DNA, and mtDNA.Today, autosomal tests are the most common. They can be administered to both men and women, and trace back through the lineage of both sexes.The Y-DNA test can only be administered to men, and traces DNA back through the patrilineal ancestry (basically from father to grandfather to great grandfather).
1. ________ sequencing is the mechanism of identifying the ________ order of ________ in a ________ molecule. Determine the applicable mechanisms therein.
2. Identify the alternative for forecasting genes from an emergent gene. What is the condition necessary for the sequence here for this alternative to be effective?
3. Why is it necessary for promoter-probe vectors to apply identical species as host for the vector whose DNA is to be broadcasted?
4. If the query sequence is shorter than 100kbp, what can be applied?
5.What does Glimmer denote? How many phases does this computation entail?
6. Falsify or validate the following inference.
Terminus-marked DNA sequencing is recognized as dideoxy mechanism of sequencing.
7. How many fragments are applied in cleaving the terminal marked fragment?
8. Constraint ingestion is the only mechanism to attain sequencing via the Maxem and Gilbert method. Determine whether the deduction is true or false.
9. From chain termination, determine the fundamental base-specific cleavage spots applicable in Maxem and Gilbert mechanism.
10. The Shine-Dalgarno chains within the locality of foreseen start spots are sought by the RBS finder which is a UNIX database that uses the prediction output from Glimmer.
Justify the inference."
1. Sequencing Mechanism
Question: ________ sequencing is when one defines the ________ sequence of ________ within a ________ molecule. If you’ll find them, look for the mechanisms therein by which such alternatives are discovered.
Answer: Sequencing is the determination of the order of nucleotides in DNA molecule. The Sanger (dideoxy) sequencing is one of the possible techniques alongside with the Next-Generation Sequencing or NGS for short.
2. Alternative for Forecasting Genes
Question: Find out what other method can be employed in order to make an emergent gene to be fore casted. But what is the condition necessary for the sequence here to make proper this circumstance, for this option to make sense?
Answer: As for the prediction of the genes from an emergent gene, it is better to make Gene Prediction by computational methods like Glimmer or AUGUSTUS. The only limitation is that for right inference of gene roles, the sequence needs to be very well annotated or needs to be compared with other sequences.
3. Promoter-Probe Vectors
Question: What has lead to this necessity that promoter-probe vectors must employ species same as hosts of the vector containing DNA to be broadcasted?
Answer: The reason why same species of the promoter-probe vectors is that the promoter sequences are locked to the hosts transcription machinery to produce an accurate quantification as well as expression of the gene of interest. Different species have different ways of signalling genes, and so using the same species ensures volatility and reliability, respectively.
4. Query sequence shorter than 100000 basepairs
Question: Hence, what can be applied if the query sequence is less than 100kbp ?
Answer: For sequences of less than 100Kbp some of the many algorithms like the BLAST or other sequence alignment soft wares can be used to align like sequences and make predictions of its function based on the homologous sequences.
5. Glimmer
Question: What does Glimmer symbolize,? In how many phases is the process of the following computation performed
Answer: Glimmer is an application that is employed in annotation of genomes for the intention of identifying genes in the genomic arrangements. It generally entails three phases: It is made of three modules namely (1) Training, (2) Gene Prediction, and (3) Evaluation.
6. Dideoxy Sequencing
Question: Test the validity of the inference stated below. The method of sequencing that is based on the dideoxy synthesis is also referred as Terminus-marked DNA sequencing.
Answer: Validate. This method of sequencing uses dideoxynucleotides to terminate DNA synthesis at a certain point and so can be used to sequence fragments.
7. Number of fragments on terminal – marked fragment
Question: How many fragments is used to cleave the terminal marked fragment?
Answer: In Sanger sequencing the given structure to each DNA fragment is so designed to yield four different fragments each of which would terminate with one of the four dideoxynucleotide-AMPs: A, T, C, G and with the purpose of sequencing the original DNA.
8. In addition, constraint ingestion and the Maxem Gillebert method were presented.
Question: Warning: there is no other way of attaining sequencing than through constraint ingestion of the Maxem and Gilbert method. Decide whether the statement is true or false or a deduction.
Answer: False. Hence, the essence of the Maxam-Gilbert method is the chemical degradation of DNA, and not constraining ingestion. They are distinct from restrictions in that they involve cleaving of DNA molecules at specific bases.
9. Fundamental Base-Specific Cleavage Spots
Question: Other from chain termination, infer rules of base-specific cleavage sites that could be used in the Maxem and Gilbert mechanisms.
Answer: In maxim-Gilbert method basic base specific cleavage sites are G (guanine), A (adenine), C (cytosine and T (thymine) with the help of different chemicals make the nick in the DNA at these base sites.
10. Our Shine-Dalgarno chains as well as RBS Finder
Question: SGR_There is Guidance of Shine Dalgarno sequences with the Locality of foreseen start codons which is wanted by the RBS finder this is a UNIX database based with the results of Glimmer. Justify the inference.
Answer: Justify. Shine-Dalgarno sequence is required for bacterial translation initiation and is identified by RBS Finder depending on Glimmer prediction to indicate the sites of RBS near start codons in bacterial genomes.
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