1. The minute hand of a clock moves from 12 to 4 o'clock or 1/3 of a complete revolution. Through how many degrees does it move? Through how many radians does it move? 2. A lawn sprinkler rotates through an angle of 1350 and projects water over a dist

Homework math

I need someone that do ALL the exercises that are on my account of mymathlab.com. I provide 2 apps that have ALL the ANSWERS. I don’t have time to put those answers on the account

Math and stats


 Unlocked: Thursday, December 13, 2018 11:19 AM EST - Thursday, March 28, 2019 11:59 PM EDT.Subscribe


Do a little research to find a mathematician who made a significant contribution to statistics or probability. Summarize his or her contribution in a short paragraph.  Please cite your source for full credit by including a link directly to the information. THIS MUST BE A LIVE, DIRECT LINK!!!!

Using the 4 properties for a binomial experiment, create a binomial experiment. Your example MUST be different from any already given

Simple calculation

You are the medical provider working in family practice. You just saw a child with an ear infection. You need to calculate the dose of amoxicillin suspension in mLs for otitis media for a 1-yr-old child weighing 22 lb. The dose required is 80 mg/kg/day divided BID (twice daily) and the suspension comes in a concentration of 400 mg/5mL.


Assignment 1: LASA 2: Exponential Growth

In Module 4, you were introduced to the concept of exponential functions that can be used to model growth and decay. Recall what you learned in The Number e lecture. In this exercise, you will use a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to calculate the exponential growth of a population of your choosing. (If you use the linked spreadsheet below, it is recommended that you consider relatively small populations and not those of entire nations.)

Click here to open the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that you will use to perform the calculations for this assignment.

In the spreadsheet, perform the following operations:

Input a population value into the box next to Initial Population on the spreadsheet. This population should be anything such as the people, animals, microorganisms, or plants.

Input a rate of growth for your population into the box next to Rate 1. Since we are interested in a positive annual percent growth rate per year, this number should be greater than zero percent. Be sure to input this number in the form of a decimal.

Repeat the above procedure for Rate 2 and Rate 3. Make sure that the values you select differ by two percent. For example, the values 0.01, 0.03, and 0.05 would be good choices.

Under the Time (years) column, input three different year values. Make sure that your values increase by a minimum of ten years. For example, 10, 20, 30 years would be good choices. If you want to see a more dramatic change, select a longer time frame such as 10, 50, and 100 years.

When you input all of your data, you’ll see that the spreadsheet has performed the calculations for the future size of each population, rate of growth, and time interval. Additionally, this information will be presented graphically in the chart. To draw an exponential curve for each series, do the following:

     Right click on the middle point for one of the series of points on the chart.

     Click on add trendline.

     Under Trendline Options, select Exponential.

     Click Close

     Repeat these steps for the other series.

Now that you’ve completed your analysis, it is now time to report the results and examine your findings.

In a Microsoft Word document, respond to the following:

Calculate what the future size of the population will be, given a specific initial population, rate of growth, and time interval.

Use the exponential equation: Future value = Present value * exp(rt)

exp is the base ""e""

r = annual rate of growth expressed as a percent

t = years

Note: The spreadsheet performed these calculations for you, so you can check the answer you obtain with those in the spreadsheet. In order to perform this calculation, you’ll need to have access to a scientific calculator that will have an ex button in order to perform the exp(rt) calculation. There are a number of free scientific calculators available over the Internet. Additionally, all smartphones have calculator apps that have a scientific mode. Check with your instructor for a list of currently available free options if you do not own a scientific calculator.

Repeat the calculation for at least two other values of t; make sure they are at least two years apart from one another. Use the same values you input into the spreadsheet and compare the answers you obtain to those that appear in the spreadsheet.

Repeat the calculations using two more selections of population growth rate; ensure that each population growth rate is at least two percent different than the others. Use the same values you input into the spreadsheet and compare the answers you obtain to those that appear in the spreadsheet.

Examine the graph that your spreadsheet produced based upon the calculations. Did this graph consist of straight lines or curved lines? Describe the shape of these lines for each growth rate. How did they differ? Why?

  Explain the implications of growth rate for your population. What do you think will happen over a long period of time if a given population of organisms is allowed to increase without limits? Are there environmental factors that keep populations from growing exponentially unchecked? What would be the impact on environmental resources?

Explain the likelihood of your results. Would it be expected that the percent growth rate would stay constant over long periods? Is exponential growth an appropriate assumption for long periods? If not, what other changes in population size might be expected?

For this assignment, you will submit a spreadsheet and a report. The spreadsheet will be the Microsoft Excel file containing your analysis. Name your Microsoft Excel file as follows: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.xls.

The report will be a Microsoft Word document in which you will address all of the questions in this assignment in the form of a narrative. Name your Microsoft Word document as follows: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.docx.

Submit both documents to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned


Assignment 2: Use and Misuse of Percentages

One of the concepts you encountered in the readings this module was how to recognize the use and misuse of information presented in the form of percentages. In this discussion assignment, you will conduct an Internet search to find several examples of the use of percentages. These can be examples of percentages used in advertising claims, reported results from a study, or information shared by a government agency.

In a minimum of 200 words, post to the Discussion Area your response to the following:

Find an example of two of the following types of usage of percentages.

Use of percentages as a fraction. Remember that this type will use the word of to imply multiplication. Explain whether this was an effective way to represent this information within the context of the example you found.

Use of percentages to describe change. In the example you find, determine whether the reported percentage demonstrated absolute or relative change. Show your work. Explain whether this was an effective way to represent this information within the context of the example you found.

Use of percentages for comparison. In the example you find, determine whether the reported percentage demonstrated absolute or relative change. Show your work. Explain whether this was an effective way to represent this information within the context of the example you found.

Now, find an example of two of the following misuses of percentages.

Use of a shifting reference value. In this situation, the base values are changing as differing values of percentages are applied as increases, decreases, or both. Percentage increases, decreases, or both do not have a cumulative effect. Be sure to demonstrate why your example fits this category.

Use of percentage to represent less than nothing. Look for an example where you are seeing a reduction of some percentage greater than 100. Be sure to demonstrate why your example fits this category.

Situation where the average percentage is reported. In general, you can not average percentages. The result isn’t representative of what actually has occurred in the situation in question. Be sure to demonstrate why your example fits this category.

By the due date assigned, post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Through the end of the module, review the postings of your peers and respond to at least two of them. Consider commenting on the following:

Examine each example that the student provided. Did these examples sufficiently demonstrate the ways that percentages are used and misused? Explain.

 What have you learned regarding the necessity of carefully examining the percentages reported in advertising, news media, government reports, etc.?

Article (2)

This assignment requires that you critique a recent article (2005-2011) from Teaching Children Mathematics. Choose an article related to teaching elementary school mathematics or one related to diagnosing student learning.

Follow the below format:

1. Author and title of article (APA Formate)

2. Purpose of the article: Why did the author write the article?

3. Summary of the article. In your own words what did the author really say?

4. Critique: Evaluate the article from the point of view of an elementary school teacher. Is the information potentially useful or not?

Paper needs to be 2-3 pages please attach the article

Article (1)

This assignment requires that you critique a recent article (2005-2011) from Teaching Children Mathematics. Choose an article related to teaching elementary school mathematics or one related to diagnosing student learning.

Follow the below format:

1. Author and title of article (APA Formate)

2. Purpose of the article: Why did the author write the article?

3. Summary of the article. In your own words what did the author really say?

4. Critique: Evaluate the article from the point of view of an elementary school teacher. Is the information potentially useful or not?

Paper needs to be 2-3 pages please attach the article


Three page essay about how Partial Differential Equation use in Physics, more specifically like how to use heat equation to solve some physics cases. The essay must include at least one significant proof(proof a theorem)


Which is the coefficient in the expression (3x5)+4x