The only thing that is constant is change

You may have heard the saying, “The only thing that is constant is change.” Paying attention to the change all around you can help you to better understand your world. For this week’s Exploration Problem, you will use estimation techniques to identify how a topic of your interest has changed and is changing over time.

Choose a topic of interest where you can see a change.

· Review almanacs, newspapers, magazines, or search on the Internet to find two graphs from the topic of interest you have chosen that show data changing from year to year that you find interesting. Choose mathematical models in the form of graphs: In one graph, the data values should be increasing relatively steadily. In the second graph, the data values should be decreasing relatively steadily. Include the images of your graphs. You may insert the image into a Microsoft Word document. Make sure one is showing an increase and one is showing a decrease.

Cite the resources from where the graphs came from.

Create a 1- to 2-paragraph summary including the following:

An explanation of the topic you chose and the data that has changed from year to year that you find interesting A description of the mathematical models, in the form of graphs, used to demonstrate how the data has changed

A justification of why you think things are changing An explanation of how you think this change might affect you in the near or distant future A prediction about what might occur in the future An identification and presentation of any circumstances that might affect the accuracy of the prediction


Unit 10 Submission Assignment Answer Form

Data Modeling

ALL questions below must be answered. Show ALL step-by-step calculations. Upload this modified Answer Form to the intellipath Unit 10 Submission lesson. Make sure that you submit your work in a modified MS Word document; handwritten work will not be accepted. If you need assistance, please contact your course instructor.

Graphs and charts allow consumers of information to quickly read, interpret, and analyze data through visual representations. In this assignment, you will interpret, analyze, and create different types of graphs to accurately represent data. 

1. Describe the purposes of three different types of data visualizations (graphs and charts). Provide an example of a realistic data set that would be displayed well with each type of graph or chart. (Do not include the graphs or charts).

Purpose of Bar Graphs

and Data Example

(5 points)


Purpose of Pie Charts

and Data Example

(5 points)


Purpose of Line Graphs

and Data Example

(5 points)


2. The members of a family of four (two parents and two children) are trying to be more conscious of their water usage. To find opportunities where they might make the most impact, they researched the average household water consumption for various uses. They already have a new house with efficient appliances, which will decrease water usage for the dishwasher and clothes washer. Help them determine where they can make the most impact with their water usage.

Type of Use

U.S. Average Consumption of Water

Parent 1



Parent 2



Child 1



Child 2










36 gallons per bath








5 gallons per minute







Teeth Brushing

0.5 gallon per minute








1 gallon per minute







Dish Washer**

6 gallons per load







Clothes Washer**

25 gallons per load







Toilet Flush

1.6 gallons per flush







Drinking Water

8 ounces per glass







Outdoor Watering

2 gallons per minute







Grand Total








a. Analyze the family’s water consumption based on the data that you have collected.

What type of chart or graph would you use to compare individual family members’ daily water usage? 


(5 points)

Use MS Excel to create the chart or graph that was selected above. Use appropriate labeling.

(Copy and paste the graph here.) (5 points)

Rank the family members in order of their daily water usage.

Who can impact the family’s water consumption the most?

(5 points)

What type of chart or graph would you use to compare the different types of water consumption to the total weekly usage for the top two family members? 


(5 points)

Use MS Excel to create the chart or graph that was selected above. Use appropriate labeling.

(Copy and paste the graph here.) (5 points)

Based on the graph that you just created above, summarize what you can determine about the types of water usage for the top two family members. 

(5 points)

What recommendation can you make to decrease the overall water consumption? 

(5 points)

3. Use the table of monthly expenses below for the following questions:







6-Month Total

































































What type of chart or graph would you use to visualize a comparison of each expense in relation to the 6-month total?


(5 points)


Use MS Excel to create the chart or graph that was selected above. Use appropriate labeling.

(Copy and paste the graph here.) (5 points)

Summarize what you can determine about the monthly expenses based on the graph that you created. 

(5 points)


Some of the expenses remain constant, whereas other expenses vary each month. 

What type of chart or graph would you use if you wanted to visualize the monthly trends for the expenses that change each month? 


(5 points)


Use MS Excel to create the type of chart or graph that was selected above for one of the expenses that vary: water, electricity, groceries,or gas. Use appropriate labeling.

(Copy and paste the graph here.) (5 points)

Based on the graph that you just created above, which month had an outlier? 

What is a logical reason why this month’s expenses could have been outside of the normal range? 

(5 points)


4. Graphs and charts can help others interpret and understand data. However, data are sometimes displayed in ways that can manipulate the meaning or emotions behind the data. Describe one possible way that this could happen. (10 points)

Disc 5

Imagine using math to explain how you know your friends and acquaintances. Were any of the people in your life introduced to you through another friend or acquaintance?

In this Discussion, you will create a visual representation that models relationships similar to the “six degrees of separation” as presented in your readings.

Chapters 14, paying special attention to the beginning of Section 14.1.

Select a favorite television series, movie, or novel with an extensive cast of characters that you consider interesting. Determine a relationship that exists among some, but not all, of the characters.

Consider the following graph, which represents the one-way airfare between five cities.


a. First use a graph tool like Graph Creator to represent the information in the table. Use vertices to represent the cities and weights on appropriate edges to show the airfares.

b. Next, assume that you are a salesman who lives in one of the cities (pick any city except for A) and required to fly to all four of the other cities and return to your home city. Describe how you would use the Nearest Neighbor Method to determine the optimal route. What is the total cost for this Hamilton circuit?

Mathematician Discussion

Choose a mathematician, then research his/her life and accomplishments. Select one thing he/she is famous for that relates to at least one of the Learning Outcomes for this course (see attached document). 

Write a news article/blog using the “who, what, where, why, and how” method that makes a connection between the mathematician's accomplishment/publication and the necessary use of real numbers and arithmetic; polynomials and equations; or ratios, proportions, and percentages.

List the resources used at the end of your post using APA style.

Price Levels

Please respond to the following:

Select the areas of the price-setting process (define price window, set initial price, and communicate prices to market) that you believe to be the most important. Support your argument with evidence and/or examples.

classmate response: please respond to classmate post

In my opinion the price window is the most is the most important step of the price setting process. The overall goal is to set profit maximizing prices by capturing the appropriate amount of the differential value in each stage to affect the final price at each stage. The price window is set for every portion and characterized by the roof, the most noteworthy admissible value point, and the floor, the least allowable price point. We start the value setting process by building up the value window for every section and after that, in step two, a contract that window gave important destinations for the portion and potential client reactions to the new costs. So, setting the price range based on the differential value and the relevant cost is vital to the overall goal of maximizing your profit.

MATH Intermediate questions

1- Solve the problem.

The Corner Cafe has a replacement cost of $262,000 and is insured for $186,020 with an 80% coinsurance clause. The building has a fire loss of $24,300. How much will the insurance company pay?

Select one:

a. $24,300

b. $25,880

c. $21,566

d. $17,253

2- Find the amount paid by each insurance company. Assume that any coinsurance requirement is met.

Insurance loss: $15,000

Company A coverage: $90,000

Company B coverage: $30,000

Select one:

a. A pays: $11,250

B pays: $3750

b. A pays: $10,500

B pays: $4500

c. A pays: $15,000

B pays: $0

d. A pays: $13,500

B pays: $1500

3- Solve the problem.

A driver injures a bicycle rider. The driver has bodily injury limits of 15/30. In court, the injured rider is awarded damages of $19,000 Find the amount that the insurance company must pay and the amount that the insured must pay.

Select one:

a. $30,000, $0

b. $19,000, $0

c. $15,000, $4,000

d. $0, $15,000

4- Find the book value after the given number of years, using the straight-line method. Round your answer to the nearest dollar.

Find the book value at the end of the first year.

Cost: $4500

Estimated life: 5 years

Estimated scrap value: $700

Select one:

a. $3740

b. $2980

c. $3600

d. $760

7- Solve the problem. Round to the nearest dollar.

Rainbow Ice Cream bought a frozen custard maker that cost $6500. The expected life is 6000 hours of production with a salvage value of $650. Find the book value at the end of the third year. Use the units-of-production method of depreciation given the following production schedule.

 Year 1 1530 hours

 Year 2 1650 hours

 Year 3 1290 hours

Select one:

a. $2119

b. $4381

c. $1469

d. $1657

8- Solve the problem. Round to the nearest dollar.

Central Street bought a rolling machine that cost $76,000. The expected life is 700,000 hours of production with a salvage value of $7600. Find the book value at the end of the third year. Use the units-of-production method of depreciation given the following production schedule.

 Year 1 175,000 hours

 Year 2 171,000 hours

 Year 3 164,000 hours

Select one:

a. $51,000

b. $25,000

c. $20,629

d. $17,400

9- Find the annual straight-line rate of depreciation for the estimated life.

50 years

Select one:

a. 0.2%

b. 1.0%

c. 2.0%

d. 50%

10- Find the amount paid by each of the multiple carriers.

The Hamilton Race Track had a fire loss of $319,000. They had insurance as follows: company A $250,000,  company B, $200,000 ; and company C, $50,000. Find the amount paid by each carrier. Assume the coinsurance requirement is met.

Select one:

a. A pays: $127,600

B pays: $127,600

C pays: $63,800

b. A pays: $319,000

B pays: $0

C pays: $0

c. A pays: $159,500

B pays: $106,333

C pays: $53,167

d. A pays: $159,500

B pays: $127,600

C pays: $31,900

Math/Accounting assignment

Math/Accounting assignment with APA style of source,"Need someone familar with Zillow or another realtor site

Pls see attachment for assignment requirements and sample

Differential equations maple assignment. Nonlinear equations

1. a. Use Maple to find a general solution to example 2 from our Section 3.2 Notes.b. Now solve the same DE for the given initial conditions.c. Create a phase portrait showing the two solutions for the given initial conditions.

2. a. Repeat the three parts above for the DE b. Assuming this models a population, what is the carrying capacity of this population?

3. a. Solve the DE by hand (check your answer in the 10e solutions manual, section 3.2, number 3). Take a picture of your work and insert it in your Maple worksheet.b. Now use Maple to solve both generally and with the initial condition.c. Graph the particular solution in the DE’s field plot.d. Why/How does Maple’s solution differ (if it does at all) from the text’s solution?

Save your project as last name_first initial_Maple2 and upload to Canvas by October 23, 2019.**Be sure to make comments as you go through the problems, and answer any questions in the worksheet.

Linear Algebra Maple Project

Markov chains,i need someone to help me with Maple software.


Elizabeth runs a factory that makes DVD players. Each R80 takes 9 ounces of plastic and 2 ounces of metal. Each D200 requires 6 ounces of plastic and 6 ounces of metal. The factory has 408 ounces of plastic, 324 ounces of metal available, with a maximum of 24 R80 that can be built each week. If each R80 generates $7 in profit, and each D200 generates $1, how many of each of the DVD players should Elizabeth have the factory make each week to make the most profit? R80=? , D200=?, best profit=?

The sides of a nuclear power plant cooling tower form a hyperbola. The diameter of the bottom of the tower is 292 feet. The smallest diameter of the tower is 156 feet which is 366 feet above the ground. The tower is 528 feet tall.

Find the width of the tower at a height of 247 feet.