Deliverable 7: Presentation on Game Theory Applications


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability and skill in applying game theory to real world scenarios.


After working for 18 months in your analyst position at G&B Consulting, you are now being considered for a project manager position that would put you in charge of several team members. As part of the interview process, you have been asked to make a presentation to highlight what you think are the most compelling reasons you should get the position.

You are to put together a PowerPoint presentation that explains all of the key components that you feel will factor into why you should get the position.

What to Submit

To complete this assignment, you must first download the word document. Use the questions on the worksheet as your guide for the contents of your presentation.

Your step-by-step breakdown of the problems, including explanations and all work shown, should be present within the PowerPoint you create. If you use Excel for any of your calculations that file must also be included in the drop box. Do not submit the Word document with instructions.

Discrete Math Writing

Describe   a   variety   of   different   applications   of   the   Fibonacci   numbers   to   the   biological   and   the   physical   


Discrete mathematics

I need someone to complete a discrete mathematics problems 

(Counting, Combinations, and Permutations) The yellow highlighted area is the portion that needs answers completed. All the rest is just guidelines

Discussion 6

The discussion board this week draws upon the advanced work you've done in preparing for week 9. Public opinion polls are very common. The media makes regular use of this concept. We've all seen, and read the results.

Do we understand what the results mean?

Does it make a difference in what we do?

How we react?

The discussion question is: 

Quinnipiac University reported the results of a recent poll (February 20) for the pending 2020 Michigan Senatorial election race. Assume this for those most likely to vote. Here are the following results:

Peters (D)45%James (R)39%

Assume all of this was with a 4% margin of error. What does this mean to you? Why is the comment of those most likely to vote important?



Quinnipiac University reported the results of a recent poll (February 20) for the pending 2020 Michigan Senatorial election race. Assume this for those most likely to vote. Here are the following results:

Peters (D)


James (R)


Assume all of this was with a 4% margin of error. What does this mean to you? 

To start, let’s talk about what is margin of error. Margin of error tells you how many percentage points your real population value will differ (Statistics How To). For the discussion question, it says that our margin is 4%, that means that your results will be within 4 percent of the real population results. Below is broken down on what that means between Peter and James.


45% + 4%=49%



39%+4%= 43%

39%-4%= 35%

After reviewing over the results, in the beginning it was obvious that Peter was in the running with a 45% while James fell behind 6%. However, calculating the 4% margin error, results still indicate that Peter is still in the winning position if numbers were 4% lower or higher. James could fall close to Peter if his number of voter results were just a tad higher.

Why is the comment of those most likely to vote important?

The margin error of 4% is set to determine that 4% of citizens could not show to vote which could affect the results of the poll or those 4% will show up which will benefit the polls. Those likely to vote is very important because it can help determine the margin error percent each time there is a voting taking place. The results of the citizens and those who didn’t vote take into account for the next margin error percent, it’s how they determine what the results could have been if they had those other percent of citizens. Voting is important because it helps citizens make decisions for their state and who their governor will be.



Quinnipiac University reported the results of a recent poll (February 20) for the pending 2020 Michigan Senatorial election race. Assume this for those most likely to vote. Here are the following results:

Peters (D)45%James (R)39%

Assume all of this was with a 4% margin of error. 

What does this mean to you?

Based on the data above, a 4% margin of error would be calculated as follows. 

Peters - 45% (+-) 4% = 49% (High) or 41% (Low)

James - 39% (+-) 4% = 43% (High) or 35% (Low) 

There is a scenario where James beats Peters if he is High on the plus side, and Peters is low. Also the more votes James takes away from Peters, the higher the probability he comes to making that scenario a reality. 

 Why is the comment of those most likely to vote important?

The comment is important because it preliminarily determines which party has control of the Senate seats (in this case). Every state has two representatives in the Senate. Michigan has 14 representatives in the House. When it comes to the Presidential Election in 2020, the electoral college will represent the sum of the House and Senate. Depending on how the district's vote (Democrat or Republican) will determine if that presidential candidate has won the state. The Senate is automatic in the count of those delegates. 

Example: Michigan (as of now)

Senators - Debbie Stabenow (D) and Gary Peters (D)

2 electors that account for 2 (D) of the electoral college +14 Reps/Districts = 16 Electors 

Republicans (Trump) would need to win at least 9 districts to win the state in 2020 if Peters is re-elected to win the State come November.

7 Dem vs 9 Rep

The inverse is correct for the Democratic Candidate. Only because those two senate seats are already blue. Democrats would only need to win 7 Districts in November to win the States 16 Electoral College votes.

9 Dem v 7 Rep


Create a correctable code for a list of key words. Your task is to create an efficient, correctable code for a list that contains 20 key words. The words in your code will be represented as binary strings using only 0’s and 1’s. Stringent correctability requirements mean your code must have a minimum distance of 3.

- Create a code consisting of binary codewords.

- The code must meet three requirements

 -- Contain at least 20 codewords

 -- Have a minimum distance of 3 (explain why a min distance of 4 is no better than 3)

 -- Maintain efficiency by using the fewest number of bits per codeword as possible

- Clearly document and describe your code: what it is, why you chose it, etc.

- Discuss how topology relates to the selection of your code and the Hamming metric

Exam - quantitive analysis

You will be expected to Solve word problems as described on handout from class Solve linear equations or inequalities (with and without absolute values) Solve quadratic equations Graph linear equations, inequalities and quadratic equations (maybe piecewise) Solve systems of linear equations (any method) Determine whether a graph represents a function Evaluate a function Write the equation for deprecation/appreciation Law of Demand and Supply: Know definitions and characteristics (slope) Find the market equilibrium Cost, Revenue and Profit: Find the equations for Cost (fixed and variable), Revenue and Profit Know the definition of marginal cost/revenue/profit Find marginal cost/revenue/profit Find the breakeven point Maximizing or minimizing cost/revenue/profit Graph the solution to a system of linear inequalities.



1. Post a Discussion for 4A & 4B then respond to 3 students per post so 3 for Discussion 4A and 3 for Discussion 4B. When responding to students ALL replies MUST follow C3G: compliment, connect, and question. Ensure appropriate capitalization and punctuation. (Look at Discussion Posts for more info)

- For Discussion 4A Section(s)/ Topics;

Chapter 5- Number Theory


-5.2 The Integers

-5.3 The Rational Numbers

-5.5 Real Numbers and Their Properties

-5.6 Rules of Exponents and Scientific Notation

Chapter 6- Algebra


-6.1 Order of Operations

-6.2 Linear Equations in One Variable

-6.4 Applications of Linear Equations of One Variable

Chapter 13- Statistics


-13.4 Measures of Central Tendency

-For Discussion 4B Thoughts on Videos? they mean Lecture Videos

2. Exam #1- Due 

You will have 90 minutes to complete the exam; there are NO RETAKES OR DO-OVERS so please be careful and take your time. NO EXCEPTIONS! It will cover;

Chapter 5- Number Theory


-5.2 The Integers

-5.3 The Rational Numbers

-5.5 Real Numbers and Their Properties

-5.6 Rules of Exponents and Scientific Notation

Chapter 6- Algebra


-6.1 Order of Operations

-6.2 Linear Equations in One Variable

-6.4 Applications of Linear Equations of One Variable

Chapter 13- Statistics


-13.4 Measures of Central Tendency",#######********?

Maths,"Objectives: Students in MTH 154 are required to:

Use mathematical methods of analysis to understand the requirements of a problem, create an equation or program that allows prediction and interpretation of quantitative elements of the problem and solution (including limitations of each), and critique the resulting mathematical model for accuracy and validity.

Assemble measurements and data gathered into tables, displays, charts, and simple graphs.

Starting with a verbally described requirement, generate an appropriate mathematical approach to creating a useful mathematical model for analysis.

Project Directions:

This project will have more meaning to you the more it reflects your real life. However, I am not asking to provide me with your personal information. You can use this to create a budget for your future life based on your plans of a future job, future housing, expenses, etc. I assure you that, should you choose to include personal values, I will be assessing your work only on if it was accurately represented and interpreted. Please work to be realistic so you can gain from the experience. There will never be any judgement made on my part nor any information shared out.

 Construct a budget sheet that assists you in analyzing your financial status, set goals, make changes, whatever the case may be.

 Your sheet should address both regular and unexpected monthly expenses, necessities and luxuries, and any debts/savings plans.

 Your first sheet should create a baseline budget of your “current/future” expenses (list what you spend/think you will spend each month for each category without regard to if you balance) and then make adjustments to your allotments to create a balanced monthly and yearly budget or one that is more comfortable.

 Your second sheet should be a monthly tracking sheet for each category that tracks your expenses for one year and compares your actual expenses to your planned budget by category and month. In sheet two enter your first few months you have tracked and continue to track for the next few months.

 Sheet 3 will be your reflection as described below.

 Provide visually appealing formatting to allow for quick differentiation among the categories and for quick

location of individual budget items.

 Provide visually appealing and correct formatting to allow for ease of data entry without disrupting the form or

function of the budget. (What if electrical is $150 not $125 a month?)

 Accurately calculate your totals in each category in dollars and percentage of total. (So how much spent on

groceries in year?)

 Accurately calculate your final expenses and savings as new credits/debits are added to the table.

 Create one or two charts (graphs) on each sheet that show the budget trends such as expenses and deposits or

categories and months.

 You are required to review at least two classmates’ projects in Bb and post a substantive reply to each (5 points

for each reply). “Good Job” or “I didn’t think of that” will not do. You must post a follow-up question, an observation, make a suggestion, or apply some additional insight to what your classmate has posted. It is NOT your place to point out or correct errors. If you find an error that needs correcting, email your instructor for verification and the instructor will contact the student if your observation is correct

A drag race

A drag race was held with 20 contestants. The best time was 7.4 seconds, and the worst time was...",".    A drag race was held with 20 contestants. The best time was 7.4 seconds, and the worst time was 10.3 seconds. Only half of the contestants advance to the final race. Which measure of central tendency should be used to calculate the cutoff time for the final race?


Discussion - Mathematical Induction,"Respond to the following prompts in 200 or more words:

 What is mathematical induction? How might it be useful when analyzing problems? What are its limitations? What do you still wonder about mathematical induction?


This report must include an introduction, summary text, tables, frequency distribution, line chart, histogram, etc. Define the level of measurement for each of the variables in your report.

Prepare a frequency distribution with 3 or more groups with the data.

Calculate percentages for the frequency distribution

Calculate descriptive statistics for the data below.

Write a summary about the data (At least two paragraphs)

Compute standard scores for the first and last observations

Describe the distribution for the data. 

Discuss the level of measurements and provide four examples for each measure.

Draw a normal curve and compute z-scores for the data.

Which test was the easiest?

Which test was the hardiest?

What is the 50th percentile for each test?

























































STD= 8.75
