MA 1025 MOD 1 DB

Part 1

Find and post an article (mathematical, statistical, etc.) that discusses a range of data. 

Describe the article and the range of data discussed in the article.

 Utilize interval notation to represent the data in your post.

Assignment 1 (Math418)

Write a complete set of proofs for Theorem 4.5 in the Croom book. 

- State the hypotheses

- State the conclusions

- Clearly and precisely prove the conclusions from the hypotheses

- Results presented earlier in the text may be used and must be clearly documented

A few notes about format: use Microsoft Word; use Equation Editor for all mathematical symbols, e.g. x ∈ X or Cl(A) ⋂ Cl(X-A); and use the fonts Cambria and Cambria Math in size 11 so your typed work is the same font as your equations.


Theorem 4.5: Let Abe a subset of a topological space X. (1)bdy . (2)bdy A, int A, and int (X\A) are pairwise disjoint sets whose union is X. (3)bdy A is a closed set. (4) = int A ∪ bdy A. (5)A is open if and only if bdy A ⊂ (X\A). (6)A is closed if and only if bdy A ⊂ A. (7)A is open and closed if and only if bdy A = Ø. Proof: Properties (1) through (4) follow immediately from the definitions. To prove (5), note that if A is open, then A = int A by Theorem 4.3, part (2). Since int A and bdy A are disjoint by (2), then A and bdy A are disjoint, so bdy A must be a subset of X\A. For the reverse implication, suppose bdy A ⊂ X\A. Then no point of A is a boundary point of A, so every point of A is an interior point. Thus A = int A, so A is open. Statement (6) follows from the duality between open sets and closed sets: A is closed if and only if X\A is open. By (5), this is equivalent to saying that or Statement (7) is proved by combining (5) and (6): A is both open and closed if and only if bdy A is contained in both A and X\A. Since A and X\A are disjoint, this occurs if and only if bdy A = Ø According to Theorem 4.5, the points of a subset A of a space X may be of two types, interior points and boundary points. The set A may have additional boundary points outside A, however; the union of all interior points and boundary points of A is . The points of X are of three non-overlapping types: (1) interior points of A, (2) interior points of X\A, and (3) boundary points of A, which are identical with the boundary points of X\A. (Of course, any of these three sets may be empty.) The following examples are an attempt to spare the reader some of the common misconceptions about boundaries and closures in metric spaces.

MLA 8th Edition (Modern Language Assoc.)

Croom, Fred H. Principles of Topology. Dover Publications, 2016.

APA 7th Edition (American Psychological Assoc.)

Croom, F. H. (2016). Principles of Topology. Dover Publications.


Watch the (click on -->) NOVA MATH DOCUMENTARY and write a review-report of length 700 word minimum to 1100 word maximum describing your viewpoint about the documentary. 

Everyone in the class has either completed or is taking an English composition class, so writing a college level assignment should be within every students capability. However I want to share some information that was written on the blackboard of a classroom.

Composition hints:

Introductory paragraph: Tell then what you are going to tell them.

Body of composition: Tell them.

Concluding paragraph: Tell them what you told them.

I often suggest that you write the body of the composition first, then write a three or so sentence introductory paragraph, and then write a three or so sentence concluding paragraph. Put them together in proper order, read it again, make any final corrections, and submit it. 

Please double space all submissions. MLA

Dollar Plan Assignment

files provided

- Instructions

- Answer Key

- Excel file that needs to be worked on


1 page, in-text citation, references include, APA format.

1.Compare and contrast CLUSTAL and MUSCLE in terms of how the generate an MSA

2.Define kmer. Then, generate all possible k-mers for this sequence

Half page Discussion

Describe the key features of the normal curve and explain why the normal curve in real-life distributions never matches the model perfectly. 

 Provide two examples of why this is especially true in medical statistics.

Research Designs

Research Designs

Researchers were interested in learning the effects of trans fats on levels of cholesterol in the blood. Two different research designs were constructed.

Between-Groups Design

In the between-groups design, researchers were interested in whether cholesterol levels would differ depending on diet. Twenty participants were randomly assigned to one of two different groups. Group A was assigned a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and with no trans fats. Group B participants were asked to follow their normal diets, which contained varying levels of trans fats depending on the individual. After one month, blood samples were drawn and the following levels of cholesterol were obtained

Math Discussion 8

Discussion Prompt:

Demonstrate and explain with words how to find the solutions of a quadratic equation using the Quadratic Formula.

 Create a new quadratic equation for your classmates to solve.


Solving a tax rate or interest rate problem using a system of,"Last year, Tony had $10,000 to Invest. He Invested some of It In an account that paid 5% simple Interest per year, and he Invested the rest in an account that

pald 9% simple Interest per year. After one year, he received a total of $820 In Interest. How much did he Invest In each account?

Note that the ALES graphing calculator can be used to make computations easier.

Statistical quality control

Use the files below

 Double Space, Undergraduate, MLA, Statistics 

 The required doc needed statistical quality analysis based off of charts and process capability and process stability charts as mentioned in the instruction doc. Also needed histograms based on the data and not a pie chart