Nursing Homework

What disciplines should the nurse interview or include in their research and planning sessions and why? 

  What terminologies should the nurse recommend and why? 

  What are the benefits of using standardized terminologies within the electronic health record? 

  What obstacles might the nurse informaticist encounter during the recommendation and/or implementation of these standardized terminologies?

Post discussion

What is the regulatory process for obtaining approval for a pedestrian walkway, and will regulatory agencies oversee this project? What is the estimated timeframe?

Week 3 discussion

View the TED Talk “5 Ways to Listen Better” by Julian Treasure (TEDGlobal, 2011). Next, complete the linked listening assessment. In light of Treasure’s talk, respond to the following questions:


  What do you find most interesting about the skill of listening?

  Do you agree with Treasure’s warning about the dangers of losing the ability to listen?

  What listening strategy presented by Treasure would you like to try?


Finally, in light of the assessment, share any personal listening goals you may have to improve your own listening skill. 

Be sure to respond to others. As a reminder, connect to a scholarly source beyond the TED Talk. 


TEDGlobal. (2011). 5 ways to listen better.

Week 4

Please provide the following information about your culture: Ancient Egypt

Beyond Assumptions

Examining the Subtleties of Heterosexism in Nursing,"Part 1: Unmasking the Microaggressions (300 words):


  Beyond Overt Bias: Differentiate between overt acts of discrimination and the insidious nature of microaggressions within heterosexism. Analyze personal observations or real-world examples (news articles, case studies) of seemingly harmless yet impactful microaggressions encountered by LGBTQIA+ individuals within healthcare settings.

  The Language of Exclusion: Deconstruct the power dynamics embedded in seemingly neutral language commonly used by healthcare professionals. Consider how assumptions about patients' relationships, family structures, or pronoun usage can subtly invalidate and alienate LGBTQIA+ individuals.

  Implicit Bias Blind Spots: Reflect on your own potential biases regarding LGBTQIA+ experiences. How might these biases, even if unintentional, influence your communication, care decisions, or interactions with patients or colleagues?


Part 2: Reframing Patient Experiences (300 words):


  Beyond the Medical Model: Move beyond a purely medical understanding of LGBTQIA+ healthcare needs. Explore the social, emotional, and psychological factors that may impact healthcare access and experiences for diverse LGBTQIA+ communities.

  Building Safe Spaces: Discuss strategies for creating a safe and inclusive healthcare environment for LGBTQIA+ patients. Consider steps like displaying affirming signage, employing inclusive language, and actively listening to and respecting individual needs and preferences.

  Going Beyond Cultural Competency: Analyze the limitations of traditional cultural competency training in addressing heterosexism in healthcare. Propose alternative approaches that emphasize LGBTQIA+ specific knowledge, sensitivity training, and ongoing self-reflection for healthcare professionals.


Part 3: Personal Commitment and Action (300 words):


  Challenging Internalized Bias: Reflect on your own journey in understanding and combatting heterosexism within yourself. Consider how continuous self-education, exposure to diverse narratives, and engaging in critical dialogue can contribute to personal growth and bias reduction

Case Study

Medical treatment against cultural beliefs,"Please read attached document completely, it has the case study itself.

Subject: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Power point presentation slides :Identify the benefits and risks of use.,Subject: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Power point presentation slides :Identify the benefits and risks of use.

Begin Research for Your Drug Project

You are to begin a bibliography review on your drug of choice (famotidine) for a PowerPoint Presentation  and Scholarly Writing Project.  

Review a minimum of five academic articles and begin to map out your research on the drug famotidine by creating a table that includes the information you found on famotidine including the author, the date, article name, location of the published source, and page number. 

The purpose is for you to educate your colleagues on the drug you have selected, famotidine. The project must include information about the:

· Drug pharmacology, pharmacokinetics

· Brand name

· Generic name

· Dosing

· Indications for use

· Side effects

· Contraindications

· Pregnancy class

· You must also perform a cost analysis of the drug.

· Provide a patient case study on a patient in which you would utilize the drug you have selected and include at least two peer-reviewed evidence-based studies related to the drug.

· Describe the appropriate patient education. 

· What is your role as a Nurse Practitioner for prescribing this medication to this patient on your case study presentation?

· Describe the monitoring and follow-up

Discussion: Practices in Other States

Choose a state and review the scope of practice for the advanced practice nurse. How does it compare to Florida?

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

Health care system

Nurses often become motivated to change aspects within the larger health care system based on their real-world experience. As such, many nurses take on an advocacy role to influence a change in regulations, policies, and laws that govern the larger health care system.