
For this Discussion, take a moment to consider your experience with quality and safety in your nursing practice. Reflect on your experience and consider how your role may support quality and safety measures.

Post a brief description of any previous experience with quality and safety. Then, explain how your role as the DNP-prepared nurse represents a function of quality and safety for nursing practice and healthcare delivery. Be specific and provide examples.

Use 3 references 

I attached references

6501 discussion

6501 Summer 2024

Week 1 Discussion Case

Dr. Holbrook


An 83-year-old resident of a skilled nursing facility presents to the emergency department with generalized edema of extremities and abdomen. History obtained from staff reveals the patient has a history of malabsorption syndrome and difficulty eating due to a lack of dentures. The patient has been diagnosed with protein malnutrition.

By Day 3 of Week 1

Post an explanation of the disease highlighted in the scenario you were provided. Include the following 5 points in your explanation, usually a paragraph with citation(s) should suffice to cover each point. Citations would reflect classroom textbook, primary, current peer-reviewed journal articles (published in last 5 yr.) usually, 3 references will support your points.


  The role genetics plays in the disease. (May or may not be applicable to patient. For example, protein malabsorption in elders does not have a genetic basis in this case).

  Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described.

  The physiologic response to the stimulus presented in the scenario and why you think this response occurred.

  The cells that are involved in this process.

  How another characteristic (e.g., gender, genetics, age) would change your response. i.e. What might be a characteristic influencing your response?


The scenario reflects this to be an unidentified race, so if this patient was African American would this create characteristics influenced by race? It may or may not just support your point with a citation. 

In this elderly female, there are several contributing factors for her presenting with these symptoms.

If you do not find any genetic factors contributing, provide a citation supporting this. As a student, be sure to support your points until you become the expert. Reading and providing rigorous, valid references starts the advanced practice journey from writing up a case study to actual patient management.

Policy nursing

Think about your own community.


  What types of disasters may impact your community? Hurricane

  What are some factors that might increase its risk of experiencing a disaster?

  Choose a specific disaster and prepare a plan for your immediate family in response to that disaster.

  Share your plan here

Nurse Recruitment & Retention Strategies

What strategies would you recommend your employer implement to improve staff nurse recruitment and retention? Why would these strategies be effective?

Nursing Clinical Assignment

Quality Improvement Project Part 1,"Goal: Identify, describe, and assess a clinical issue that to be addressed in your Quality Improvement Project

Institutional Ethics 2

Your health care organization has decided to undergo a major restructuring to better align with the new Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010. You have been tasked with developing a managed care organization (MCO) and health maintenance organization (HMO) that will have as its core mission the ethical treatment of patients in their health care needs. 


  Define and propose what structure your MCO/HMO will use to maximize the ethical delivery of health care to your patients.

  Research the library and other resources detailing best practices in MCO/HMO structuring to defend your answer

Institutional Ethics DB

You are the chief financial officer (CFO) of a home health corporation. You have been asked by the board of directors to develop an overview of the cost reimbursement available from private, state, and federal agencies for high-technology home care being delivered to the corporation's current patients. Discuss the following:

Investigate and predict what impact the baby boomers will have on this issue (including the understanding that since 2011 more than 10,000 people are applying for and receiving Medicare each month)

Critical Ethical Issues in Health Care 2

An Appalachian patient in your health care facility wishes to stop treatment for his stage 4 bone cancer. His family is adamant that he continue the treatments. There have been multiple incidents where the family has verbally abused the nursing staff for consenting to the patient's wishes. You decide to convene the ethics committee. 


  Using the ethical decision-making frameworks of your choice, how will you lead this committee?

  Who would you include in the committee?


Review the following resources for more information:

Evidence based practice vs quality improvement vs research evidence

Understand the key similarities and differences between research, QI, and EBP to determine the best approach to solve clinical issues.Draft a 4-paragraph narrative in APA format on how to differentiate between research evidence, QI, and EBP projects. Include a Title page, level 1 & level 2 headings, in text citations, and a Reference page with at least three (3) references.Search the literature, read research and non-research sources. Use in text citations for any information that is not common knowledge... if you just read new information, then use an in text citation. Do not write in the first person.Inclusion/Exclusion for References:Use the CINAHL and other databases to conduct a Literature Review to find articles from NURSING journals. Use only current articles from 2019 – present.Do Not use literature review article, systematic review article, or clinical protocols as a reference article.Cite the articles in the text and reference page

Assg wk 1

In my discussion, I wrote about surgical site infection and use of nursing informatics