DP 4

How does adolescent egocentrism influence adolescents’ peer and family relationships? Do you think adults fully grow out of adolescent egocentrism and personal fables? Why or why not?

The root of the black man’s hatred is rage

One half page only.

Profound Misunderstanding on the Root of Hatred in America

“The root of the black man’s hatred is rage, he does not so much as hate the white man as want them out of his way, and more than that out of his children’s way. The root of the white man’s hatred is terror. A bottomless and nameless terror, which focus on this dread figure, an entity which lives only in his mind.” James Baldwin

Directions: In a well organized essay, respond to the following prompt.


2.Agree/ Disagree

3.Why? Provide an example/s to support your thinking.

Be sure to:

- Include a clear topic sentence that addresses the prompt.

- Develop your ideas with relevant well chosen examples.

Organize ideas clearly and provide a concluding statement

EN 102 Comp Kim Woods

Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers. 


For our final week, please go back and look at the objectives for this course as outlined in the syllabus. Now, discuss your efforts and progress in meeting these objectives. Answer the following questions:

 What assignments, lectures, or discussions have been most meaningful to you in understanding the definitions and purposes of rhetoric?

 What assignments have helped you the most in finding and using sources?

 What assignments have been the most challenging?

 What does it mean to “be rhetorical”? Review the definition you wrote initially in the W1 discussion.

 Has your understanding of rhetoric changed during the last eight weeks? If so, how?

Understand that mastering writing is an ongoing process and is something every writer works on for the rest of his or her life. You don’t have to feel you’ve mastered it all now or even made tremendous strides (though it’s great if you have). However, an honest self-appraisal can show how far you’ve come and what areas to focus on, going forward.

Respond to two other posts from your classmates and/or instructor.

APA Essay w/ article

Please see attached. 

2 pages APA format with cover page and reference page (article attached)


The purpose of this assignment is to explore a critical concept in nursing. The student will be able to demonstrate application of information literacy and ability to utilize resources (library, writing center, Center for Academic Success [CAS], APA resources, Turnitin, and others) through literature search and writing the paper.Course outcomes:This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes. 

CO 2: Identify characteristics of professional behavior including emotional intelligence, communication, and conflict resolution. 

CO 3: Demonstrate information literacy and the ability to utilize resources.Due date:Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible: 150points 

Preparing the assignment:

Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

1)Locating Evidence

a.Using the University library, search for a recent ( published within the last five years) evidence-based article from a scholarly journal that addresses one of the topics listed. •Safety •Delegation •Prioritization •Caring

2)Include the following sections. 

a.Introduction - 20 points/13% 

•Clearly establishes the purpose of the paper 

•Includes key points to be covered 

•Captures the reader’s interest 

b.Body of Paper - 60 points/40%

•Complete, well-developed discussion of key points

•Supports the purpose or main idea of the paper

•Logical development of ideas with clear and accurate information

•Ideas and statements are supported by three or more examples from personal and/or professional experiences 

•Provides own perspectives on the topic that is reflective, insightful, and original

c.Conclusion - 30 points/20% 

•Clear and concise

•Summarizes key points discussed in the paper

•Leaves a strong impression, message, or idea on the reader 

d.Writing Style - 15 point/10% 

e.Correct use of standard English grammar, paragraph, and sentence structure

f.No spelling or typographical errors

g.Organized around required components

h. Information flows in a logical sequence that is easy for the reader to follow

i.APA Format, and References - 25 points/17% •There is correct and appropriate use of margins, spacing, font, and headers

•Document setup includes title and reference pages in correct APA format

•Citation of sources included in the body of the paper uses correct APA format for direct and indirect quotes

•All elements of each reference are included in the correct order

•All information taken from the source, even if summarized, is cited and listed on the Reference page

•All sources used are nursing journals published within the last five years

Week 3 discussion

How are morality and religion similar and how are they different?

 Discuss how your religious beliefs, or lack thereof, have shaped your own morality.

 What is natural law theory? How does it compare to religion?

 What criteria did Thoreau argue must exist before engaging in civil disobedience?



One of the most important points that we have learned so far is that 20th century East Asia has been deeply impacted by the influence of external actors. Reflecting on this foreign impact, please pick one moment/event when, in your opinion, foreign influences have most significantly shaped the evolution of the regional system. In your answer, please address the following points:

 Briefly explain the event and its circumstances

 What were the actors involved? And how did foreign influences manifest?

 What were the implications in the short and long-term?

 What is the significance of this event to the current International Relations of East Asia?

Your response must contain a minimum of 500 words and at least 1 citation from a relevant and reliable source (No Wikipedia or unreliable websites). Please remember to properly cite the sources using Chicago Style (No random links


1. Do you like or dislike catfish? 2. You’re concerned about the stock market, aren’t you? 3. Tell me about General Electric. 4. Tell me about your trip to the Normandy beaches; were they different than you expected? 5. Did you like the band concert? 6. (asked during a recruiting interview) Are you a registered Republican or Democrat? 7. Would you label yourself as a genius? 8. (asked of a student) Do you want to fail my class? 9. Did you join the Air Force ROTC to become a fighter pilot? 10. Tell me about LaSalle and the courses you are taking

Critical Thinking Journal #1

Each chapter 1-5 of the common reader, ""A More Beautiful Question"" by Warren Berger, has its independent titles, yet within each, there is a question that addresses a different question. The general initial questions (in this book) requesting a response or being responded to are What If, Why, Why Not, How ?

So, what if ? why ? why not?, how ? is your Beautiful Question? Upon reading each chapter's content, WHAT challenge does the content raise for you and what question(s) does it challenge you to seek information and an answer for?

It could be your own question, it could be a question proposed by the author. You decided.

TASK: Journal 1 : "" The Power of Inquiry ""

After reading pages 1- 39 of A More Beautiful Question, Warren Berger, talk about any thoughts, experiences, knowledge you have that corresponds to those of the author. What insights do you have about his information? What has peaked your interest on these pages ?  

Write up to (2) pages, DOUBLE SPACED in TIMES NEW ROMAN, 12 FONT ""ONLY"" !!  This is NOT A Book Report. Do not regurgitate the author's information ( unless you are using it to express a point ). Apply your thoughts, experiences, etc... Critically think it out and write it out. No judgements ! 

Your papers should ONLY BE titled as : Last name, First initial, Journa


Imagine you are a psychiatrist who has conducted a series of interviews with Oedipus. In a well-developed paragraph, write what you consider to be a professional assessment of his character and condition, giving recommendations for future treatment. (200 words)

Informative speech


Students are to present an informative speech on a current, controversial topic of state, regional, national, or international importance. The topic should be one about which the class needs to be informed. The speech should present a balanced (i.e., unbiased) presentation of both sides of the topic. 


5-6 minutes (30 seconds grace period - under or overtime)

If you are severely over or under the time limit (one minute or more), your speech grade will be penalized.

Required Materials:  

A complete preparation outline, visual aid, and bibliography are required.

 Outline: Use Mrs. Miller's Preferred Outline


     Be sure that you support each point that you make with evidence and reasoning. If you need to jog your memory, please refer to the previous chapters we have studied. Do not include your bibliography on your outline. It is a separate assignment.



 Visual Aid: Click here to see specifics regarding Visual Aids. This will be a PowerPoint presentation delivered during the speech.

 Bibliography: A bibliography of sources (in proper APA style bibliographic form) used in the speech must accompany this speech. Click here to learn how to cite sources in APA style. Types of sources are books, periodicals, interviews, websites, and so forth. 

 For a grade of ""A,"" at least eight (8) sources should support your speech. Be sure to use different supporting material types (online periodical, books, pamphlets, interviews, credible websites, and so forth). The supporting material (sources) should be indicated and highlighted out to the side of where you used them on the outline submitted to the instructor (example: CNN.com, childabuse.org, and so forth). You will also indicate your complete bibliographic citation on a separate bibliography assignment.


Speak in extemporaneous mode. You should have note cards to use to jog your memory.

Do not forget to cite your sources in your speech presentation. For instance, ""According to CNN news online,"" or ""These statistics came from USA today online."" You need to include this information in your speech as you deliver it. I even ask that you write it into your outline in parentheses (highlighting it in yellow) so you know where the information was found. [Example: B. Types of Skin Cancer (WebMD.com)]

Construct a makeshift podium/lectern by using a table, bookcase, or clothes basket with a sheet over it.

Wear Professional Dress

The other students delivering speeches, along with your instructor, will serve as your audience

Specifics about Your Visual Aids:

 There is information about your PowerPoint Visual Aid (VA) that is due for your Informative and Persuasive Speeches in Chapter 11.

 You will need a minimum of three PowerPoint slides for each of your Informative and Persuasive Speeches.

 Eight slides are the maximum for your VA.

 Be sure you have a blank slide at the beginning and end of your speech.

 You will only show your slide when you are referring to it in your speech presentation.
