Professional Development

 Write a 500-word APA reflection essay of your experience with the Shadow Health virtual assignment(s). At least two scholarly sources in addition to your textbook should be utilized. Answers to the following questions may be included in your reflective essay:


      What went well in your assessment?

      What did not go so well? What will you change for your next assessment?

      What findings did you uncover?

      What questions yielded the most information? Why do you think these were effective?

      What diagnostic tests would you order based on your findings?

      What differential diagnoses are you currently considering?

      What patient teaching were you able to complete? What additional patient teaching is needed?

      Would you prescribe any medications at this point? Why or why not? If so, what?

      How did your assessment demonstrate sound critical thinking and clinical decision making?

Conflict Resolution

Shadow Health Reflection: Musculoskeletal and Neurological : Review transcripts attached,"Complete the ShadowHealth


If a fellow employee tells you a joke about gays during your lunch break, how would you react? Why?"

If a fellow employee tells you a joke about gays during your lunch break, how would you react? Why?"

HDS Case Assignment 3

I need complete 2-3 pages paper on the following assignment. HALF PAGE LENGTH IS NOT ACCEPTED. Must address the all steps properly.  Must include 3 credible references from required readings and cited in APA.  Must provide 100% original work.DO NOT PROVIDE THE PREVIOUSLY USED WORK.DO NOT WRITE QUESTIONS IN ANSWER!

Identify Different Vulnerable Populations At RISK For different PregAncy Related"

Identify Different Vulnerable Populations At RISK For different PregAncy Related"

Groups Likely to Experience Complication During The Pregnant Period

 Adolescents (Teen Pregnancy):


 Risks: Increased predisposition to preterm delivery, LBW, anemia, and PIH. It also noted that social acceptances may influence adolescent mothers and they are likely to have poor prenatal services, high postnatal depression among others.

 Considerations: Prenatal care simply means attending antenatal clinics at the right time and receiving proper education on nutrition, take of prenatal vitamins, and conduct during pregnancy.

 Low Socioeconomic Status:


 Risks: Low health literacy and inadequate health care, poor diet, propensity for substance use, and results such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and premature labor.

 Considerations: Some of the important categories of service include; health care services-availing health facilities at an affordable price is of uttermost importance, nutritional services-foods assistance including food stamps is also very important, and support services including job training and employment services.

 Women with Chronic Health Conditions (e. g. , diabetes, hypertension, obesity):Women with Chronic Health Conditions (e. g. , diabetes, hypertension, obesity):


 Risks: Enhance the likelihood of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, cesarean section, and preterm labor. There are also certain long term illnesses, which become aggravated by pregnancy.

 Considerations: Pregnancy planning and the coordination of the treatment and the management of the diseases and other complications must become a critical priority for women.

 Racial and Ethnic Minorities:


 Risks: Higher maternal mortality, preterm birth, and low birth weight: disparities in maternal health outcomes. It may be attributed to various factors such as discriminations in the real world, prejudices, and limited access to quality healthcare services.

 Considerations: Thus, increasing culturally competent care, advocacy, and policies to decrease disparities in maternal care are required to enhance the examination’s findings in these groups.

 Rural Populations:


 Risks: Fewer opportunities to receive prenatal care, higher maternal and infant mortality, more chances for pathable pregnancy as the care is sought later.

 Considerations: Some of the interventions, which the government can approve to enhance the delivery of care in the centers include; telemedicine facilities, transport, and spread care.

 Women with Substance Use Disorders:Women with Substance Use Disorders:


 Risks: Prerequisite to preterm birth, low birth weight, NAS, and developmental nexlessness of the neonate. Substance use also raises the chances of pregnancy complications such as placental abruption.

 Considerations: Cobraded substance use treatment, mental health, and prenatal care services are required to enhance the mother and baby’s health.

 Older Pregnant Women (Advanced Maternal Age):Older Pregnant Women (Advanced Maternal Age):


 Risks: Chromosomal anomalies (for instance, Down syndrome), preeclampsia, diabetes during pregnancy, and complications during childbirth, that is, operative delivery.

 Considerations: It is wise to have preconception consultation, genetic testing, and antenatal care greatly to enhance and control the complications that are faced with older women during pregnancy.

 Women with a History of Pregnancy Complications:Women with a History of Pregnancy Complications:


 Risks: Higher risk of Clomiphene citrate use in subsequent pregnancies of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, preterm labour and other risks.

 Considerations: Evaluation of prior pregnancies, initial and timely prenatal check-ups, and individualised protocols should be carried out in order to control dangers in subsequent pregnancies.

 Immigrant and Refugee Women:


 Risks: Access to prenatal services may be restricted, cultural practices differ and stress associated with the process of resettling makes a woman more vulnerable to developing complications during pregnancy.

 Considerations: Hence, respect for cultural diversity, language translation, social services to immigrants and refugees—who are the focus of this paper—can help enhance maternal results.

 Nursing Considerations:

 It is therefore the responsibilty of the nurses to assess and meet demand for services for these sensitive groups. Some of the tasks involved include educating the client, lobbying for services, giving psychosocial support and collaborating with other health care givers to offer holistic and culturally appropriate care throughout the reproductive years.

A 40 year old female patient has breasts with a soft texture, but uneven contour bilaterally. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A 40 year old female patient has breasts with a soft texture, but uneven contour bilaterally. What is the most likely diagnosis?




normal finding

cystic breasts"

The primary differential diagnoses that can be considered in a breast that has a soft texture but with an irregular margin in the examination of a 40-year-old female are cystic breasts.




 Cystic breasts (Fibrocystic Breast Changes): This condition is also characterized by nodularity in the breasts The nodularity can be bilateral in nature. These lumps are benign and are usually as a result of cysts or fibrosis tissues.

 Fibroadenoma: This is most often a single, hard, and spherical mass that is not ordinarily ‘pnev-matous’ and may not even be bilaterally nodular.

 Malignancy: Breast cancer may lead to formation of lumps but is mostly hard, irregular shaped and single while a soft lump with an uneven margin on both breast is likely to be a fibroadenoma.

 Normal finding: Soft texture with irregular shape could be a variation that is normal for some women, if the changes are persistent – they possibly are, due to the irregularity of the contour – then cystic breasts are more likely.

 Conclusion: Based on the description of the physical examination the most probable diagnosis is cystic breasts.

Identify the type of process and outcome data that could be collected, analysed and fe back for improvements in care relevant to your chosen standard.

Identify the type of process and outcome data that could be collected, analysed and fe back for improvements in

care relevant to your chosen standard. (You may wish to ref to the article by Donabedian, 1988, as a starting point).

This area for action aligns with step 2.2 of the Australian Safety and Quality Framework for Health Care... Show more"

Process Data:


 Definition: Process data relates to details obtained on the activities carried out in delivering health care services. This may cover the rate of intercessions and compliance with evidence-based protocols, and also the punctuality of treatment.


 Hand Hygiene Compliance: The portion of the staff washing their hands in accordance with the appropriate guidelines.

 Medication Administration Accuracy: Rates of adverse drug reactions or in the timely administration of the required medication.

 Patient Education: Patient record of history of teaching and sharing of information with the patient about his or her health status and or the management plan.

 Outcome Data:


 Definition: Outcome captured how effective the different health care services and their efficiency in improving the overall health of the patients, their satisfaction with the health care services that are rendered to them.


 Patient Mortality Rates: These are the proportions of the patients that succumb to the disease within a given time after a particular treatment has been administered on them.

 Hospital Readmission Rates: The proportion of patients who are admitted in the hospital again within the first 30 days of discharge from the initial admission.

 Patient Satisfaction Scores: Perceived satisfaction level of the patient on the care offered.

 Applying Donabedian's Model

 Donabedian's model (1988) divides quality assessment into three components: Shoemaker, Weber and the Universal: Structure, Process, Outcome. Speaking of the comparison of process and outcome data in connection with a given healthcare standard, this model seems to be quite appropriate.




 Emphasis is made on the environment, in which care is provided. Some of them are staff establishment, which consists of number of staffs, their qualification, facilities available, and the setup in which they are to work.

 Data Collection: Record structures, equipment, and nature and qualifications of employees.



 Is a term that describes the manner of delivering of health care. It deals with the real processes and the communication between health care givers and the end users that is patients.

 Data Collection: Test compliance with clinical protocols and plans, as well as the timeliness of patients’ evaluations and care.



 The effectiveness of HC: the benefits derived by patients in terms quality, satisfaction and well-being.

 Data Collection: A requirement of evaluating and comparing the changes in the different aspects of health, experiences of patients and success of the provided care.

 Feedback for Improvement

 Continuous Monitoring: The initial assessment of processes and outcomes should be done on an ongoing basis to discover the tendencies, successful results, and improved work fields.

 Benchmarking: Use benchmarked data to compare with the national or international ones to assess the performance.

 Quality Improvement Initiatives: Ensure that quality improvement initiatives like decreasing the likelihood of contracting an infection or enhancing the knowledge about different diseases use data.

 Staff Training and Development: Concerning data analysis, the results should be used to train staff as per the adherence to the process who lacks the understanding.

 Firstly, the relationship between LTPs and the specific elements of the application of the Australian Safety and Quality Framework for Health Care is going to be outlined.

 Aligning with Step 2. 2: Writing this step, it is possible to guess what this step focuses on safety and quality of the healthcare services. Thus gathering both process and outcome data, health care organizations can choose the right steps to improve patient care, decrease mistake incidences and maintain organizational conformity to standards.

It is often said that big differences exist in the way in which men and women communicate.

It is often said that big differences exist in the way in which men and women communicate.

Using  the Internet, read more about this statement. Based on your research and understanding, answer the following questions:

Have you seen this kind of difference in communication style between men and women? Provide examples.

How can this gender gap in communication be bridged?"

Studying Differences in Interpersonal Communication

 Indeed, there are distinctive gender differences regarding how people, particularly men and women, communicate. Here are some examples:


 Directness vs. Indirectness:


 Men: While interacting with subordinates, are more likely to be bossy and have less patience, and be more in control. For example, watching a movie or listening to a conversation, a man could interrupt a woman and state, ‘We are to change this. ’

 Women: Tend to speak more outwardly, tempering what they are saying so as to address more people or to be politically correct. A woman might use phrase such as ‘It may be useful if we think of doing it in another way’; which is much more collegial than ‘Let’s try to do it differently’.

 Focus on Problem-Solving vs. Relational Communication:Focus on Problem-Solving vs. Relational Communication:


 Men: In many cases, are concentrated on issues and propose solutions. For instance, if there is a problem raised, or a concern based on a question, a man will be quick to come up with the solutions.

 Women: Tend to self disclose more, and to focus on feelings and ways to help. For instance, whereas a woman will appreciate and address the problem through emotional appeal as well as talk of strategies to employ, a man will major on strategies without considering the emotional side of the issue.

 Use of Language:


 Men: Could be more assertive or self-promoting in the language they use. For instance, when it comes to interactions, males may use humor or come up with a contest in talking.

 Women: More frequently speak in terms that are more cooperative and positive. The roles women may play could see them being concerned with having all people’s opinion on a given matter.

 Healing the Divide between Male and Female Modes of Expression

 Awareness and Education:


 Conveniently, awareness that these differences exist and helping people learn about these differences is the first step. It will lower misunderstandings and assist each sex to recognize the methods of communication of the other.

 Encouraging Adaptive Communication:


 Teach people how to be polymorphic in their approach to interacting with others. For instance, women might have an advantage of assertiveness in some circumstances, whereas men may pay more attention to relationship aspects, if necessary.

 Creating Inclusive Environments:


 In workplace situations, what works is to change the settings and make the different ways of communication acceptable. This encompasses participation of both sexes, appreciation of various modes of communication specific to male and female.

 Active Listening:


 Promote the thinking twice policy where clients earmuff themselves before they respond to another person in the meeting. This can make a contribution in minimising the effect of dissimilar mode of communication and facilitate the mutual respect.

 Empathy and Flexibility:


 The second is an ability to display empathy and be more flexible in communication also helps to fill the gap. This means that one has got to learn how the other person communicates so as to be able to communicate effectively with him or her.


 Although it is true that men and women communicate differently, it is possible to overcome these differences, for example, by gaining better understanding of each other’s needs and cognitive processes. Thus, with the help of ‘invitation to talk’ practises, which encourage consideration of both gender-patterned conversation and the opinions of one’s partner, men and women are able to better understand one another and, as a result, avoid and overcome conflict.

With a society that is so diverse in its own nature, issues pertaining to cultural diversity are bound to occur in the process of team management and leadership

With a society that is so diverse in its own nature, issues pertaining to cultural diversity are bound to occur in the process of team management and leadership. Using  the Internet, research about cultural diversity. Based on your research and understanding, answer the following questions:

How does having members of different cultures on a team affect the team's performance?

How would you incorporate a person from a culture of your choice into your team, keeping in mind communication differences within your and the chosen culture?"

Impact of Cultural Diversity on Team Performance:Personal and Cultural Diversity on Team Effectiveness:


 Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: That is different cultural people perceive things differently and also HANDLE things differently. This variety may lead to integration of thought processes where ideas can be synthesized or may lead to generation of idea in problem solving.


 Broader Skill Set: Controversy as to whether and to what extent various cultures are important because they form the basis for building pressure on different skills and abilities. This skill set is useful in a team because then with a variety of problems and tasks that may be encountered, then probably there is a more encompassing skill set available in a team.


 Improved Decision-Making: As the specific points of view are introduced by the people from different cultures, it provides a higher value of the analysis and the decision-making.


 Potential for Miscommunication: There may also be issues to do with the manner, in which the two colleagues relate, especially where they come from different background, this is in case there is a language barrier or the two colleagues were trained from different cultures. This may result to time bar or conflict in the group/ team.


 Challenges in Cohesion: This simply means that there is bound to be easy establishment of high levels of team cohesiveness where there is similarity in the cultural postures and attitudes of the team members. This can make it to take a longer time for people to gain trust and be in a position to work closely with their colleagues that they are working with.


 Incorporating a Person from a Chosen Culture into Your Team:Introducing a Person from a Particular Ethnic Group into Your Staff:


 For example, incorporating a person from Japanese culture into your team:For example, if you are using a human resource approach, how you bring in a person from Japanese culture into your team?


 Understanding Communication Style: It is thus believed that Japanese communication is nonverbal and formal, positive with no display of negative as such. At other times one might find his/her self in a position where you have to observe the gestures and ensure that all of the member are comfortable to express themselves.


 Respect for Hierarchy: Japanese particularly have highly valued both seniority and particularistic relationship as the ultimate form of relationship. This cultural aspect has to be considered in order not to have a feeling of disgust regarding positions and duties and to make the individual to feel wanted in regards to the teamwork.


 Encouraging Participation: In order to cover any gaps between you and the Japanese team member, it is possible to create a situation when the team member will be able to express their ideas in a more comfortable setting with less people, or in a written form.


 Cultural Sensitivity Training: Apart from this, to ensure that the staff can work with other cultural people in the organization it is also appropriate that the whole team undergo cultural sensitivity training.


 Despite this being good especially due to the strong asset which is brought in by cultural diversities it is also a fact that at times a number of issues can also happen.

What is the Rh incompatibility of a family; the man (Husband) and his pregnant wife


What is the Rh incompatibility of a family; the man (Husband) and his pregnant wife



Describe the healthy risks on their newborn babies




How Is Rh Incompatibility Treated



Rh Incompatibility in Pregnancy

 1. Understanding Rh Incompatibility:


 Rh Factor: RH factor is an antigen it is a protein that is found on the exterior of the red blood cells. People having this protein are referred to as Rh positive while those people who do not have this protein are called Rh negative.

 Incompatibility: Rh incompatibility develops when the mother has Rhnegative haplotype while the father has Rh positive haplotype and hence the baby may inherit Rh positive factor from the father.

 2. Health Risks for Newborns:


 Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn (HDN): Sensitization is said to happen when Rh-negative mother has come across Rh-positive blood somewhere and her system might be preparing to form antibodies which are Rh-positive. They are transported through the placenta into the foetal circulation and reacts with the red cells of new-born to cause haemolytic disease of new-born (HDN).

 Mild Cases: The baby may be born with a mild anemia, or a mild form of jaundice may appear in the baby.

 Severe Cases: These lead to hydrops fetalis and chronic heart failure or in worse, more severe, extreme resolution documented in anemia, stillbirth.

 3. Treatment and Prevention:


 Prenatal Testing: Sero-logical cross matching can provide the information on Rh negativity or positivity of both the mother and the father and the fetus.

 Rho(D) Immune Globulin (RhoGAM): For this reason, Rha negative mothers are given the Rho(D) immune globulin injections during the pregnancy and after the birth if the baby is Rha positive. It is a type of prescription medicines that prevents the mother’s Anti-Rh antibodies from attacking Rh-positive blood.

 Monitoring: If the mother is already positive to antibodies, then, the pregnancy will be checked and monitored through ultrasound, and blood tests. In severe cases of the disease the baby may need a blood transfusion, either before or shortly after birth.

 4. Management of Rh Incompatibility:


 In Case of Sensitization: If the cross sensitivity has happened with the malaria the baby may need to be born earlier or after birth treat by phototherapy for jaundice or transfusion for anaemia.

 Hence it may be effectively prevented through parental care especially prenatal care and if noted in the earliest stage, the risks associated with Rh incompatibility may be reduced therefore enhancing the health of the mother as well as the child.