Extended definition essay

What is dance?

Persuasive Memorandum

Create a persuasive memo that will be read by both Jeannie McDuff (Advisor to Primary Decision Maker) and Teddy Trotter (Primary Decision Maker). You have one full page to compose your memorandum. You should use ABC format for your document. Your Headings for the ABC sections and the subsections of the Body must be labeled accordingly, like short titles or words or phrases that give insight into what those sections and subsections will be about. The goal of headings and subheadings is to make entire documents pre-readable and able to be skimmed. You may divide the Body section into as many subsections as you need to provide all the details you'd like for the event you are hosting for your department.

Remember that your document should appeal to both Jeannie McDuff and Teddy Trotter since Advisers usually have a lot of input to give Primary Decision Makers when it comes to determining if something should or should not be done.

Your Abstract should tell your reader what your event will be and why The Springfield Entertainment Hall is a good place to host your event.

Your Body is the section of your memo where all of the details about your event will be divided into subsections and written. Remember, the body should contain content related to the business subsection of your event - like what is going to be taking place at the event that will make the investors want to give money, the social subsection of your event - maybe there is a live band performing, maybe there will be fire-dancers, maybe an open bar, etc, and anything else you might like to add. There should also be a cost subsection, for example, considering Jeannie and Teddy are both accountants . Either way, a successful event should be a combination of both business and social activities that take place.

You should handle the tone of your email in a tactful way since you don't want to be heavy-handed and bring up the embarrassing events of the past in regards to the Christmas party that took place at the Yacht Club. While you can, if you need to, make it known that the YC is not necessarily the best place to host your event, remember that the focus of the persuasive memo is to capitalize on selling the Springfield Entertainment Hall as being the best place to host your event. You can accomplish ""selling"" the Springfield Entertainment hall in any way you determine would be an opportunity that M-Global would not want to pass up


Select ONE of the topics below and write a five (5) paragraph (or longer) essay

response. Write your essay on your own paper and underline your thesis. Refer to the

assigned readings, as appropriate. [100 points]

1. Discuss why so many of the world’s cultures and civilizations have an

adversarial relationship with nature.

2. Discuss the differences and/or similarities between how human beings face

life and death compared to how other animals do.

3. Discuss why citizens of the world should be concerned (or unconcerned)

about global warming, climate change, and the health of Earth.

4. Discuss how a person’s sense of connectedness with nature (or lack thereof)

might be reflected morally and spiritually.

5. Discuss the extent to which you see indications of imminent collapse in our




You will use two assigned readings to write an essay that identifies obstacles to writing in college and explains how first-year students can overcome them.

Inquiry Questions: 

What prevents students from reaching their full potential when it comes to writing? What changes can they make to the way they think or act? Why would these changes lead to improved academic success? What objections might students have to changing?

Assigned Readings:

 “The Student Fear Factor” by Rebecca Cox

 “Rigid Rules, Inflexible Plans, and the Stifling of Language” by Mike Rose


 1000+ words excluding works cited

 Cited evidence (quote or paraphrase) from both sources

 MLA format

Tips for Success:

 Re-read each text multiple times before and after drafting.

 Use about two quotes or paraphrases per paragraph to support your claims. This is a good way to stay focused on applying the concepts and establish credibility.

 Move beyond the five-paragraph theme

Paragraph Maya

Using the process analysis writing pattern, compose a paragraph entitle, ""How to Decide on a Research Topic That Exemplifies my College Major"". Be sure to include your paper topic proposal in the paragraph

Due date 3/3/2021

Your final exam essay gives you the opportunity to identify ethical problems faced by individuals or communities and propose reasonable solutions. You will apply theories we covered in this course, and interpret various issues using a number of ethical theoretical constructs, both traditional and contemporary. You will analyze, evaluate, and distinguish between ethical theories to critique contemporary issues. This activity aligns with module outcomes 1 and 2.Your essay should be 1,000–1,200 words (4–5 pages), double-spaced, in APA format, and with 3 or more credible sources. Begin your essay by choosing one issue from the list below, and then choose a total of 6 theories (from the subsequent 3 options) to analyze your issue.Choose one issue from the categories below, about which you feel most passionate:Animal Rights and Environmental EthicsBusiness or Health Care EthicsCloning, Stem Cell Research, Genetic IssuesCivil LibertiesDeath PenaltyDrug PolicyEnd of (Human) Life IssuesGlobal Justice and InjusticeRacism, Discrimination, Hate Crimes, OppressionSexualityWar and TerrorismAnalyze your chosen issue using 6 theories. Choose 2 from each of the 3 categories listed below.Choose 2 from the primary list:Utilitarian ethicsKantian ethicsVirtue ethicsChoose another 2 from the traditional theories list:Ethical EgoismEthical RelativismDivine Command TheoryNatural Law TheorySocial Contract TheoryChoose an additional 2 theories from the contemporary or non-Western list:African ethicsEastern ethicsFeminist ethics or Care-based ethicsPostmodernism ethicsEnvironmental Theories (Ecofeminist, Deep Ecology…)Technical Requirements:1,000–1,200 words in length (4–5 pages). Formatted according to APA standards, using Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spacing, and one inch margins. Writing and Content Requirements:The introduction should explain the chosen issue in detail.The thesis, argument, or focus of the essay should be evident in the introduction. The body of the essay should:explain the approaches by various philosophers and/or ethical theories. analyze which approach(es) you find most compelling and explain why.incorporate high quality ideas and key concepts from the ethical theories.include some suggestions for the most practical solutions to your topic.assess the future of your chosen topic in terms of solutions.The entire essay should contain correct grammar, spelling, and syntax.Please use transitions between paragraphs.The essay should be documented by properly citing at least three or more credible sources. This course uses the American Psychological Association (APA) format for scholarly writing. References and citations must adhere to the proper format for all written work presented including essays, discussion postings, and essay exams. Online tips for using APA style may be found at the Perdue Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.). Your research should be documented by citing one or more credible sources. Please use the Excelsior library resources (Links to an external site.) and databases (Links to an external site.) to find e-books, journal articles, or other scholarly materials. Wikipedia, websites, or any similar online reference sites where the content may be authored by anyone are not considered credible sources for scholarly writing.To assist you in your research, the library has the following tutorials and links for you to use:Getting Started with Your Research (Links to an external site.)Frequently Asked Questions (Links to an external site.)Research Databases (Links to an external site.)OneSearch (Links to an external site.)Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor

Chapters 18-24 of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Read and/or listen to Chapters 18-24 of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. What do you think is the theme or universal message of the novel? How does the ending of the novel fit into your understanding of the theme? Select a passage that supports your argument. 

Begin your post by properly quoting and citing the passage. Then, write a 300-word discussion on the information conveyed in the passage you selected, pointing to specific words or lines from the passage. End your post with a full MLA citation of the text.

COLLEGE PRESSURES -- William Zinsser

Read College Pressures by William Zinsser 

 Considering the pressures that Zinsser mentions, what are some other pressures that college students face? What are some strategies that students can use to overcome college pressures?

Modern technology

Modern technology is common in many workplaces. As a result, we are working more effectively than ever before. To what extent do you agree with this view?

my paper should include an Introduction, two bodies and conclusion

Please use a simple vocabulary and and without References and not too long just 220 words

Wk 6

1. Does a person in need of an organ transplant have a moral right to obtain that transplant, supposing the availability of the needed organ?

 How should we choose who gets a transplant, supposing that there are not enough organs for all who need them?

2. How do you define privacy?

 Do you believe privacy is a moral right? Why or why not?

 Are there any cases in which public health policy justifies the violation of the right to privacy?

**These are 2 separate questions, please answer both. 1 and 2 and all it’s parts, these are to be simple answers with APA format references