Persuasive speech

My topic is Spanking or corporal punishment is not a sound method to discipline a child.

Can you write 1 and a half pages from the introduction to the conclusion regarding this speech. (persuasively)  

Clearly incorporate at least one type of valid reasoning (inductive, deductive, causal, or analogical)

 Utilize at least two different methods to establish your credibility (Competence; Concern; Trustworthiness; Dynamism.)

You must use at least one appeal to audience needs and one appeal to audience values

 Verbally cite at least four sources in your speech (remember, the rest of your audience doesn’t see your outline)

Comparasion essay

Comparasion essay Between short story books more info in docx attech to here

1 page paper and DISCUSSION POST 2 assignment

READ INSTRUCTIONS,"Assignment 1: 1 page paper , please see attachment.

Assignment 2: Discussion post only , 200 words MAX . 


Discussion 7. Questions/Commentary: You may comment on one or both discussions.

A) In “The Wife of His Youth” by Charles W. Chesnutt, Mr. Ryder makes a statement about identity. He notes that “Self-preservation is the first law of nature.” Discuss what you think Mr. Ryder means.

B) In African American literary traditions, the trickster is a figure who can also act dim-witted, docile, and ignorant but in actuality is just the opposite– sharp, shrewd, and quick-witted. How does Grandison, of Charles W. Chesnutt's ""The Passing of Grandison,"" fit into this tradition?

DRAW SPECIFICALLY FROM THE TEXTS. DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. DO NOT REFERENCE OUTSIDE SOURCES (Google, Wikipedia, student guides, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.). 

Please be sure to post at least 200 words in your response. You must respond to at least two of your peers to receive full credit, and you must post before we move on to the next week.

Week 4 discussion 2

Today is the 10th anniversary of the nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan. If you remember the disaster created a huge nuclear problem and forced the government to close towns and relocate people from the area. The cleanup still is going on. You can read this Article which indicates how dangerous the nuclear plant is today. As many of you may know, nuclear energy is one of the safest among all energy sources. Most of the problems arises from the management and operation of these plants. Please read this report and let me know what you think? Should we ban nuclear energy, or this is still a viable source of energy and we should find ways to manage it better? If you were in charge of a commission to make decision about use of nuclear energy what will you do?

2.This week we are discussing different sources of energy and how they affect the environment and human health. It is good to have a general picture related to the sources of energy. The Department of Energy web site is a good source in this regard. Please check it out and let me know what you think. Do you think in the long term we still be using fossil fuels or lean towards alternative sources of energy. What will you do if you were in charge of energy policy in the United States?

Symbolic Nature of Language Discussion

Identify the 4 types of language 'meanings'. Also, talk about how/why these 4 meanings are different. Be sure to use information from the textbook and at least 2 other Virtual Library resources to support or expand on your writing. 

Must post (1) substantial initial post with a minimum of 250 words. All posts and replies must contain at least (2) professional references, one may be the course textbook, properly cited in the current APA format.



Available under files on Canvas

Thought question: Based on its theme, dialogue (including silences), and set design, what desired effect might a live performance of Home have had on its audiences? 

Due: Weekly letter

Class Topic: Symbolism

SPC M3 Discussion

Using Chapters 8 and 9 from the textbook as a basis, imagine the layers of self-disclosure as an onion, just as Shrek (somewhat) eloquently describes it above. Answer the following questions and use AT LEAST 2 TERMS FROM THE TEXTBOOK in your initial post. Make sure to CITE the textbook as a source.

 How do you use self-disclosure to deepen a relationship?

 What kind of information is in your outer-most layer of your ""onion""?

 What kind of information is in the center?

 Based on your ""self-disclosure onion"", what is appropriate to discuss on a first date? What is not?


Approaching Things Anthropologically PDF document

i have uploaded the guideline and also an example from my friend, just take a look and write me something

psy terms survey cast theory hypotheis


1. Survey      2. Theory    3. Hypothesis     4. Case Study


1. What is the purpose of a case study?

2. Name some ways how information is gathered with surveys.

3. Name (2) types of research


After reading this article, type up 3 things you learned from it about Gabriel Garcia Marquez in short, detailed paragraph form. Try to limit it to 1/2 to 1 page typed.