Is Assisted Suicide Ethical?

The entire semester is going to build up to this final assignment. You will need to write 2,000 words about a topic of your choosing as long as it has to do with the medical field, and you will need to make and support an argument. Remember this is an argumentative research paper, not an informative research paper. You will need to convince or persuade your reader to see your side of a topic or issue. This will be a large paper that will consist of a few sections. Please follow the requirements below.


 APA formatting


     cover page

     abstract required (not included in the word count)

     Times New Roman, 12 pt. font


     reference page with correct citations

     APA headings with at least these sections included:



         literature review


         main body with supporting details for your argument


         reference page





 at least ten sources

 at least 2,000 words

 no plagiarism

Essay writing

Success Stories

 Donald K. Donald K. was adjudicated disabled and the Public Guardian became his guardian in autumn of 1998. At that time, Donald was a hearing-impaired man in his late 50’s with a second grade education, and life-long medical problems. The Public Guardian petitioned for guardianship because Donald was financially exploited by a tenant in a building owned by Donald’s mother. The Public Guardian’s Office was already guardian of Donald’s mother.  

Prior to guardianship, Donald was not participating in any activities. Aside from his mother, he had no close living relatives or friends. His father had abused him and his mother.

Once appointed guardian, the Public Guardian’s case manager introduced Donald to Anixter Center, an agency that provides various training and social programs to enhance the quality of life for persons with disabilities. Donald participated in vocational and social programs and enjoyed them immensely. Through Anixter, Donald visited Disney World and traveled in an airplane for the first time in his life. Donald spent ten years at Anixter Center and established many friendships with both staff and other participants.

Donald’s mother was able to return home to live with him when her health improved. The family had little money and to maintain them in the community, the Public Guardian’s Benefits Department applied for governmental benefits based on their eligibility. The Property Department expended significant time to repair and maintain the aging home. The Public Guardian’s Office placed other disabled individuals in the home to share living expenses. Donald and his mother were able to live in the community with a caregiver until she passed away at age 89.

Donald moved into an assisted living facility and then a nursing home when his health declined. His house was sold and a special needs payback trust was created so that he could qualify for Medicaid. The trust funds were used to supplement his care. Although Donald was on oxygen support, he remained socially active and participated in various activities in both facilities. He even continued to attend Anixter Center from time to time.  

Donald passed away in June 2009 at the age of 68. Many friends from Anixter, staff and residents of the nursing home, and Public Guardian staff attended his funeral. He will be remembered for his sweet disposition and courage.

Estate of Hoellen v. Owsley.  When Theodore Hoellen was elderly and suffering from dementia, he was “befriended” by Chicago Police Officer Donald Owsley. Owsley proceed to exploit Mr. Hoellen out of his entire estate. Owsley had Mr. Hoellen sign documents naming Owsley as the beneficiary of his pension benefits, savings accounts, and house in a land trust. After a lengthy trial, the court voided these transactions and awarded Mr. Hoellen $50,000.00 in punitive damages. Owsley appealed, and the First District Appellate Court affirmed the trial court's order.

Roshawn C.  Roshawn is developmentally delayed. When Roshawn was crossing the street in the crosswalk with a green traffic light, a semi-truck drove over her body. The truck was making an illegal turn on a red light. Roshawn required numerous surgeries and now has disfiguring scars and walks with a limp. 

After the accident, Roshawn’s mother, who was not her legal guardian, retained an attorney to sue the truck company. The lawyer reached a settlement with the trucking company for an inadequate amount of money to fairly compensate Roshawn for her extensive injuries. The lawyer then turned over the settlement proceeds to Roshawn’s mother, who squandered the money on herself.

The Public Guardian sued the attorney and the trucking company to obtain fair compensation for Roshawn. After reaching a settlement, one of the parties backed out. The Public Guardian then demanded an increased monetary sum, and the other parties successfully moved the trial court to enforce the earlier settlement. The Public Guardian appealed this order, and was successful in winning a reversal. The Public Guardian subsequently reached a settlement for a substantially larger sum of money to benefit Roshawn.

Mary L. Mary suffered from chronic schizophrenia for most of her adult life. As a result of her disability, she did not pay a property tax bill of $347.00. She lost her home of 20 years in a forced tax lien sale because of the unpaid tax. The Public Guardian sued to recover Mary’s home, but the trial court affirmed the tax sale. After appeals to the Illinois Appellate and Supreme Courts, the Public Guardian successfully appealed the case to the U.S. Supreme Court, which vacated the tax lien sale and remanded the case for further proceedings in the state appellate courts. On remand, the Illinois Supreme Court reaffirmed the tax sale. Although Mary did not recover her home, the case sparked legislative efforts to address the problem of disabled persons who lose their valuable homes over small unpaid property taxes. For a law journal article about the case see R. Harris, C. Golbert and B. Sullivan, “When Disabled Homeowners Lose Their Homes For a Pittance in Unpaid Property Taxes: Some Lessons From In re Mary L., 5 NAELA J. 2, p. 159 (2009). 

(2)Avoiding The Scary Possibility Of Guardianship

. When a person becomes mentally or physically unable to make rational decisions about their health or their finances, someone else has to step in. Hopefully that someone is a close relative or personal friend – someone who has your best interests at heart. Generally, the friend or loved one is the one who goes to the court to petition for such an arrangement, because it must be court appointed.

Here is how it works in most states: the loved one seeking a guardianship or conservatorship will petition the court to be appointed as the legal guardian and/or conservator. Most courts require at least one doctor’s certification that the individual (the “ward”) is indeed no longer physically or mentally sound enough to make his or her own medical or financial decisions. In many states, the process requires that the court appoint an attorney to represent the ward, which makes the process even more time consuming.

This whole process can be very frustrating, expensive and difficult for all concerned, even in situations where everyone involved has the best interests of the ward at heart. But imagine a situation where the person seeking to be the guardian or conservator is less than honest, does not have the ward’s best interests at heart, and ends up getting complete control over the ward’s body and property. Sounds like a nightmare, doesn’t it? Yes, it is a nightmare and there are plenty of true horror stories floating around to send chills down your spine.

Before I get to the part about how to avoid this happening to you or a loved one, I want to scare you even more by sharing with you what happened when I tried to find out how widespread guardianship is in the U.S. The bottom line, I discovered, is ‘no one knows.’

Just a few years ago, in response to reports about widespread abuse of the guardianship system, The United States Senate Special Committee on Aging undertook a study of the problem. They launched a survey of current practices, asking for comments, recommendations, and best practices from states, courts, and organizations representing older Americans and people with disabilities throughout the country. In the 100+ responses they received, were detailed stories of guardianship abuses throughout the country.

Essay Requirement

Guarding Against Guardians

Page Requirements: The essay should be 4-6 pages long. This means the essay must reach the bottom of the fourth page.Please follow this assignment sheet carefully as you construct your 


Paragraph 1:

Begin your paragraph with a HOOK or ATTENTION GETTER that leads the reader into the essay.

Use a question, quote, shocking fact, or small piece of narrative (story-telling) to attract readers interest and make them want to read your essay. 

Next, give a SUMMARY of the article “How the Elderly Lose Their Rights,” giving credit to the author, Rachel Aviv. 

In the first sentence of your summary, give the title of the article, the author’s full name, and the main idea. After that, give the main 

supporting ideas from the article in your own words. Leave out minor or inessential details. Do not indicate your opinion in the summary. Do not quote in the summary. End the paragraph with a THESIS that directly answers the prompt question, “What changes should be made to Guardianship or Conservatorship programs to help prevent future abuses from occurring?”

Paragraph 2 

In this paragraph you will explain Guardianship/Conservatorship to your 

readers, and establish why these programs are sometimes necessary. 

1: Explain how guardianship programs work to your readers. 

2: Explain why they are sometimes necessary. 

Paragraphs 3, 4, 5, and 6

: These are supporting paragraphs in which 

you will back up your thesis with logic and evidence. These paragraphs will work in pairs. Paragraph 3 will identify one problem in the Guardianship programs. Paragraph 4 will argue for one potential 

solution to that problem. Paragraph 5 will identify a second problem. Paragraph 6 will argue for a potential solution to the second problem. 

Paragraphs 3 and 5:

1: Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence. The topic sentence should point out one problem in Guardianship programs. 

Everything in the paragraph should be about the problem in the topic sentence. If it is about a different problem, it should go in another 

paragraph or another essay. 

2: Use logic to explain your what the problem is, and why it is a problem (how does it lead to harm). 

3: Use evidence to back up your topic sentence. This may either be a quote from an expert or piece of data that shows the problem, or an 

example of how the problem negatively affected someone. This may be a quote or paraphrase from one of the sources on Brightspace. It may be 

an example from your own life or experiences. It may be a hypothetical example. 

4: Interpret the evidence. Explain to readers what that evidence shows and how it connects to your topic sentence. 

5: Conclusion/Transition Sentence. Finally, use one sentence to wrap up this paragraph’s idea and lead readers on to the next paragraph 

(the proposed solution). 

Paragraphs 4 and 6:

1: Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that proposes one potential solution to the problem explained in the previous 

paragraph. Everything in this paragraph should be about that solution. 

2: Use logic to explain your proposed solution, and how that will help to fix or improve the problem from the previous paragraph. 

Explain how this will impact people’s lives. 

3: (If possible) Use evidence to back up your topic sentence. This may be a quote from an expert who agrees with your solution, data that 

backs up your solutions efficacy, or anything from a source that backs up your claim. 

4: (If you did 3). Interpret the evidence. Explain what the evidence shows to your readers. 

5: (Required) Use an example to illustrate how this suggestion will affect people’s lives. Return to an example you used in the previous paragraph to establish the problem. Refer back to that situation (do not introduce it again-readers will remember!), and explain how it would have gone differently if your proposed solution had been implemented. 

If you did not use an example in your previous paragraph, introduce one now and show how your suggestion would improve their situation. 

5: Conclusion/Transition Sentence. Finally, use one sentence to wrap up this paragraph’s idea and lead readers on to the next paragraph. 

Paragraph 7

: The conclusion paragraph. 

1: First, restate your thesis and topic sentences in different words. 

2: Finally, find some way to lead readers out of your essay, using one of the hook techniques above or a call to action. 

You MUST use at least two sources (including the article you will summarize) in this essay.

You MUST quote word for word at least twice in the essay. You CAN NOT quote more than once in a paragraph, although you may paraphrase as many times as you can make work in the paragraph.

Any information taken from sources, whether it is paraphrased or quoted word for word, 

MUST have a parenthetical citation showing where it 

came from.Formatting: All essays must be typed and double-spaced using Times New Roman 12 point font


Part       1             Short    Answer (40         points): Answer each of the        following            questions           in           a               short    paragraph. 1) How          is            the        modern idea      of           nature one       of           the        most               powerful            ideological           supports            for         ecological           destruction? 2) What     does     Poe’s               character            Dupin   show    us          about   how      we         think     about   the         potential            of               human reason? 3) What              are        the        picturesque       and       the        sublime and       how      do               they      shape   our         perception? 4) What     does     the        Crawler represent?        What    does     it               reveal  to           the        biologist? Part  2             Essay    (60         points): Choose one       of           the               following            and       write    an          essay    in           response            of           2-3         pages. 1) Discuss               the difference  between            Wordsworth and             Shelley’s             poetic   engagements  with      their               worlds. What    sets       the        two       apart    both     stylistically          and        in          terms   of           the               vision   that       each     poet’s  style     is            designed            to           express?              2) How do          the               various authors we         have     studied thus      far         explore the        function              of            anxiety as               a             motivator           for         human activity in           the        world? What    do          you       see        as                the       main     wellsprings        of           human anxiety?              How      do          you       think/feel           our                experience       of           being    a             body     within  the        world   shapes our        ideas    of           how               to           live         in          the        world? How does           a             novel    like        Annihilation work               through this        issue


Section A--Rhetorical Analysis--

Please refer to the link, Basic Questions for Rhetorical Analysis. 

Apply the nine questions to the article, ""The Five Years That Changed Dating.""

 25-word minimum per response. (9 replies total)

 Each answer is worth 5 points

Section B: The Straw Man Fallacy reframes your opponent's thesis to make it easier to attack and perhaps refute it. Here is the thesis: Generation Z does not know what traditional dating is like because most of them meet online, they do not know how to interact in person, and they copy everything from social media versus being themselves. 

 Simplify or misconstrue the thesis statement

 Refute the simplified or misconstrued thesis statement

 Worth 10 points. 

  I do not think the statement is true!

Section C: False dichotomy—Create a false dichotomy that is linked to online dating's current role in society. 

 Create the fallacy

 Explain your reasoning. 

 Worth 10 points.

Section D: Create a syllogism that focuses on the priorities of a successful parent. (Major premise/Minor premise/Conclusion

 The syllogism has to be valid.

 Please explain why you consider it to be valid. 

 Worth 5 points

Section E: The article, ""The Virtues and Downsides of Online Dating"" is separated into six pages. List and summarize those sections. 

 150-word minimum 

 Worth 10 points

Section F: Please refer to our textbook. An outline for the Rogerian argument can be found on pages 76 and 77. 

Please read this article: ""The Virtues and Downsides of Online Dating.""

 You are going to create an outline of a Rogerian argument based on the article you read. Refer to section three of the article. (""Americans' opinions about the online dating environment"")

 Pick an opinion from this section: Americans cite a number of reasons – ranging from expanding options to success stories – as reasons these platforms have been a good thing for dating and relationships--This will be considered side A

 Pick an opinion from this section: Americans who believe online dating has had a mostly negative effect on dating and relationships are especially likely to stress issues related to dishonesty--This will be considered side B.

 Create a Rogerian Outline responding to the article. 

 The outline should include all six parts.

 Explain your reasoning for each part of your outline.  

 250-word minimum

 Worth 30 points

An Illustrated Book of Bad Arguments

The Seven Steps of the Research Process


Understanding Bias Video


Using Logic// Purdue writing lab

What are Deduction & Induction? - Gentleman Thinker video


Traditional Vs Rogerian Argumentation Style video


The Five Years That Changed Dating (The Atlantic) Story by Ashley Fetters 


The Virtues and Downsides of Online Dating


Explain what plagiarism is 

2. Explain how to avoid it

3. Explain which of the information in the week 6 module was most useful to you and how you will use it when proofreading your essays for this class.

4. Proofread your Writing Process Essay for ethical use of sources and in-text citations. Did you find any errors? If, yes, what kinds and how did you fix them? Be specific.

(Note: You do not have to resubmit your edited essay 1. Simply explain what you discovered using the knowledge you gained in this week's module

1000 wards 

Finish by tomorrow

Exemplification/ Illustration essay

College students are sometimes seen as having carefree lifestyles, when in fact, many college students struggle financially. Write an exemplification essay in which you examine major financial problems students might have before or after college.


Welcome tabout feminist criticism and African American criticism, you should choose some aspect of one of the theories (not the entire theory, but a particular aspect) and apply that aspect of the theory as a means of analyzing one of the novels you have read. There is no professor-assigned prompt for this essay. This class is Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking, and part of being an advanced writer and a critical thinker is being able to come up with your own topic and thesis with certain parameters. You have to figure out what it is you want us to know about the novel when analyzed the particular lens of a particular theory. I will say that an answer to a particular discussion question from the modules on the two theories might be the beginning of a thesis statement for your essay, so go back and review what people had to say in response to the discussion questions to see if you can find a way into your analysis.

the book: The end of Eddyo Samples page

A Dancer’s Role

A Dancer’s Role

Due Date: Wednesday March 24 @11:59 p.m. (0-10 Pts)

Learning Outcome: Understand the role of a professional dancer.

Required Readings:

Cloe Parker Robinson Dance Place Article

Write a 2-page overview about the role of a dancer focusing on info you did not know about and/or expanded your awareness about the life of a professional dancer.


Watch the two documentaries and write a critical analysis report about the subject.

How did the discovery of oil change the civilizational, cultural, and political features in the Middle East?

What ideas and concepts were found after discovering these enormous reserves?

Was oil a stabilizing factor or an engine for conflicts in the region?


Final project (10a)

So, in the face to face version of this class, we spend a good amount of time (and a good amount of points) doing service learning projects - those that help both locally and internationally. Because of the virtual nature of the class this quarter (and because many organizations aren't accepting volunteers during COVID times,) we weren't able to do any this quarter. It's really too bad, but I'm hoping by doing a project researching organizations and solutions and sharing your findings in a short presentation, that you'll still be able to get some ideas of ways that we can help!!

With that said, for your final project, you will create a PowerPoint presentation (10+ slides.) The final project includes choosing a global health 'issue'/problem and highlighting an organization that is working to solve the problem. Ideas/suggestions for issues and organizations can be found below. 

Your PowerPoint should include all of the following:

1. - A summary of the issue that you are researching - including background and history information and the scale of the problem. You will need to have at least 2 sources (besides the organization's website) to back this up – and don’t forget to include the references!

2. - Information on your chosen organization - you will need to include the following; The background of the organization, its mission/goal, source of financing, where the headquarters are located and which world region(s) it serves. You should also identify what type of organization it is - is it an NGO? Is it faith based? Is it more of a grassroots or a top-down organization?

3. - How the chosen organization is tackling the issue. What are the specifics of the program? How do they go about finding the solution? Is the solution sustainable? Does it aim to solve a narrow problem or a broader issue? Is it proving to be successful? What are the challenges (if any) the organization is facing while trying to roll out the program?

4. - Conclusion along with your own thoughts on the organization and how they are doing... Would you recommend the organization as a good one to volunteer with or donate to? Why or why not?

Suggestions for Issues and organizations -- There are many, many issues to choose from and you are welcome to come up with your own, but I will give you a few ideas here. I want you to choose a narrow, solvable issue rather than trying to tackle a whole broad category (for example, instead of choosing 'women's rights' - very broad- you could choose 'increasing access to education for girls' or 'improving maternal mortality outcomes...' In the course work, we looked at some organizations tackling very specific issues like surgically repairing fistulas or making biodegradable sanitary pads for girls. If you find an organization doing very specific work, you can really narrow down your 'issue.' Below are a few broad issues and topics (to be narrowed down by you) and some suggested organizations to get you started. This is by no means an exhaustive list and you are welcome to choose your own issue and/or organization- as long as it relates to this course. Organizations can be local, national or international. I would love to learn about some new organizations - especially local ones! Also, you are welcome to take on issues currently in the news - like finding organizations that are finding solutions to police brutality, racism in America, etc. You are welcome to contact me with any questions you might have!

Poverty/Inequality/Homelessness - Union Gospel Mission, ONE, Childfund International, Bread for the World, KIVA, First Place School (Seattle,)

Women's and children's rights- Malala Fund, UNICEF, Hamlin Fistula Ethiopia, Empowering Women Period, Girl Rising, Amnesty International

FGM - 28 Too Many, Desert Flower Foundation, Women for Women, FORWARD

HIV/AIDS - Lifelong AIDS Alliance, Babes Network, UNAIDS, DATA, AVERT, Global AIDS Network

Basic health concerns - CARE, Mercy Corps, Save the Children, Wikimedical, Ashoka, World Vision, Acumen, International Medical Corps, Clinton Health Initiative, Doctors Without Borders (Medicin Sans Frontiers,) PATH, Nothing but Nets

Food Security - Heifer International, Action Against Hunger, Northwest Harvest, Tilth Alliance, local food banks, Highline Food Pantry

Sustainability - Story of Stuff, Earthcorps, Youth for Global Health and Social Justice,

Slavery - Genesis Project, Polaris Project, International Rescue Committee, International Justice Mission, Federal Way Coalition Against Trafficking, 

Refugee Issues - UN High Commission for Refugees (and I'll bet that you can find some really good US based grassroots organizations dealing with our current immigration issues.)

It would also be super interesting if you could find organizations dealing with COVID-19 issues (providing PPE for doctors, etc.) or the racial issues that our country has been facing...

RUBRIC CAN BE FOUND HERE -- finalpresentationrubricnooral.docx