Think Piece

Think Piece 2

Helpful Hint: The Essay 2 Powerpoint(ATTACHED) provides clear examples of structure for this Think Piece and Essay 2. Make sure to check that out! NOTE: HERE ARE THE 2 ASSIGNED POEM LINKS:


 Create a document that has a working thesis and two body paragraphs that analyze how a common theme in two poems assigned during our poetry unit are enhanced through one specific literary device (setting, symbol, metaphor, historical context, etc.). See the Essay 2 PPT for an actual sample of what this would look like.

 At the end of your 2 paragraphs, write 2 questions on which you want someone to provide feedback after they have read your draft. Avoid yes/or no questions, or the reviewer is free to simply answer “yes” or “no”

Suggested Structure

1) Include the thesis sentence: (Literary Device 1) and (Literary Devise 2) are demonstrated in both poem A and B to demonstrate (Theme X).

2) For the body paragraphs:

 Include a clear topic sentence (""One literary element that poem A and B contain is ____."")

 Discuss how the element is demonstrated in Poem A. Provide textual support. Analyze and connect the textual support to the common theme.

   ***New Paragraph***

 Include a transition sentence to analysis of the same literary element in Poem B (""Similarly, Poem B demonstrates the same literary element ____."")

 Discuss how the element is demonstrated in Poem B. Provide textual support. Analyze and connect the textual support to the common theme.

 Discuss how the two poems work together to demonstrate the theme.

(300+ words)

What factors impact the success of e-commerce?

need 6 sentences. and a 3 sentence response to these below

 E-Commerce has been increasingly important, making new and existing businesses focus resources and strategies to profit from this relatively new tool. An important factor that impacts the success of e-commerce is a easy to use site. By making your business site easy for customers to use, easy to purchase in, and engaging them at the same time you are creating a powerful tool in which your conversion rate increases. Another important factor affecting the success of e-commerce is retaining exceptional customer service. Customer service through the internet is rising in popularity because of efficiency and low-costs for companies. By retaining great customer service, your brand reputation boosts and customers build trust in your company. I think that the most important factor however, is the maintenance of high quality products. By maintaining quality, your customer satisfaction increases, your customer relations better, your brand's reputation scales higher, and overall its a positive snowball effect. Although these are just some of they key factors, there are many more that can affect the success of a company's e-commerce. Many of which depend on the company resources, business strategy, and competitive advantages.  

 There are so many factors that impact the success of e-commerce but a few that came to mind were customer service, multichannel marketing, and customer retention. Customer service is extremely important especially in e-commerce because you want customers to be able to trust your business. Customers pass along this information, so having good customer service can help to grow your business. Multichannel marketing is also extremely important because there are so many different opportunities to market businesses online and sticking to one will not benefit the company at all. It is important to broaden your marketing so more potential customers can learn about your business. Lastly, customer retention, this is important because once your business has gained customers, you do not want to lose them. There are many ways to increase customer retention such as promotions, and reward systems, which will help to keep customers engaged in your business

Persuasion essay

Overview: Persuasion is a constant in each of our lives. No matter where we look, what we read, what we see, or who we interact with, we are inevitably going to encounter some form of persuasion. Advertisements want us to buy things. Newspapers and television want to convince us of how we should feel about events. We are put into positions where we must defend our thoughts and beliefs to others, and the process we apply is typically some form of persuasion. Persuasive writing is one of the most powerful forms of writing—it has the ability to influence one’s thoughts, and also the ability to change one’s mind about a particular issue. The persuasive essay is an ideal tool for supporting an opinion on an issue using researched facts and information. It also gives you the chance to recognize an opposing viewpoint and refute it, noting that those who hold the opposing viewpoint are the intended audience of the piece. Prompt: For this milestone, you will submit a draft of your persuasive essay. At this point in the course, you have completed activities that will help you transform essay into a draft. This milestone will help you address critical elements I–III below, which will ultimately inform your final submission of the persuasive essay. You have until the deadline to work on this draft. Whatever is completed by the deadline will be submitted to your instructor for grading and feedback. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction: This is where readers will get an idea of what your essay is about and what you will prove throughout. Do not give all of your information away here, but give readers a sample of what is to come. Don’t forget to review your writing plan to make sure you are hitting all of the points that you planned out while also stating your argument. A. Provide an overview of the issue you have selected, briefly describing main points and your argument. B. Compose an engaging thesis statement that explains the argument you will prove and support throughout your essay. This statement will give direction to your essay and should be well thought out. II. Body: The body is your opportunity to describe and support your argument in depth. Make sure your thoughts and evidence are clear and organized in a way that is easy for readers to follow and understand. A. Be sure that you write at least three paragraphs that support your key points and are focused, clearly state their intent, and move logically from one to the other, building the thesis argument as the essay progresses. B. Your body paragraphs should support your argument by combining thoughts and ideas with evidence from sources. There is no such thing as a right or wrong argument; the key is how it is supported and the quality of the evidence used. C. Address and refute any opposing viewpoints to your argument. This is your chance to discredit any opposing views, thus strengthening your own. III. Conclusion: Think of the conclusion as a review of your argument. Use this section to restate your argument and remind readers of your supporting evidence. Think of this as your last chance to persuade readers to agree with you. A. Review your argument. This section should be a review of the key points used to support your argument. Think of this as your last chance to prove your point or your closing arguments. B. Include insights about your argument established through your essay. This should follow logically from your essay, referring to key points or quotes used to support your argument.

Electric Cars

How are electric cars beneficial to the environment to guarantee a safer future?

Respond to these two posts thank you 250 words each

Respond to two peer posts.  Consider the advice they shared and whether you have used the same time management technique. Share a personal experience where you did or did not manage time well, and ask whether your peer has ever faced a similar challenge. 

#1 post

After reading Beverly D. Flaxington’s article “Developing Time Management Skills” on Psychology Today (, I came to realize that setting your priorities straight is the key to success. My problems managing time stem from my active family keeping me busy with day to day tasks, my job, and my lack of rest. I get so busy with my daily routine, that when I come home from a long day of work or I finally get a break at home, I hardly have the energy to tackle my to do list. That being said, the article I read mentions the folly of relying on to do lists by stating “To-do lists are extremely popular, but unfortunately, they don’t work very well. This is because they don’t take into account what matters most to you, your values, and your priorities. They’re often just lists of all of the things you need to attend to. When you look at the list and just do whatever is next, it can drag you into dealing with menial and mundane tasks or things that demand your immediate attention but have no real impact on your future” (Flaxington, 2015). So, some of the suggestions the article gives in helping with your time management skills is to accomplish your major priorities first and to organize them by breaking down the tasks into multiple steps. After that, “the rest will hopefully fall into place” (Flaxington, 2015). I honestly don’t use any of the tips in “Building a Critical Skill: Managing your Time,” on p. 225 because I procrastinate, am unorganized, and sometimes too shy to ask for help. I’d rather soldier on and not bother anyone than ask for help for the most part. If I could give any piece of advice to an incoming student about time management, it would be to get your day started early and don’t be afraid to sacrifice sleep from time to time to achieve your goals. You spend a third of your life sleeping, you’ll be fine if you only get a few hours of sleep.


Flaxington, B. D. (2015, July 27). Developing time management skills. Retrieved March 30, 2021, from

#post 2

According to Psychology Today, to manage our time, it is important for us to set a clear goal (2021). In 1970s, people used the ABC prioritization method, which they decided A job as the most important one, B job as the middle-important one, and C job as the least important one. Compared with that time, recent people have a huage amount of what to do and obstacles. Therefore, it is difficult for them to manage their tasks and time. To avoid poor time management, they have to set their working environment as it ia easier for them to work. If they like a clean desk, they should make the desk clean. Of course, it is okay that people have the messy desks, but the goal is to improve their productivity or efficiency. Also, to accomplish all work, it is not good for them to reduce their sleeping time or overwork. It is not improving efficiency. Time management is that within the limited time, people make an effort to accomplish what to do as much as possible. In the case of me, now, I have three part-time job, one internship, and this course's assignment, so time management is very important. At the beginning of every week, I always decide what I will do each day considering from how long does it take and the deadline of the assignments. It is important for me to decide to prioritize one thing the most each day. Also, I set one day as a day-off, so even if I do not accomplish one thing on the decided day, I can do it on the day-off. According to Susa, one of time management tips is ""create time management goals"" (2021). I always use this tip. My goal is to accomplish all the assignments and work, and I get the good salary and get the grade A. Setting goal is very important for time management, because if I have a goal, I can enjoy doing all things as if I try to accomplish my missions. Therefore, I recommend this tip to others.


Time management. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2021, from

Ward, S. (n.d.). Power up and be more productive with these time management tips. Retrieved March 31, 2021, from,of%20time%20management%20is%20actually%20changing...%20More%20

Master Batch Record

Write a Master Batch Record (MBR) to make a food dish (cake, cookies, pasta). It needs to be something with more than one ingredient and more than one action (baking, for instance)

Include appropriate parts of the MBR, as outlined in this presentation (your MBR will be much simpler than the examples shown)

the lecture file is attachment



The essay must be 400 words in length, single space and answer the question, What legacy will you leave for the next generation?


Socrates (homework)

This is a philosophy homework sheet about Socrates. You're required to answer all the questions by watching this 25 mins video on YouTube about (Socrates) 

Attached is the homework sheet. 

Video Link: 

Due Date: Sept. 14th, 9:00 AM. Los Angeles Time Zone

2,000 word essay for english

Hello, I need help with writing a 2,000-word essay on the horror of fiction I have attached all the information you need, please have a look before messaging me.

Discussion 4

Step 1:Submit the draft of your Technical Definition to this discussion board before NOON on Saturday, April 3 Please submit it as a Microsoft Word .docx or PDF. For instructions on how to attach a file to a discussion board on Canvas, see this webpage: not use Pages, as those without a MacBook would have trouble accessing your document. Step 2: After you submit your draft to this discussion board, you are going to give peer review feedback to at least 2 of your peers by 5pm on Sunday, April 4. Since the purpose of this discussion board is for everyone to receive feedback, please first respond to people on the discussion board who do not yet have peer feedback. Part of your peer review grade includes carefully selecting classmates with very little feedback, so that everyone gets feedback.To respond to a peer, follow these steps:Open your peer’s draft by clicking on the file they attached (or the link to their digital site).Open a separate Word document and respond to the following 7 questions/prompts, typing your responses on the Word document that you created. Your responses should be detailed and in complete sentences. You should number your responses 1-7, but you do not need to include the questions/prompts in your response. Be sure to save your work as you go.After you have finished responding to the 7 questions below, save your responses. Then click “reply” to your peer’s discussion board. Attach your peer review feedback as a Microsoft Word doc or docx file.Questions for Peer ReviewPlease make your comments in-text, using the tools at the top of the screen, and provide at least one comment per question below. Note that some questions require you to make more than one comment. 1. Look at the first sentence of the definition. Is it a one-sentence definition? Is it useful and helpful? Is there anything that could be improved about that sentence? Make at least one comment. 2. Read over the document. Identify each definition strategy being used. For each one, comment on which strategy is being used (for example, negation, partition, analogy, etc.) and whether it is being used effectively. Was that strategy helpful? Was there anything confusing? Is there anything that could be better in that section of the document? 3. Consider the organization of the technical definition. Is there anything you think should be moved sooner or later in the definition? Remember that especially helpful information should appear sooner rather than later. Did everything come in an order that made sense to you? Make at least one comment about organization. 4. Consider the formatting of the definition. Do you think think it is formatted in a way that invites a non-technical, professional audience to read and helps them to understand? Does the document appear professional to you? Make at least one comment. 5. Consider the language of the definition. Was it all easy to understand and follow? Does the writer avoid technical jargon? Were there any sections that just made no sense to you? 6. What were the strongest elements of the definition? 7. Summarize the elements of this document that need the most revision. Reiterate suggestions for helping the student to improve that section. In other words, imagine that your classmate has limited time to revise and wants to know what they should do first--what do you suggest and why? Here's how you'll be graded: - Do you post a complete draft of your own paper and on time? (5 points)- Do you leave helpful and thoughtful feedback for two peers? Do you answer all the relevant questions? Do you focus on giving suggestions that will help the reader to improve? (10 points)- Did leave feedback for your peers by the commenting deadline, so that they could use that information to revise? (10 points)