
OPTION A (""ADVANTAGES""): The novel begins with some advice that Nick receives from his father. Nick attaches ""a great deal"" to the significance of ""advantages."" Please pay close attention to what this word means for different characters, and please consider these questions about ""advantages"": What might they be? Who has or doesn't have them? How can one gain or lose them? Were they granted at birth, earned by hard labor, stolen with impunity, seen as a blessing, treasured or squandered, etc...? Please focus on one or two characters and please refer to specific scenes and pages.OPTION B (""PASSING / PERSONAS""): The word ""pass"" has many different meanings, so let's be clear about what ""passing"" means here. To ""pass"" means to create a ""version"" of one's original self so that one can become (or at least try to become) a member of another group. The process of ""passing"" often requires irony, ""hustling,"" risk, humor, and/or rejection--thus authors and artists find it to be a very compelling subject. Please explain the ways in which one or two characters try to ""pass."" (HINT: Maybe look ahead to the essay by Jay-Z and/or the first two chapters of Fun Home!)Once again, pick ONE and post a reply. It should be at least 250 words and it needs to be submitted to our Discussion Board by Friday, April 16th by midnight

303 Week 3 Discussion

An accounting information system is a well-thought-out plan joining together diverse operating units to develop accounting policies and to create financial statements:

 Identify two departmental units that play a role in developing and maintaining the accounting information system.

 Explain the role each department plays in this process.

 Support your response with specific examples

Research Essay: Born A Crime

6-8 Pages, MLA Format, Correct Works Cited Page. PLEASE READ THOROUGLY","You’re NOT being asked to research and then simply summarize or regurgitate the findings of your research. The difference is that your thesis and subsequent argumentative analysis will be thoroughly based on credible academic research. Let your research influence and guide your argument and analysis. 

Your Task: Write a 6-8 page, thesis-driven argumentative analysis essay grounded in academic research addressing one of the following prompts. Your essay must integrate evidence from Born a Crime and at least 3 credible academic sources found through the LMC library databases.

here is the lmc library link: https://www.losmedanos.edu/Library/index.aspx find 3 credible sources to use and cite. 


 Racism and prejudice are key themes in the memoir, yet it’s often lauded as being spectacularly funny. Consider the balance between humor and the severity of these themes. What is the major purpose of humor in the memoir? How and why does Noah use humor to communicate his message?

6-8 pages on born a crime, cite 3 sources, 

here is a link to help break down Born A Crime https://www.allencheng.com/born-a-crime-summary-trevor-noah/

SLS1505 - College Survival Skills Assignment 10

You've explored some of the fears students may have when entering college. Whether you're starting college right after high school or going back to school later in life, you may have a variety of concerns about your new venture.

 In a 1-2 page paper, complete the following:


     Discuss what you know about your personal circumstances that might present some challenges in how you engage in the classroom.


         For example, you might be an older returning student who has a full-time job and a busy schedule. This might present a problem with coming to every class session or submitting assignments on time.

         Another example is that you might struggle with writing and realize that you will have to write several long papers in your first courses.



     Describe at least two specific steps you can take to address these challenges, focusing on your classroom interactions. For example, you might meet with your professor to discuss the late assignment or attendance policy. Or you might seek out the school's writing resources.


         Be as specific as possible in your paper, citing information from your course readings to support your perspectives.

         Draw from all of the course resources, and be creative. For example, your steps might involve reaching out socially and locating campus support centers at your school.





 Submit your document.

Assignment 9

1. Choose a poem we have read so far that you like and are intrigued by. 

2. Use the library databases to find an article on that poem or on the poet who wrote it. It can be literary criticism (someone's article about their interpretation of the poem) or biographical (details about the poet's life and background). Don't use an article about a different poem, though. 

3. Read the article and highlight passages that you think are interesting, or that make good points. It's okay if you don't understand everything in the entire article - literary criticism can be challenging to read! Focus on the points that you do understand. If you feel like the entire article is confusing, choose a different one, though. No one wants you to feel lost and confused. 

4. Write a brief paragraph (three or four sentences is great) about the poem or poet. Incorporate at least one quote from the poem and one quote from the article. Remember that quotes should be integrated into your own sentences. There's an example below, but if you'd like more guidance on integrating quotations, click here for a link to the University of New Orleans's article on quotation integration in research papers. If you're not sure how to format your quote, click this link for the Purdue OWL guide. 

5. Include internal citations for your quotations. Poems should be cited with author's last name and a line number (line of the poem the quote comes from). Articles should be cited with author's last name and a page number. There's an example below, but if you need more help with internal citations, click this link for Purdue OWL's guide to that. 

6. Include a Works Cited list for your paragraph. It should include the poem and the article. Remember that the database can usually provide the citation in MLA format for you. For more help and examples of Works Cited page, click this link for the Purdue OWL guide to Works Cited pages.

Example Paragraph (incomplete Works Cited):

In Adrienne Rich's poem ""Aunt Jennifer's Tigers,"" the speaker states "" When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie/Still ringed with ordeals she was mastered by."" (9-10). The speaker is making the claim that her aunt is controlled by the conflicts in her life. The speaker's description gives readers as much information about her, the niece, as it does about the aunt. As one scholar argues, the speaker's ""metaphor serves more as the niece's judgment than as an actual description"" (Rizza 65). In particular, Rizza alludes to ""finger fluttering through her wool/Find even the ivory needle hard to pull./The massive weight of Uncle's wedding band"" (Rich 5-7). Michael Rizza sees this description as ""contradictory,"" and attributes the symbolic weight of the ring to ""the niece's judgment more than actual description"" (65). It is not clear that Aunt Jennifer feels as weighed down as her niece perceives her to be.  

Works Cited

Rich, Adrienne. ""Aunt Jennifer's Tigers.""

Rizza, Michal J. The ""Split"" in Aunt Jennifer's Tigers. The Explicator, 67(1), 63-66. 2008.

Week 4 Activity

To wrap up our first unit, I've created a video with three short clips. In each clip, you'll apply a social theory we've covered in our class to explain what's going on in the clip. More instructions are in the video. 

 This activity aligns with the student learning outcome: Apply social theories to social interactions, social structures, and social processes.  

The first clip: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=70jsvEhU9Wo&feature=youtu.be

The second clip: https://youtu.be/qiNjU8DwJMo

The third clip: https://youtu.be/5jp0ONJZF74

Assignment 11

This document includes the prompt, expectations, and requirements for the research paper. This document is available as a .pdf and as a Word document. It includes an overview of each section of the essay, and information about what to include and how to organize your essay. 

Things to keep in mind:

 For this essay, submit an MLA-formatted Word document (do not copy and paste). You will submit your assignment below.

 In 5 full pages of text. This means your essay should hit (or come reasonably close) the last line on page 5. 

 Your first paragraph should include (a) the name of the poem and poet, (b) a one or two sentence summary of the poem and (c) your thesis statement or main point about the poem.

 Your essay should be written in academic style (no first or second person, academic language, use of MLA formatting) AND include examples or quotes from the story.

 Chapters 33 and 34 in your textbook have additional information on developing a thesis statement, using quotations, and citing sources.


 The majority of your research paper should be analysis of the poem. The biographical portion is only a minor part of the whole project



Each student will pick a research topic (see examples below) and do one of the following:

o Write a 750 – 1000-word research essay, complete with introduction, thesis, 3-5 body paragraphs, conclusion, and works cited page.


Students will choose their own topic, subject to approval of the instructor. Topics will be on one of the following categories:

o Describe/explain the background and perspective of and debunk a conspiracy theory (past or present).

Examples: Pizzagate Conspiracy; Q-Anon; Black Helicopters; Denver Airport; George Soros, etc.

o Argue for or against a specific policy in local/state/federal government or at CCCC.

Examples: Medicare for All; Legalizing Psilocybin; Electoral College, etc

Music summary

history link:


video link:


video link:


please read and watch all the files and video and have to right 5 pages summary

G. Summative Assessment #4

You will produce a clear and coherent writing that is well organized and edited. After reading and watching S.E. Hinton's ""The Outsiders"" and ""Fences"" by August Wilson. 

In 350 words or more analyze the impact of the social norms of the 1950’s on the development of theme and character in both Fences and The Outsiders. Use at least two pieces of evidence to support your thinking. Make sure to cite correctly using MLA format. 16 points 

Use this sentence format below (fill in the blank, but be clear on what you type):

The 1950’s were a turbulent time in American history. The nation was rapidly changing as were American values.[Three events that happened in the 1950’s that shaped American values]. Although this time is often thought of as a period of prosperity not every American benefited during that decade. In fact two texts written much later would utilize those tensions in a subtle way, to explore the ideas of ___Topic #1____ and ____Topic #2__. 

Both The Outsiders and Fences deal with the topics of ____ and ____ by showing the development of their characters and build their themes through their actions and interactions. Although both stories take place in different parts of America and deal with different ethnic groups they resoundingly share the same theme that in order for a family to stay together they must be willing to change and sacrifice. A moment in __Title of text_____ that demonstrates this is when [Context for your evidence]“[Textual evidence” this [Analysis of text] (Citation). Similarly in ___Title & author____ there is a moment that _[synonym for displays]___ this theme when [Context for textual evidence].“[Textual evidence to support your claim” ]which shows [Analysis of textual evidence] (Citation). In addition this reinforces the social norm of the time that [Social norm shown in textual evidence].

On the other hand there are subtle differences between the texts when it comes to the topic of ___Topic #3___. In _Tiltle of text__ __Topic #3___ [claim about topic #3]. It is made clear to the reader that[claim about the differences between the text].[Contextualize the differences with an example]. [Reasoning for the different view on the topic]. The fierce 50’s are more than a half a century behind us but the themes and culture that emerged during that time can still be seen today.