332 AssignmentsReaction Paper 1

Reaction Papers


Course readings present an important and necessary supplement to our lectures and discussions. This assignment aims to help you develop greater understandings on course materials by seriously and intellectually engaging with these reading materials. Specifically, this assignment requires you to:

 Read and reflect on readings prior to class;

 Review and critique scholarly writings;

 Bring the required readings into dialogue with other course materials;

 Summarize and present your thoughts and opinions.

General Guidelines

Throughout the course of our class, you will write two ( Two )reaction papers to two different course readings picked by you. Each reaction paper is about 800 words in length (2-3 pages, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font).

Select Readings

Within the first week of the class, you will browse the titles and abstracts of course readings. By the second week of the class, you should decide which two readings you would like to write reaction papers on.


Write Reaction Papers

As you read through and critically engage with the reading materials, provide reflective reviews that summarize and critique the readings in your own words.

Reaction Paper Guidelines:

§ Introduction: Introduce the overall topic of the article.

o  Example: The article is about…; The general question is….

§ Context: Describe the specific context within which the study is based. This could be a debate or a gap in previous studies, a historical or recent event, and a topic from lecture.

o  Example: The study is based on the context of XXX; The topic is related to lecture discussions on XXX.

§ Main Arguments: Summarize the general themes, key points and arguments in the article. You should also present the evidences and examples used by the author(s) in order to explain how and why the author(s) come to the conclusions.

§ Critiques: Discuss your opinion about the reading and evaluation of the work’s strengths and weaknesses. These could be about the topic, the arguments and the examples. You could start with the general contribution of the article to your understanding on the topic and then dive into the specific strengths and weaknesses.

o  Example: The article contributes to my understanding on XXX; The arguments are (not) well-presented because XXX; There are flaws/ contradictions/ constraints in the argument as XXX; what are the other things you would hope the author(s) have investigated. 

§ Conclusion: End the paper by making a final statement about the reading and your evaluation.


§ 2-3 pages long

§ Double-spaced

§ 1-inch margins

§ 12-point Times New Roman font

Think Piece


 Create a document that has a working thesis with one main point and one body paragraph that analyzes one way that gender dynamics manifest in Susan Glaspell’s Trifles. Your main point should come from the list of elements (PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS FOR THE ELEMENTS)

 At the end of your paragraphs, write 2 questions on which you would like a classmate to provide feedback after they have read your draft. Avoid yes/or no questions, or the reviewer is free to simply answer “yes” or “no.”

Here is the link to Susan Glaspell's Trifles: https://www.one-act-plays.com/dramas/trifles.html

Suggested Structure

Include a working thesis sentence:

Gender dynamics manifest in Susan Glaspell’s Trifles through ____ and ____ in order to demonstrate the them/consequences of _____________. [use concepts from the Essay 3 Directions]

For the body paragraph:

 Include a clear topic sentence stating the element (ex: One way gender dynamics manifest in Susan Glaspell’s Trifles is ____ [a historical approach] or [symbol] or [setting] or ....)

 Explain the element and its manifestation in Trifles. (ex: A historical approach is when....It is often used to....)

 Provide 1-2 examples with clear textual support. (ex: This approach is specifically used in the text when.....This example demonstrates....Another example....)

 Analyze the significance, implications, and/or consequences of your findings. (ex: Glaspell uses the the historical approach highlights the consequences of....OR....shows the significance of....)

christianity essay

How does Christianity live today?"" or ""What I've learned from religion class"" or even ""What I thought I knew about Christianity"" and so forth

Mcqs frank

19 What .................... next weekend? 30 I ................... my mobile phone since 2009. A do you do A have had B are you doing B have C will you do C had D did you do D am having 20 'Why are you so hungry?' 'Oh, I .................... breakfast this morning.'31 How long .......................... English? A didn't have A are you learning B don 't have B have you been learning C hadn't C do you learn D haven't D you learn 21 Look! The bus ....................... 32 We ................. the flight tickets yet. A are coming A don't book B is coming B have booked C comes C haven't booked D come D didn't book 22 - 'I have never been to Africa.' - ' ........... have I.' 33 When Simon .........back tonight, he'll do the washing up.A Either A will come B Neither B comes C So C come D No D shall come 23 'Have you visited Birmingham?' ' ............ ' 34 Would you mind ............... the gate, please? A - Not A closing B - Ever B to close C - Already C close D - Not yet. D closed 24 My mother ............. the carpet when I got home yesterday afternoon.35 I ............ smoke when I was 20. A is hoovering A use to B was hoovering B used to C were hoovering C wouldn't D has been hoovering D couldn't 25 My aunt .................. come to our wedding reception next month.36 You should ............ martial arts. A aren't going to A get off B isn't going to B start up C isn't C take up D will D take off 26 I promise I .................. study harder. 37 Could you tell me when ................................. ? A will A does the train leave B am going to B the train leaves C may C does leave the train D must D leaves the train 27 Is Emma ................... Carla? 38 ............. did you travel with? A tall as A How B as tall as B Who C taller that C Whose D more tall D What

Exploring Your Student Support Services

As a student, you may encounter a number of situations where you will need to seek support and guidance to navigate your experiences. In this activity, you will read a series of university life scenarios to help you gain familiarity with the student support services available to you. After reading all scenarios, select one. Determine which university resources would best meet the needs in the selected case and explain why.

Scenario 1

Julia is taking an accounting class, but isn't comfortable with the material. She knows that she has homework assignments each week as well as a business proposal due at the end of the class. She is feeling overwhelmed by the content of the course and doesn't know where to begin with her proposal. What resources are available to Julia that could help her be successful this semester? How will those resources help her?

Scenario 2

Robert is returning to school after a long time away. While he doesn't believe he can really afford to pay for a degree, he knows that he needs it to advance at work. He has registered for his first class, but notices that there is a required PowerPoint presentation. He isn't sure he'll be able to afford to buy software in addition to his tuition. What resources are available to help Robert remain in his degree program and be successful? How will these resources benefit him?

Scenario 3

Tiffany is currently enrolled in an IFSM class that requires group work. Tiffany struggles to keep up due to diagnosed ADHD, but is doing her best. However, one of her group mates does not feel that Tiffany is ""pulling her weight"" and begins complaining in the discussion forums about it while also sending Tiffany threatening messages. Tiffany hasn't told anyone about managing ADHD and doesn't want to make a big deal about it, but is starting to worry about how this will impact her grade and how she is supposed to handle her teammate. Who should Tiffany reach out to about this situation? How can these individuals or groups help her?

Scenario 4

Jake is currently in Week 3 of two classes, but he has just been told that he will be deployed in five days for 6 weeks. This means he will miss the rest of his class. He knows that he won't be able to complete all of his work in the next five days (while preparing for deployment), but he's not sure what to do. This semester, he chose to use student loans to pay for his classes due to the fact that he ran out of military Tuition Assistance in the previous semester. Who should Jake talk to about his concerns? How can they assist?

In your response, identify the student support services you would leverage and how you would expect the service to help. Post your response by 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday of Week 6, and respond to two classmates by 11:59 p.m. ET on Tuesday of Week 6


You will write a review of the concert. First you must think of yourself as a reporter: answer, in narrative form, the questions: Who was performing? Where was the performance, What pieces were performed? How was the audio and video quality? How might this performance experience as an audience member differ from being there in person?

Then write your opinion of the concert: how well was the program conceived? Did the different pieces seem to fit or were they contrasting? Did you like the choice of piece(s)? How good was the performance? Was it accurate? Did it sound like there were any wrong notes or out of tune playing/singing or anything else that seemed not quite right? Did you like the performance? Did it move you? 

End the review with whether you would recommend this to anyone else and why

Discussion post

Parasitic Disease

It is estimated by the CDC that over are about 6 to 12 million occurrences of head lice infestation a year, (“Head Lice”, 2020). Head lice is more common among 3 to 11 year old school children than any other age group or population. Head lice spread by direct contact with the hair of an infested person. Head lice can also spread by carpet and clothing. Over the years public health professionals have realized that one of the main challenges for prevention is infestation between school children. Teachers and other school employees are told to ensure that children have no direct head-to-head contact with each other. They were given safety health measures to combat the infestation of head lice. However, due to carpeted floors in schools, contact between personal clothing items (from infested person to uninfested person), and active a children, head lice has still been challenging to prevent, (“Head Lice”, 2020). Currently, public health officials have cracked the whip in making schools update and intensify their head lice policies to ensure that there are lower rates of head lice infestation among students. Although head lice policies aim to lower the rates occurrences, lice spread rather quickly. Also, if it is not treated or caught in time the head lice policies will produce vain attempts to combat the spread. Also, public health officials are encouraging parents to teach children to avoid activities that may spread lice. However, children are always active and sometimes personable with other children. Therefore, this advice may not help reduce the spread.

Infectious Disease

           Chlamydia is considered to the most reported sexually transmitted infectious disease in the US, (""How do you prevent chlamydia? | Prevention tips,"" n.d.). The CDC reported over 4 million chlamydial infections in 2018. It is safe to say that the spread of chlamydia is a public health concern. Untreated and undiagnosed chlamydia can cause reproductive issues for women and pelvic inflammatory disease, (""Chlamydia,"" 2019) One major challenge in controlling chlamydia is the amount of Americans that are undiagnosed and untreated. One example of how public health departments are trying to address this is by performing contact tracing. This has helped the spread of chlamydia and has also created opportunities for treatment. The only downside about this strategy for control is the fact that DIS (disease intervention specialists) rely on patients to be completely honest about their sexual partner. If the patients are not honest, the sex partners may never be diagnosed or treated. Another example of how public health officials are making efforts to control the disease is by providing locations with free testing and treatment. Allowing sexually active individuals the opportunity to get tested for free rather or not they have medical coverage will open the door for disease control. However, most of the sexually active population have no idea of the health department’s free program and they also lack enough sex education to even get tested after unsafe sex.

Antibiotic Resistance

           One antibiotic resistance situation is VRE (Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci). Vancomycin-resistant Enterococci has caused approximately 54,500 infections among hospitalized patient, (""VRE in healthcare settings | HAI | CDC,"" 2019). This occurs when the Enterococci bacteria does not respond to the vancomycin (antibiotic), which is meant to kill the bacteria. The CDC is working address VRE by surveillance systems to collect records of VRE occurrences. The CDC is also working to address this by researching and devising a plan to prevent VRE, (""VRE in healthcare settings | HAI | CDC,"" 2019)

ENG 111

After reading both the pros and cons concerning using animals for test subjects in the medical field, write an entry that clearly expresses your stance.  



Persuasive Essay with Documentation ENG 101

Write an essay with a minimum of 1,000 words. Choose a subject that you have an interest in or an opinion about. It is important to clearly state your position or viewpoint in your first paragraph. Remember to use valid, specific details to support your writing.

In your introduction include a brief overview of the subject or topic. You may include a narrative of past events, a summary of other’s opinions on your subject, or a summary of the basic facts. Tell your reader why your subject is a valid concern, why it is interesting, or explain how it has been misunderstood.

Possible Topics: see next page for 50 additional topics!

You can select one of these if you like or choose your own topic

 Medical use or legalization of marijuana

 Capital punishment

 Censorship of certain aspects of popular entertainment

 Gay rights, e.g. to legal marriage, to equal protection in workplaces

 Affirmative action policies

 Public school dress codes

 Random highway police checks

 School prayer

 School voucher programs or private takeover of public schools

 Specific laws and penalties for hate crimes


You must have a thesis sentence that clearly defines the topic you are going to discuss; each of your supporting paragraphs must also have a clear topic sentences.

In your essay, you are expected to use a minimum of three correct MLA or APA citations and complete a Works Cited or References page with a minimum of three correct sources. 


Your paper, appropriately titled, should be between three and four typed pages, double-spaced, in a 12-point font.

Please put your name, the title of the course and index number, and the date on the top left-hand corner of the first page. Your title should be centered on the first page below your name, and you should begin your text one line below your title. 

Essay Schedule

Friday April 30 Typed Draft Due to Canvas

Friday May 7 Final Version Due to Canvas!

We HAVE NO FINAL EXAM!!! – You are Welcome!

50 Additional Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas


Should fracking be legal?

Should parents be able to modify their unborn children?

Do GMOs help or harm people?

Should vaccinations be required for students to attend public school?

Should world governments get involved in addressing climate change?


Should Facebook be allowed to collect data from its users?

Should self-driving cars be legal?

Is it ethical to replace human workers with automation?

Should there be laws against using cell phones while driving?

Has the internet positively or negatively impacted human society?


Should college athletes be paid for being on sports teams?

Should coaches and players make the same amount of money?

Should sports be segregated by gender?

Should the concept of designated hitters in baseball be abolished?

Should US sports take soccer more seriously?


Should religious organizations have to pay taxes?

Should religious clubs be allowed in schools?

Should “one nation under God” be in the pledge of allegiance?

Should religion be taught in schools?

Should clergy be allowed to marry?


Should minors be able to purchase birth control without parental consent?

Should the US switch to single-payer healthcare?

Should assisted suicide be legal?

Should dietary supplements and weight loss items like teas be allowed to advertise through influencers?

Should doctors be allowed to promote medicines?


Is the electoral college an effective system for modern America?

Should Puerto Rico become a state?

Should voter registration be automatic?

Should people in prison be allowed to vote?

Should Supreme Court justices be elected?


Should sex work be legalized?

Should Columbus Day be replaced with Indigenous Peoples’ Day?

Should the death penalty be legal?

Should animal testing be allowed?

Should drug possession be decriminalized?


Should unpaid internships be legal?

Should minimum wage be increased?

Should monopolies be allowed?

Is universal basic income a good idea?

Should corporations have a higher or lower tax rate?


Are school uniforms a good idea?

Should PE affect a student’s grades?

Should college be free?

Should Greek life in colleges be abolished?

Should students be taught comprehensive sex ed?


Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism?

Should books with objectionable words be banned?

Should content on YouTube be better regulated?

Is art education important?

Should art and music sharing online be allowed?

English 1c

Proposal Argument Essay

How can parents raise children to be productive and resourceful?


Find four articles on this subject, two making the case against and two making the case for your proposal. Choose only from reputable websites.


Based on your experience and what you’ve read in those sources, make a list of reasons for and against, then decide where you stand on the issue and formulate your thesis statement.

Writing the essay

In a well-organized essay discuss this issue and support your claims with quotes and information from your sources. Devote a good part of your paper to presenting the opposite point of view and respond to it. Avoid fallacies and emotional or vulgar language.

The paper must be 3 -4 pages long, MLA style, double spaced, Times New Roman size 12 font. Include in-text citations and a Works Cited page with the corresponding references you used.