
This writing assignment tests your critical thinking skills and the ability to connect sections of the assigned reading material and develop an argument that examines the changing relationships between the individual, society, and the communications media.

Explain how the changes from the television culture of the 1950s through the 1970s to the internet and streaming culture of today affected relationships between individuals and American society and how an individual’s place in society affects experiences, values, or choices. (1) Begin with a brief description of over-the-air television’s common-denominator programs, emphasizing corporate control and the attention-selling model of making money. (2) Then describe how this model works with the range of streaming and social media fare available these days. (3) Finally, write about how an individual’s place in the social hierarchy of American society affects experiences, values, or choices.

In writing about the shifting communications structure from over-the-air television to cable to streaming to social media sites, you should connect your answer to other concepts we’ve been exploring. These include the ethics and underlying premises of racial categories, gender roles, or pertinent aspects of media law. For example, you can write about racial representations, changing gender roles for men and women, or the dilemma created by Section 230 of the 1996 Telecommunications Act. The material for your response should come directly from the assigned reading—but be entirely in your own words. Your answer should be in three distinct, clearly identifiable parts with a total of no less than 500 and no more than 600 words. Each section of your three-part answer should be separated and labeled.

editing essay

Describe your impact on your community and how it has shaped you

One pg essay

there are 4 assignments in total. i need a 1 page essay and create 5 questions based on what you learned from the article for each one of them

Module 2 Discussion/ Microeconomics

After viewing the video clip, Bart Gets an Elephant, consider the relationship between price elasticity of demand and total revenue, and why Homer didn't make the smartest business decision when raising the price of admission. For this week’s discussion question, you should pick two products: one that is relatively price inelastic and another that is relatively price elastic. You can determine a product’s relative price elasticity by considering the Determinants of the Price Elasticity of Demand listed in your textbook. You should begin by defining your product in terms of the determinants and then describe how increases in the price would affect total revenue. Would it make good business sense to be the one producing and selling these products? Why or why not?

Essay,, Entering Public Debate

Hello, I have attached what is needed to write the essay. It is about 3-4 pages

Essay #3 Entering Public Debate pdf is the prompt and rubric. The second pdf is an assignment that I did to help with starting the essay.

This is the article chosen:

Informative Report

Need help with the assignment below. 


Informative Report: Draft


 Choose a familiar household appliance (such as a vacuum cleaner, toaster, or hair dryer).

 Write a 1–2 page mechanism description (written in your own words) telling an audience of fifth graders in a science class on how the appliance works.


The document must include:


 At least one graphic.

 A logical spatial order.

 Citations of any sources and graphics if taken from a source.

In your document, you should:

 Ensure the document is clear and brief.

 Exercise logic in your design, including the placement of headers and graphics.

 Use appropriate language for the audience and purpose.

 Follow the steps identified in the textbook.


     Make sure to include a summary for your informative report. You may wish to refer to your Week 5 Discussion post to review your thoughts regarding best practices for a summary in an informative report.



 Cite sources, including any graphics.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Articulate technical information to match the audience

346 AAssignmentsAdaptation Assessment Topic

A major assignment for this class is the selection of an adaptation plan for a case study. The case study proposal must follow the following guidelines to receive full credit!

The proposal must #1 introduce which climate change adaptation plan you have chosen to study and #2 why you have decided it will be a useful study that #3 complements the course material covered in class. This introductory paragraph for you final report should be between 300- 400 words.

You must list as sources at least one adaptation plan and at least one other additional relevant paper or article that you will use as the sources you will reference in your final report . This relevant material can be about the plan itself and what is the progress or problems in the planning process, or publications relevant to the topic targeted by the adaptation plan, without being specifically about adaptation. For example: a publication or article about the projected population affected by the adaptation plan, the future sea level rise for a coastal plan, the projected increase in temperature for the area adapting to increasing temperatures, etc. You can always add additional references and the more you have, the better.

Keep in mind that the tentative questions to answer in this case study include the following: What kind of approach does the adaptation effort take? What climate change impact does it address? What strategies are used? Who were the parties involved in developing the plan? What type of vulnerability assessment was used, or was there one? Has there been any effort to assess how effective the adaption plan has been? Who are the parties whose needs are being addressed and who is left out?

Here is some additional information on where to look for adaptation plans. Internet searches for resources can help, as well as the university library online.

To look at developing countries there are National Adaptation Plans of Action: 


National efforts are listed extensively in the National Climate Assessment chapter from your first reading assignment, the full report can be accessed here: (Links to an external site.)

Additional national and international efforts at these links:

The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report ( chapters 14-17 on adaptation) can be accessed here:

Chapter 15 of the 5th assessment report has many references that refer to existing to adaptation plans underway, as that is the entire topic of this chapter:

Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet

Part 1: Matrix

Using Ch. 10 of Sociology in Modules and your own Internet research, select and identify six different ethnic groups. Complete the matrix for the groups you identified. 

Part 2: Analysis

Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of the advantages of a multicultural society and labor force. Include specific examples related to at least three of the ethnic groups you identified in Part 1. Use the following questions to guide your writing:

· How has U.S. society influenced these ethnic groups’ mindset and identity? 

· How has each group been stereotyped? How accurate are these stereotypes?

· How do the social concepts of prejudice, discrimination, and privilege affect multicultural groups? 

· How do the behavior and thinking patterns in U.S. society (biases, stereotypes, discriminatory practices) affect multicultural groups, especially regarding class systems and employment?

<Write your analysis here.>

Part 3: References

Include references formatted according to APA guidelines.

need this done 2 1/2 hours

Name: __________________________________________________________________ 

Version A 

Part II: Problems (120 Points) 

Problem 1 (50pts): 

1. The dependency diagram in Figure 1 below indicates that authors are paid royalties for each book that they write for a publisher. The amount of the royalty can vary by author, by book, and by edition of the book. 

Figure 1: Book royalty dependency diagram 

Given the dependency diagram shown in Figure 1 above, answer questions 1a, 1b and 1c. 

a. Identify each of the indicated dependencies. 

Version A 

b. Create a database whose tables are at least in 2NF, showing the dependency diagrams for each table. 

c. Create a database whose tables are at least in 3NF, showing the dependency diagrams for each table.

Version A 

Problem 2 (70pts): 


Draw the Crow’s Foot ERD for the Cirque de la Lune application described below. 

Cirque de la Lune 

Cirque de la Lune is a high quality entertainment company and one of the largest theatrical producers in the world. Originally composed of a dozen street performers, it now employs many performers who bring wonder and delight to people through incredible circus performing acts. You have been hired by Cirque to create a database to manage and improve their businesses processes. 

The foundation of Cirque are their amazing shows, which are carefully planned to thrill audiences with performances they’ve never seen before. For the database, a show will have a name, theme, the date it was established, and the date it will expire (or has expired.) Shows travel across the world, and have certain locations where they will be performed. A performance of a show is called an event. A show will have (or has had) many events at many locations. A location consists of the location name, address, phone, and capacity. A location may be the site of many events, but an event has one and only one location. It is also critical that the date of an event be recorded in the database. 

The Cirque performers, who have one specialty, are divided into teams. A team has one or more performers, but a performer only belongs to one team. The team has a name and a theme. A specialty has a name, type, and usually a piece of equipment that is required. Specialties may have one or more performers able to perform that specialty. Performers will be performing at several different events of a show, and of course a show has many performers who can do the amazing acts. 

Cirque also wishes to keep track of its customers’ information, such as their first and last name, phone number, and email. Customers may attend many events, and of course the events have so many customers in attendance, that they are usually sold out for every event. 

The owners of Cirque are optimistic that a well-designed database system will substantially improve their business processes. They are depending on you to analyze their business to identify areas that can benefit from such a system, and to design and develop the system itself

Week 7 303

A statement of cash flows is often one of the most used and least understood of the key financial statements. However, it is a vital report to use when evaluating or analyzing a company. Identifying where a company is receiving and using its cash—through operations, investing, and financing activities—is more important than knowing the company's net income:

 Describe the types of accounts/transactions in each section of the statement of cash flows.

 Explain how the net effect of cash used in each activity will help to evaluate liquidity, solvency, and financial flexibility.

 Explain why this statement is necessary even when a company has substantial net income.

Substantiate your response with examples.