Food Label

Can anyone do this 4-5 paper over Ragu?

Five (5) pieces of evidence to support the prompt and five (5) pieces of evidence that refutes the prompt

Prompt: Armed self-defense is a practical solution for stopping further violence.

You must submit five (5) pieces of evidence to support the prompt and five (5) pieces of evidence that refutes the prompt. 

Site a source for each piece of evidence (claim) provided. You should have 10 sources cited using MLA formatting.

It is better to use resources from here or at least 70% of them:

Article notes

1 page 

no compleate sentences 

no plag 

only key words

Research essay

A well-researched, academic argument that adds a new perspective to the existing conversation about your topic

 A clear thesis statement that advances a specific, substantial, arguable point

 Strong supporting evidence from your secondary research

 In-text citation of at least FIVE different secondary sources

 A careful evaluation of relevant counterpoints

 A coherent organizational structure that enhances the argument and effectively portrays the research

 An identifiable audience

 A clear ethos

 6-8 double-spaced pages

 MLA citation for all sources in an attached works cited page

Proofreading and proper MLA formatting

Concept leadership

review and discuss eight (8) u-tube videos presented by well-known leaders;

Fish Market, Seattle

Questions to be answered:

 What is the main concept of the video?

 How does this video apply to me as an individual in a leadership role?

 In the news today, include in your post an example of teamwork, extraordinaire.

Edit my paper and put it powerpoint

This is my professor's feedback Excellent. Would like an Intro to be A. One sentence thesis.

B. Introduce three major points (see example)              

So divide the thesis. 

you have to PowerPoint

Action plan: Taking action in and out of the classroom

This Action Plan should address two levels: one to address behavior in the classroom and one that is applicable to your entire school. Your action plan must include:

Description: A description of your school (you may change the name for anonymity if necessary). Describe bullying concerns/behaviors that are currently an issue at your school. Include enrollment data, basic demographic data, and academic performance data.

Classroom Plan: A Plan to address bullying in the classroom that addresses the following questions:

 What steps will be taken?

 Who will take them?

 How will they be implemented and monitored?

 What resources are needed?

School Site Plan: A Plan to address bullying school-wide that addresses the following questions:

 What steps will be taken?

 Who will take them?

 How will they be implemented and monitored?

 What resources are needed?

Tell-Tale Heart and The Black Cat- Comparison

Question #1. How does each author use ambiguity or uncertainty to add interest and to advance his themes? Cite an example of ambiguity in each story and describe its effect. Support your responses with evidence from the text. 

Question #2. Compare and contrast the social context of the characters in both stories. How do their interactions with others contribute to the themes of the two works? Support your responses with evidence from the text.

This is Arguing value essay

Despite the open hostility against political campaign ads, they do force candidates to consider their constituents beyond the usual financial supporters.","This assignment is a 1000-word essay arguing the value of Despite the open hostility against political campaign ads, they do force candidates to consider their constituents beyond the usual financial supporters .

 Use MLA format 

college level essay

Morals and equality

Write a short essay about morals