Assignment Due

Appeals are rhetorical devices used to help persuade an audience. Appeals do not necessarily make an argument credible; however, they can make the argument more relatable or believable. The appeals listed below can strengthen an argument when used correctly and in proper moderation, but can cheapen a rhetorical work if misused or overused. 

Socratic Appeals: 

Ethos--offers the audience evidence that he or she is credible. The communicator attempts to prove that he or she is well-informed about the topic at hand and that he or she is a good person with the audience’s best interests in mind. This type

of appeal may use testimonials, specialists, or God as support for his or her work. 

Logos--offers the audience clear, reasonable ideas developed through reasoning and logic. This type of appeal may use reasoned examples, details and/or statistics. 

Pathos--draws on the audience’s emotions so they will be sympathetic to the communicator’s ideas. 

General Appeals (that fall under the umbrella of ethos, logos or pathos): 

Altruism--appeals to an audience’s sense of goodness or morality. 

Anger--appeals to an audience’s sense of anger, outrage or hate. 

Fear--appeals to an audience’s fears or anxieties.

Flag-waving or patriotic--appeals to an audience’s sense of patriotism. 

Intelligence--appeals to an audience’s reasoning or wisdom. 

Plain Folk--appeals to the experiences of the common man.

Snob--appeals to an audience’s taste for the finer, and usually unobtainable, things in life. 


Find at least one example of each of the 10 appeals listed above from the images on the internet; examples can be in the form of words and/or images. Create a PowerPoint or Google slides with the example(s) of each of the appeals and provide a brief explanation of how the words and/or images embody that appeal.

Burning of the leaves

Can anyone plz tell me the summary of the poem "" Burning of the leaves"" written by Robert Laurence Binyon?","Can anyone plz tell me the summary of the poem "" Burning of the leaves"" written by Robert Laurence Binyon?

Post hw

please respond to this post

Economics plays a significant role in global health issues. In general, wealthier countries are healthier countries (Markle, et al., 2013). It is unclear whether increased wealth or improved health leads is the driver of the relationship or if there is a third undiscovered factor (Markle, et al., 2013). It is clear that there is some causal relationship between wealth and health which is positive (Markle, et al., 2013). Several global health initiatives address this relationship in the framework of their goals (CDC, 2021). Whether it is the millennium goals, sustainable development goals, or the CDC’s own global strategy, improving economics is key to creating better health outcomes around the world (CDC, 2021). 

           In this context my research took me to the CDC’s global health strategy. There I found several goals outlined which address global health issues. Specifically, the CDC has outline three main goals addressing Health Security, health Impact, and Public health science leadership (CDC, 2021). Under each goal are several sub goals pertaining to the goal category. Relevant to my discussion is objective 2.1 which reads, ‘Reduce the morbidity and mortality of high burden diseases and conditions’ (CDC, 2021). High burden diseases have an enormous economic impact globally, particularly in poor and developing nations (Zhang, et al., 2020). Several diseases meet the criteria of ‘high burden’ diseases such as HIV and Malaria. However, I chose to discuss Tuberculosis (TB). 

           TB is a well characterized disease that impacts countries on a widespread scale. While there have been improvements through initiatives such as the MDG and SDG, TB remains a troubling global issue (Zhang, et al., 2020). 10 million people globally are infected with TB and 1.6 million die each year from the disease (Zhang, et al., 2020). Nearly 95% of these infections occur in developing countries (Markle, et al., 2013). Additonally, TB affects primarily working age individuals (15 – 54), where infection means 20% - 30% loss of yearly wages due to months of treatment and recovery (Markle, et al., 2013). Furthermore, those who die from the disease leave an estimated 15 year loss of income (Markle, et al., 2013). TB is interlinked with poverty as crowded and unsanitary living conditions are significant risk factors for infection (Markle, et al., 2013). Conversely, those infected are often forced into poverty through the sale of assets which is necessary to pay for treatment (Markle, et al., 2013). As stated before many of the initiatives have seen some success in combating TB and reducing the overall disease burden but more work is needed in order to help developing countries with this issue (Zhang, et al., 2020).

ENG 102 Research Paper Final Outline

In this assignment, you will finalize the outline and submit it for your instructor’s evaluation.

As you learned in the module notes and in your reading, an outline is the foundation of the research paper. Start with the outline you workshopped in discussion this week. Then, add to and/or revise the outline based on the feedback you received in discussion.

As you develop your outline, ask yourself the following questions:

 What are the key points that support my thesis statement?

 What primary supporting details should I add to develop these key points?

 Are there supplemental/secondary points that will further strengthen my statement?

 What kind of organizational plan will I use for my essay?

Your assignment is to develop a detailed outline for your research paper. Your outline should be focused on your thesis and should include your thesis statement in the outline of your introduction.

At a minimum, your topic sentences should be written in complete sentences. In the body of your outline, you should develop your points to at least a second level of detail. This means, in addition to outlining the main points that support your thesis, you will need to add sub-points for those points. These are not required to be written in complete sentences at this time, but you should include as much detail as possible at this stage of the writing process; it only serves to make the drafting phase easier. Be sure to cite any sources you use to develop your outline

English Reading




6-8 sentence summary


What was it like to read this text? In 5-7 sentences, refute the author's argument

Reality Check #2

Discuss a topic covered in this last module on different Communication Contexts and apply it to your life or a communication situation you have experienced

 Fully define the concept using the textbook or other reference and cite your source APA-style within your essay

 Include APA style full reference at the end of your document

 Write at least 400 words

 Check your writing for grammar, sentence structure, and paragraph structure

 Your reality check should be at least 3 paragraphs: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion

The reference is attached from the book Pearson, J., Titsworth, S., Hosek, A., & Nelson, P. (2016). Looseleaf for human communication (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education

8 to nine poems

A series of eight to ten poems covering at least five different poetic forms (blank verse, free verse, rhyming verse, villanelle/sestina, etc.); should include a cover page with your name, a title for the overall portfolio, and a table of contents. I expect each poem to be substantial and include multiple stanzas. No super short form poems (no offense, haikus!)

Variables and Operational Definitions

In this activity, you will submit the following elements, resulting in a set of hypotheses.

 State your Research Topic, Objective/Purpose, and Research Question(s).

 List and label the variables, including independent, dependent, intervening, or moderating.

 Explain the relationships among the variables.

 Describe the purpose of operationalizing variables.

 Describe how you would operationalize the variables in your research question(s). You can mention more than one possible option for these, as there can be different ways of operationalizing the same variables.

 Develop a set of hypotheses (null and alternative) from your identified variables that address your identified research question(s).

Reply to discussion forum 2 in English Lit

Week 2 Forum Posting 

Please post a half page discussion on your thoughts about the role of nature as it appears from last week's reading into this week's assigned readings. Do you think the shifting value of nature - perhaps even the distrust of nature - will cause the portrayal of heroes in American literature to shift?

Then respond to at least one classmate's posting.

3 replies to the posts in the word document

100 words each


Summarize Ungar's article and identify three (3) topics or ideas that he shares with Murray.,"summarize Ungar's article and identify three (3) topics or ideas that he shares with Murray. 

Your summary should be in the form of a short paragraph that opens with a topic sentence that states the major claim your article is making, followed by some examples from the text that support your claim. The three ideas/topics can simply be listed.