

Correct the file, ""kitewinner_1st iteration.docx"" using the Grading Rubric attached


This assignment is a discussion.

Hobbies: Run and dance.

I joining from Coral Gables, Miami.

Major: Supply Chain Management 

This my principal information and the other of the questions you can answer how you want do it. According of the requirements.

After that I will need that you help me with the respond two classmate. So, you'll have more assignment about this context.

No least of 250 words. Remember that this is a discussion


5 paragraph example 

-an important person in my life 

-imagine living life without a phone 

-what are three qualities of a successful worker

African American History

African American History,Harriet Jacob: incidents in the life of a slave girl


Causes and effects of overpopulation in Pakistan?

Longevity, public health, medical technology

The average life expectancy (LE) in 1900 was 47 years of age. In 2008, the average LE in the US was 80 years, and now the US Census Bureau projects that the average LE will be 79.5 years. Life expectancy in the US differs by sex and race. Women live about 5 years longer than men, and whites live about 4 years longer than African-Americans.

At the population level, increased life expectancy has been attributed to two major factors related to technology. Public health measures such as vaccinations and water treatment have added 25-30 years to our life expectancy while medical advances have added about 5 years. These measures have significantly reduced the incidence of infant mortality and allowed people to be healthier well into their 70’s, 80’s and beyond. (Source: https://www.census.gov/prod/1/pop/p23-190/p23190-g.pdf)

Part 1: Take the following online survey: http://www.livingto100.com/calculator/age

Take note of the questions being asked in the survey and consider the factors that might impact your longevity. (NOTE: The survey does ask you to provide an email address and create a password as the calculator is regularly updated to account for new research findings. If you have strenuous objections to providing your email address you can create a dummy account through a free email provider or contact the instructor for an alternate writing assignment. )

Part 2: At the level of the individual, genetic and environmental factors help to predict how long a person will live. For this discussion topic, review the learning resources for this week.

Respond to the following questions:

 Share your survey results – what is your predicted life expectancy? What factors contributed to your longevity (or lack thereof)?

 What are the economic, sociological, psychological, and healthcare implications of an aging population that could live indefinitely?

 What role does technology play in health across the lifespan? How does it keep us from being healthy? How does it promote health?

 How long do you think we should live? Should we live indefinitely or should there be limits? Justify your response.

Writing assignment

What committees are responsible for monitoring the protection of human subjects? Length: a minimum of 2 pages, title and references not included in page countCitations: a minimum of 2

Urban planing history

reflection,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mybc7WxrrfA watch this video and write one full page reflection andwering these two questions: What are the implications of shrinking Detroit?Who are the winners and losers in this process?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNE-hUL6yPUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzR98Z5H8kAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h-BsKkMB6A watch these 3 videos and write one full page reflection andwering these two questions: Why are people moving in with their parents?What are the pros and cons of multigenerational households?


an persuasive outline and speech on Millennials in Church 

with bibliography with at least two different reference sources, such as website and a book. 

 All speeches must be presented using the Extemporaneous Method .All speeches must be a minimum of 5 minutes and/or a maximum of 7 minutes

Writing an email

I want someone to write me an email to the university president.

the email is talking about how am struggling in paying the rest of my spring semester tuition in order to register for fall 2021. I am not able to pay the remaining balance, because I was not able to make enough money during covid19. i want to ask the school to reduce the amount or wave it.