
Watch this video on body language and how to speak with an accent. Write about how you can use it to deliver your speech. Include page numbers. 


 Gestures and Body Language If not used properly, gestures and body language can be distracting and detract from the message of your speech. Learn to hone your speaking skills by channeling nervous energy into purposeful movement.www.youtube.com


 THE FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING - I HATE MY ACCENTTHE FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING - I HATE MY ACCENT / I can't count the times someone has told me they hate their accent. In this video I explain why, and how, you need to get rid of those unhelpful thoughts. I talk you through the process on accepting how you sound, and using it to your advantage. We are all unique, and that's a wonderful thing! If ...www.youtube.com


How to build a personal origin story? What, why, how and when?

How to Write?,

What is the Play Trifles about?

Classroom Management Wong

Watch the Harry Wong video:

 Dr. Harry Wong Video (Links to an external site.)

Then, watch the Ms. Tolliver video:

 Ms. Tolliver video (Links to an external site.)

 Discuss 3 specific strategies that you learned after watching Ms. Toliver. (1 point each - total 3 points)

 Why were they significant to you? (1 point each - total 3 points)

 Discuss 3 specific strategies/recommendations that you learned after watching Harry Wong's video. (1 point each - total 3 points)

 Discuss how Ms. Tolliver's strategies relate to Harry Wong’s recommendations in his video. (1 point each - total 3 points)

 Please respond to each item independently of one another and number each item. Thank you.

Write A complaint

Write A complaint against a security company names Sentry Security,"1. I will like you to write a one or two page about this company call SENTRY SECURITY for discrimination bullying, my race has a black African American. Refusing to give me a security officer job position because I was denied a security license card and later I was granted a security card to work as a security for their company.

2. write about The moment I went to the office of sentry security to inform them of my current license that was accepted and issue to me. the first thing that came out of the hiring supervisor's mouth was, I did not know what you told the board that made them give you your license, I took that very insulting and bullying to me. infact that shows that the hiring supervisor does not want to give me the job with that statement. the supervisor starts giving me an attitude, coming up with an attitude and coming up with excuses,s and refuses to give me a job. because I am black.

3. Now I want you to write how the supervisor bullied me and discriminate against me when I went to his office to discuss my job position which he invited me to his office for, saying he has no job to offer me while I have all the qualification, THE DEGREE, THE LICENSE, YEARS OF SECURITY OFFICER POSITION and he did not how I convince the security board to grant me a security license card. how he will not go ahead with the hiring process and terminate me and my job application, AND LATER SEND ME AN EMAIL while he is still hiring other people with no experience. and giving them jobs


Create a detailed action plan for finding an internship opportunity. Include several steps and a timeline to complete each step. Ideas for your plan may include:

* Types of opportunities you intend to explore

* Where will you start your search

*What resources you will use

* Whom you might talk to in order to get ideas and support

* How you will initiate contact with the organization

* A timeline to accomplish these goals


My Brother Ryan

Carefully consider the following process paragraph:

It lacks a topic sentence, includes some irrelevant ideas, and does not maintain a logical order.

Write a suitable topic sentence and revise the paragraph so that it demonstrates unity, support, and coherence.

 When my brother Ryan comes home after a vicious soccer game on a hot day, he is usually sweaty and smeared with mud. I, too, am sometimes messy, but not as much as him. He zips into the shower and spends five minutes scrubbing away the dirt and sweat. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he brushes his teeth, rolls on some deodorant, and examines his damp hair. But before that, he dries his body with the towel. Within ten minutes, Ryan has emerged from a cloud of dirt, sweat, and various odors and become a magnet for young women. A few swipes of his hairbrush are all he needs to style his hair. I wish I had that kind of hair! After he completes the hairstyling, he puts on any pair of jeans and semi-clean shirt he can find. Ryan looks great in any outfit.


Copy and paste the paragraph.

Write a proper process topic sentence.

Show the parts of the paragraph you would consider removing (by changing the font color to red).

Finally, add supporting elements that would demonstrate coherence within the paragraph (make the fonts a different color).


We will be using the case study from last week ""Forked River Brewing Company” for this assignment. This week we will focus on Porter's 5 Forces model. The premise of the 5 forces model is that it is used to determine how each force affects the industry, either as threat or an opportunity. For this assignment you will be using the 5 Forces model and analyze how each of these forces impact Forked River Brewing. The purpose of this is so the operators of Forked River Brewing company can gain a better understanding of their current position within the industry. Like last week’s PESTEL, the goal is to gain a better understanding of the external (uncontrollable) forces that provide either opportunities or threats.

1. Watch the video and read the article on the 5 forces model.

2. Review the 5 Forces example (Starbucks)

2. Download the 5 Forces template

3. Read the case study "" Forked River Brewing""

4. Rate the strength of each force on the impact they have on the industry (Low, Low to Moderate, Moderate, Moderate to High, High)

5.  Write 3-4 qualitative statements for each to support your rating


Review Assignment 1 in Chapter 19 of your course text. In your initial post, answer the following question:

· What issues need to be taken into consideration to determine which is the lowest cost alternative?

Your initial post must be 300 to 350 words

WWYD? P-124/125

Choose 1 Scenario from the WWYD? section - Answer the question completely using the five-step process.

The 5-step Ethical Decision-Making Process is explained fully in your book on Pages 24 – 27. This process is to be used to respond to your WWYD? Assignments. Points will be deducted if your answers do NOT follow this process to analyze the situation and recommend a course of action.The 5-Step Ethical Decision-Making Process is

 Develop Problem Statement.

 Identify Alternatives.

 Choose Alternatives.

 Implement Decision.

 Evaluate Results