
review the information included in the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” Download “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”detailed summary, the information provided on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Links to an external site.) website, and any relevant Instructor Guidance.

Presently, the United States is a fragmented system that offers a misdistribution of “haves” and “have nots” which impact the cost of delivering health care. The United States is currently a nation of overinsured, underinsured, and uninsured people. In light of the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), how do you see these issues being corrected so that a majority of the population has access to quality health care? 

In an initial post of 250-300 words, communicate the relevant aspects of the ACA that will impact these issues. Analyze and describe how the role of public policy will affect changes in this distribution. Evaluate and explain some of the social-cultural issues that might present potential problems as this plays out across the country. What implications associated with the ACA might lead to a paradigm shift in the ways in which we view access to health care?

A detailed feasibility study is an essential element in the process of diligently assessing any new health services business venture. According to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the health care industry is currently one of the fastest growing fields in the United States, and it is projected that the field will grow by 22 percent by 2018. This is compared to an 11 percent average growth rate for all other industries (United States Department of Labor, 2012). Whether you are considering new medical service lines, an expansion of your current operation or any other type of health care business venture, a feasibility study is an essential planning tool for any future health care leader.",######$$$$$$#####

help please (slide presentation),"This assignment is less about “right or wrong” and more about an effort to grasp the poet’s view. Please prepare a four minimum power point slide presentation (10 pts). Perhaps work with the title, or the first and last lines, or why you think he thinks the way he does. Perhaps examine how surrealism functions in a few lines. Perhaps look at the use of repetition or plant life or inanimate life. Perhaps think how elements are related. Choose your lens. Try to have some fun.


Describe what the main characters are like and how we come to know them (by telling? by showing?,"Describe what the main characters are like and how we come to know them (by telling? by showing? by dialogue? By entering their minds? by the significance of their names?) Are they dynamic characters or static characters? To what extent does what we know about Henry depend on what we know about Lyman, and what difference does that make?

 Why does Henry jump into the river? Does he intend to drown, or is it accidental? In what ways does he change in the story, and what things cause him to change?


FOCUS ON THE UK CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY.,A write-up on The impact of home working on employeE motivation. Focus on the UK construction industry

Haitian migrants


Discussion Topic EN 121

Discussion Topic: (3 to 4 paragraph discussion topic)

By this point in the course you should have started to locate your data for the research paper and started to read and take notes. It is during this process you need to assess a few items before you begin the outlining and drafting part of the project. Based on your research, answer the following questions AND be sure to provide follow up for your peers:

·        How has your thinking changed based on the research? What have you learned?

·        Was your working thesis on target? Do you need to rework the thesis based on what you have learned?

·        How does the information in your sources mesh with the research question and help answer those questions? Have any additional important questions or subtopics come up that you will need to address in the paper?

·        How do your sources complement each other? Do ideas or facts recur in multiple sources?

·        Where do your sources disagree with each other, and why?

The thesis is attached document: 

 Effects of COVID-19 and isolation on university students and academic staff.

The emergency of the global health crisis due to coronavirus prompted the shutdown of academic institutions across the world. In quest of mitigating the spread of the pandemic, economies issued various measures to ensure the safety of their citizens. Isolation was one of the measures aimed at curbing the spread of the virus; however, the measure significantly impacted the students and academic staff members in American universities and the world in general. Higher Education Institutions required schools, educators, and students to adapt to online learning due to the isolation. 

Thesis statement: Social interaction is an essential aspect of humanity's life, therefore, COVID-19 and isolation have significantly impacted university students and the academic staff.

Keywords: COVID-19 AND isolation AND university students OR academic staff.

Word document

Theory Assignment

How to balance school and your personal life,write a process paragraph about how to balance school and personal life

Discussion Board

Q1: How does intersectional analyzing affect our understanding of certain topics, issues, or groups of people?

An intersectional analysis considers multiple factors surrounding a particular issue or topic and their relationship to each other, rather than just individually. Using an intersectional analysis can also illuminate patterns one might not have seen or thought of before. Ultimately, a broader understanding of an issue or topic can be gained by exploring the interactions between all relevant factors.

Q2: In the articles it mentions some exmaples of violence in the dvierty group of people in a community and in college, what are some other examples you can recall that had similar injustices happening?

In the articles, we had this week both Kelly's article and ""Latinos Back Black Lives Matter protests, mention not only physical but verbal abuse towards the brown and African American citizens in a community or in college. We are told how movements and groups are being more pushed now into a college, courses, and movements to better today's society over the violence between each other. In the past few years, what are some similar events that we have seen become well known or even acts of injustices that haven't been all over social media as they should have? Was it more verbal or physical abuse of power towards the diversity group? Has society done enough to help out our diversity group of people or has the bare minimum been done?

Doctors and Social Justice

Please view this TedMed talk by Dr. Mary Bassett: ""Why your doctor should care about social justice"" and then answer the essential questions: What is Dr. Bassett's professional background? Why does Dr. Bassett believe doctors must care about issues of social justice? What are some of the examples she provides in her talk? What do you think about her position? Also, can make any connections between the readings, interviews, and TedTalks from other doctors and nurses we have heard from? Finally, are there any potential research topics to explore here?

Module 5 - Addressing Moral, Ethical, Character, and Religious Factors in a Secular Setting

Module 5 - Addressing Moral, Ethical, Character, and Religious Factors in a Secular Setting


 Compare and contrast these terms and operations: moral, ethical, character, religious

 Know where to find appropriate resources for given situations

 Be able to perceive, assess, and plan responses regarding the culture and placement of a given group


Assess your talents as a listener, what are your strengths and weaknesses,  Set three goals for improving your ability to listen critically, tell us why you chose them, and how you plan to achieve them