Module 4

In this Module, you will use some of the skills and terminology from earlier in the course. The end product will be your own digitized text. Your finished product will include artwork (custom-made or borrowed for the assignment) and will demonstrate your knowledge of placement, headings, hyperlinks, graphics, and general design. Check your class calendar for assignment and final draft due dates.

You may choose a paper you've already written for another course, something that you think might be a good candidate for this kind of assignment. You will want to include at least three hyperlinks within the text, but you can also include other elements of design, such as graphics and photos. The first 

Assignment 1

Reading Assignment: Review the textbook information regarding formatting and designing an online site (Ch.6). Think in terms of text: where to place the text on the page and font choice and color. Do some extra reading online about the importance of text style and placement in the online environment. For instance, how should text be designed for optimal online reading? What about colors? 

Assignment 2

Assignment: This module does not have to be focused on creative literature! Choose a paper related to your own specific major or discipline that you have previously written for another course (3-5 pages in length).

1) Find appropriate graphics to illustrate the text chosen.

2) Look for effective placement of graphics (one graphic per page of text).

3) Start redesigning actual text into chunks with adequate white space.

4) Look for words and phrases to hyperlink to add layers of information. 

5) It is imperative that the hyperlinks function and that they lead to real sites. 

6) Create the first draft. 

Assignment 3

Writing Assignment: Edit your first draft and produce a second draft of your digitized text.

Writing Assignment: Let your second draft sit for at least two days, then re-edit it. This is not a writing intensive class; however, grammar and spelling count! Submit the digitized site to your instructor via the digital dropbox. This is your FINAL DRAFT!


in the film “Thirteen Days,” a film that portrays the inner-circle discussions and decision-making processes of the Kennedy administration during and regarding the Cuban missile crisis. Using the team/teams within the film you will be asked to identify several key components to small group communication. Watch the film with the group decision-making context in mind and reflect on this context as you answer your questions. Answer each question thoroughly. Be clear and complete in your application of the material. Support your answer with appropriate references to the movie and to the concepts covered in the textbook or class discussions. You will address two of the following issues. Your responses should be 1½ to 2 pages in length (double spaced) and no longer than four pages together (not including the title page). Choose any two (2) of the following to address in your analysis: Using chapter 2 of the textbook, we discussed groups as structured open systems. In particular, we learned about inputs, throughput processes, outputs and the environment. Using this framework, identify these elements of the group system/systems portrayed in the film and present your analysis.There are many times in the film that we can find examples that illustrate the principles of communication. According to your textbook, communication is symbolic, personal, and transactional. Using at least two examples from the film, describe how these three characteristics of communication apply in each example.In one particular scene in the film, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara has a conflict with the Chief of Staff of the Navy over nonverbal meanings of actions. While also using this exchange as one example, how do we see the principles of nonverbal communication portrayed by the film? What are the misunderstandings that arise? What are the differences between the intended meanings and the perceived meanings? Give other examples as well as the exchange between the Secretary of Defense and the Chief of Staff of the Navy. Refer to the three principles of nonverbal communication found in your textbook.Using chapter 7 on group problem-solving procedures, give a thorough analysis of the decision-making portrayed in the movie based upon the components of P-MOPS, the RISK technique, and PERT technique. (NOTE: You may choose to respond to this item as the only one for this assignment. If you choose this option, then your analysis should be a full three to four pages in length.)In the “Groupthink” video we were presented with eight symptoms of groupthink and several suggestions for preventing groupthink. Dr. Irving Janus examined the Bay of Pigs invasion during the Kennedy administration as a prime example of groupthink that lead to disaster. Using what you have learned about these symptoms and the means of avoiding them, what examples in the film do you find when groupthink could/may have occurred and what are the actions/means that are taken (either intentionally or unintentionally) that avoided groupthink?

essay english

Essay #2A Comparison of Texts for Literary AnalysisIn this 3-5-page essay you will compare or contrast the themes (and other aspects) of two literary works(i.e. a story and poem, two poems, or two stories).The works must be among those assigned so far in class (or one of the two works can be a work that isapproved by the instructor, but at least one of the works must be among those already assigned thissemester).Remember the purpose of a comparison or contrast is not simply to say that there are similaritiesand/or differences. You must have a purpose for the comparison—something that is revealed via thecontrast or comparison.To get to the purpose of a comparison or contrast, the student of literature must ask:

 What is the issue/theme that the two authors are striving to convey?

 What question are you trying to answer with the two texts?

This paper requires either block or point-by-point organization for a traditional comparison or contrast.Please, as always, use MLA format for writing and pay particular attention to the requirements for citingpoetry (they are different from MLA for citing short stories or novels). Always include a works citedpage.

Traslation essay

Your job here is to find an academic article on a topic that intrigues you. (Note: An academic article is one that appears in a peer-reviewed journal and contains original research!) If you want to start thinking ahead, you may want to select an article that you can use for your final project, the researched argument. (Your topic there is open.) Read and process the article. Then, write a press release announcing the findings from your article. (A press release should follow all the same guidelines as writing a summary for a very general audience.) I’m especially going to be looking for:

 Clear paraphrasing of the main points from the original. A press release, like any piece of journalism, should address Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.

 Quotations from the original

 Writing that is designed to grab the attention of a general audience

 An objective stance (i.e. your opinion is not included). 

 An informative and interesting “headline”

 MLA in-text citations and works cited page (Note: press releases don’t do this, so we’re cheating a bit.)

You’re aiming for 3-4 pages here. Examples of press releases informed by academic sources can be found at


Topic:  Immigration Policy

Answer the topic question and follow the template provided to complete the writing: ""Would a Public health approach to immigration policy decrease mental trauma for children separated from their parents in America?""

***A sample is included of what should be included in each section but for the specific topic provided of - Would a Public health approach to immigration policy decrease mental trauma for children separated from their parents in America?


Write 200 words for EACH of following questions

1) In relation to the business ideas you have selected for the class, what are the most important things you need from your business partners?   

2) List the top 5 things you need and explain why each of them is important to your business. A table is suggested for this second part.

BUSINESS IDEA: developing applications for local vitamin shops so they can offer same day delivery service. 

TOP 5 things: trust, communication, having the same vision, complementary ideas, reliability

Research Question

First, review the 3 resources noted below.

 This infographic about fantasy cover art illustrates one way of reporting data. From the accompanying notes, you will get a good idea of the research method used, and you should be able to infer (that is, make an informed guess based on relevant evidence) the research question.


     The Chart of Fantasy Art, 2009 (Links to an external site.)



 This research uses the same pool of sources (cover art from fantasy titles published by Orbit in 2008 and 2009) but collects different data (details of the visual representations of heroines) to answer a different research question. Again, you should be able to infer the question from the answer as represented in the infographic.


     Changing Fashion in Urban Fantasy (Links to an external site.)



 Meta-Analysis and Review of the LiteratureA meta-analysis is a form of research in which the researcher examines all of a certain type of artifact, in this case all the scientific articles on climate change published between November 2012 and December 2013 in peer-reviewed journals. The purpose of meta-analysis is to identify trends in the available data that would not be visible from any one article alone. A meta-analysis is similar to another type of research that begins by examining all the artifacts in a certain category: the review of the literature (aka literature review).


     Scientific Consensus on Anthropogenic Global Warming: A Pie Chart (Links to an external site.)



Then, complete this writing task.

Pick ONE of the above examples of research (“Fantasy Book Covers,” “Heroines,” or “Scientific Consensus on Anthropogenic Global Warming: A Pie Chart”).

For the one you choose, state what you feel the research question was of the author in a single sentence. Then briefly explain what the research method used was. You may need to infer (that is, use evidence and logical reasoning to draw a conclusion about) the research method.


Composition II. Authored by: Janet Zepernick. Provided by: Pittsburg State University. Located at: (Links to an external site.). Project: Kaleidoscope Open Course Project. License: CC BY: Attribution

Employ: Research Process


Employ: Research Process

Evaluation Title: Research

You will have to complete a major research paper (8 to 10 pages) for the final assignment in this course. In order to do this, you will need to write in a style appropriate for an academic discourse community and read numerous scholarly articles. At least five of the articles must be located in the Herzing University Library.

For this week’s assignment:

 Identify 3 a minimum of primary resources and 2 secondary resources, for one of the following topics:


     3D Printing

     High speed rail

     Stem Cell Research




 Complete a literature review for each of the resources identified

 Following your literature review include the introduction to your paper which should include the claim statement and thesis statement.

 Include a reference page

Your literary resources, and introduction should be in APA format. All citations and references should be in APA format.

Arab Americans

In 1-2 sentences, answer each of the following questions:

     1) What is the main theme of the documentary (Reel Bad Arab) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)?

     2) What is the main theme of the reading (Arabizi) (Links to an external site.)?

     3) How is the documentary or the reading useful to the way you think about Arabic culture?

     4) What is one point that you would like to bring up in our discussion?

1000 words summary due in 24 hours

1000 words summary due in 24 hours.