Using VLOOKUP in Google Sheets

Please, read the directions very carefully! 

Video to help:

Comparing Oedipus and Beowulf

Comparing the story of Oedipus Rex (Oedipus the King) and the Beowulf: An Anglo-Saxon Epic Poem 

Compare between these two stories by using Fiction terms and MLA style

Final assignment

The final reflection asks you to reflect on what you learned this semester. When you think about the course on a whole, what have you learned about information literacy? Compare what you thought about information literacy before the class began and what you think about information literacy now. You should focus on what it means to you to be an effective user of ideas and information and how you anticipate using the strategies you have learned in future coursework. 

You have two options for completing the reflection:

Write a minimum 300-word reflecting on course learnings. Include citations to the course resources (lectures, readings, videos and/or tutorials) that most impacted your learning.


Reflect on the course in some other creative fashion that speaks to you. Examples include videos, infographics, drawings, cartoons and mind maps. Be creative; your submission format is flexible as long as you meet the prompt. Provide citations for any course resources you reference

Recruitment and selection in the organization

Recruitment and selection 

 Design an advertisement for a job vacancy in your organization.

 State some recruitment sources from which you can recruit.

 Evaluate the recruitment process in your organization

 What are the criteria you need to select employees for your job?

 Plan and perform an interview for a job vacancy in your organization

what to say

3-6 Ps

The Pear Corporation currently sells consumer-based PCs/laptops and software services but will be switching in December 2023 to only providing software services. This is a significant development as it means a different direction and vision for the company, impacting staff and morale.


Posted here is this week assignment. Also look at the attached doc files to see what have been completed so far to make it easier to put it together. The topic of the project is electric vehicles.

This week, you will begin to synthesize the information you have gathered and the analysis you have conducted of your selected technology. In order to bring your ideas together and prepare for your final presentation, you will complete a recommendation analysis.

The recommendation analysis should provide three to four concrete recommendations for how to best utilize your selected technology.

As part of your analysis, include the following.

 Introduction: Explain your selected technology and provide contextual details concerning application and reach.

 Thesis: Offer an argument to synthesize your ideas and provide a foundation for your recommendations and analysis.

 Ethical Dilemmas: Identify and describe three to four ethical dilemmas posed by your selected technology. Include concrete examples and ethical theories to help detail your summary.

 Recommendations: Offer concrete recommendations to help mediate each of the described dilemmas. Remember to consider stakeholders and resources for providing solutions.

 Conclusion: Summarize your main arguments and provide avenues for further discussion.

As part of this assignment, you must consult and site at least three high-quality, academic sources. These sources should be from reputable publications that can be found in the DeVry Library or industry publications.

A successful assignment will

 be three to four pages in length;

 include a minimum of three academic sources;

 be composed using Microsoft Word and using 12-point Times New Roman;

 include a minimum of three sources; and

 be formatted and cite sources using the seventh edition of APA.

Cause and Effect

Focus on tracing the causes of some phenomenon or condition (for instance, stress, poverty, procrastination, or being an optimist. Must be 12 point font, Times New Roman, double spaced at least 3 pages. It is due by tomorrow evening.

High school Literature homework question

First, copy and paste the lines from Act I of Julius Caesar below into the submission area. Please put this line of iambic pentameter from Act I of Julius Caesar in stressed/non-stressed format.

""Wherefore rejoice? What conquest brings he home?

What tributaries follow him to Rome

To grace in captive bonds his chariot wheels?

You blocks, you stones, you worse than senseless things!""

- Marullus in Act 1, scene 1


So, thanks to all at once and to each one,

Whom we invite to see us crown'd at Scone

Assignment 2: Expanding Your Business Due Week 8 and worth 240 points

Referring to the same business you either started or purchased in the first assignment (See attachment for first paper written), write a 6-8 page paper in which you: Outline a financi",instructiondoc.docx

Homestead tales / DRAFT

Using the picture named ""unnamed"", I need to do a draft with the steps mentioned in the other picture. The draft needs to be 50 lines length. It is a made up story so you can be creative, you just need to follow the same structure as the unnamed picture and it has to be the same characters.