English homework Persuasive

specifically has to identify a problem, discuss its severity and effects, and then propose a researched solution. 

 Argumentative writing. 3 pages minimum and at least 3 credited sources. +Outline

 What have you always wanted to learn more about?

 What areas of your major are most interesting to you?

 What problems exist in your field of study that will need solutions in the future?

 What do you find controversial? What do most people think incorrectly about?

 What do you think people need to change to find more health or happiness?

 What community, national or global issues do you care about?

The assignment we have to do now is ""PART- B

"" i.e. Change Control. It is a total of 5000 words. that is a group work for which we are 5 members and each member has to do 1000 words. Please refer to the case study and state necessary changes for the profit",20191023054906the_lyle_construction_project_case_study.pdf20191023054620project_executuion_and_control_a1_brief.pdf

Article Summary

Refer to the attachment bellow for requirements and guidelines

Creative Writing

Welcome to Samples pageRefer to the following Wk 1 - Learning Activities:

 The Practice of Creative Writing, Introduction

 The Practice of Creative Writing, Finding Focus

 The Practice of Creative Writing, Creative Reading

Welcome to creative writing! You're probably all here because you have a story or stories burning inside of you. Maybe you carry a journal, or take notes on your phone whenever a creative idea comes to you. But, first this week, take time to review the readings and reflect on the writing process. You should also look ahead to the assignments in the following weeks.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word journal entry that identifies the key elements of the writing process and describes what you have learned about creative reading. Consider the following:

 How will you apply what you have learned?

 What writing processes will you use?

 Is there a plan you would like to follow to spark your creativity in the next four weeks?

 What story ideas do you have that you would like to write about in the coming weeks? Explain.

Note: You do not have to use a particular style such as MLA or APA

Social media message

1- A social media message (Facebook) promoting upcoming conference and encourage participation for the communication conference. The message must have the following 3 strategies: 1. Target the audience, 2. be authentic and personable, and 3. promote contest or giveaway. 

2- Discuss how you utilized the strategies on the message and why?

3- Provide a real world example of how has a real business used these strategies in one of its social media messages? Share the social media message and discuss how it used those same 2-3 strategies!

Lesson: Active Reading and AnnotatingLesson

Active Reading and Annotating,"Active reading is to read while taking notes in order to better understand what you are reading. Annotating means to summarize and mark up your reading. You will be doing a lot of active reading and annotating in your college career. You will annotate articles and chapter readings. In this class, you will annotate every article you read. You will need the practice, so you will become better and more critical readers. As an ""active reader,"" you should have questions in mind as you approach any assignment, and you should be looking for the answers to these questions as you read. To actively read, you should always ""annotate"" your text. As the word suggests, you mark up and ""take notes"" on the text. Please read the attached file called Annotating Sources.Unlike ""highlighting,"" which is a passive activity, the process of annotating and taking notes as you read helps you to stay focused and concentrate better. It will also help you to monitor and improve your comprehension. If you come across something that you don't understand or that you need to ask you instructor about, you'll be able to quickly make note of it, and then go on with your reading.The following is a list of some techniques that you can use to annotate text:

 Write short summaries in the margin at the end of paragraphs.

 Highlight and underline main and supporting details.

 Circle words that you do not know and define them in the margins.

 Highlight or circle any definitions or key terms.

 Signal where important information can be found with key words or symbols in the margin.

 Write the questions in the margin next to the section where the answer is found.

 Indicate steps in a process by using numbers in the margin.

NOTE: The attached file on Annotating Sources largely addresses traditional print material. But all of these things can be done electronically as well using the Review, Comment, and Track Changes features in Microsoft Word.

 Read and take notes over the lesson below over Cornell Notes first. 

 Read and take notes over the lesson below over Annotating Sources. 

 Complete your next Writer's Notebook assignment over annotating below.

Note: Both the lessons below include screenshots of notes. It is best to view them in a large window, so you can see the notes clearly.

COMM 4360

Introduction, Can you help with this?


,Respond to Adichie's Introduction and the First Suggestion by citing a significant quote from this section and explaining its significance. Responses should be 4 to 6 sentences in length.

Packback #1

For this week's Packback select a recent news article (within the past 6 months) that relates to a leader, company, or other organization acting in an IMMORAL OR AMORAL way. Use concepts and principles from the course to provide insight into your question and in your responses. 


In order to receive your 15 points per week, you must post:

 1 Question with a minimum Curiosity Score* of 70 (worth 9 points) NOTE: Use the BRIGHT RED ASK A NEW QUESTION BUTTON (located on your Packback community home page) to get credit for posting a question.

 1 Link to a news article from a reliable source that relates to the course content for the week and your Packback question. NOTE: The article you choose each week should drive the focus of your Packback Question.

 2 Answer Responses with a minimum Curiosity Score* of 70 (worth 4 points each for a total of 8 points)


When choosing a recent news article for the Packback Discussions, students can use any reputable news publication. Below are a few examples of appropriate publications that are available to all students free of charge through School Student News Readership Program:

 Wall Street Journal

 New York Times

 Centre Daily Times

 Daily Collegian

The deadline to post each week is Sunday at 11:59 PM (Eastern). If your post is moderated (removed from the discussion), you will receive an email. You have until Monday immediately following the Sunday deadline to edit and resubmit your corrected post. Otherwise, your points will not count. There are no makeups for Packback assignments.

Personal Statement

In a short written paragraph please describe a time when you dealt with someone who was difficult. How did you handle that situation? what would you do differently if you could do it over again ?