Analysis essay

Please read over the following assignment PROMPT for Unit 4. This assignment will be turned in during Week 14 (Nov. 28).

 Format: Typed, double-spaced, submitted as a word-processing document.

12 point, text-weight font, 1-inch margins.

 Length: 1000 words (approx. 4)

 Value: This project will be graded out of 100 possible points, and will be worth 30% of the grade for the course.

 Overview: in Unit 4: Writing Analysis, students will develop an analytical argument that shows original thinking and offers insight into their topic. They will offer conclusions that address the implications of how their perspective might influence the way the topic is perceived or practiced.


Write an analysis of a journal article, magazine article, editorial, speech, book, or website.

Analysis is a common form of academic writing that asks us to think critically as readers and make connections between arguments and their larger contexts. For this project, you will identify an issue relevant to the community you investigated in the previous unit. Then, you will explore the written arguments surrounding that issue, eventually narrowing your focus to a single journal article, magazine article, editorial, speech, book, or website. After you choose this text, you will analyze the context, subtext and appeals of a particular text, focusing on both textual analysis (close reading of the text itself) and contextual analysis (analyzing the text within its larger context). Your final analysis should offer a better or richer understanding of how the text represents a topic (concept, issue, or other idea) that has significance for a specific community or communities (168).


These questions help to guide discussion and inquiry for this unit. The goal is not necessarily to answer these questions, but to explore them through the work of class discussions, writing, and reflection.

 What is analysis? What is the purpose and value of analysis in classroom settings and outside of school? 

 What potential does writing have to make change in the world? What are the implications of written arguments? What impacts can arguments have on communities? 

 How can I use writing to explain and break down complex ideas into parts that audiences can understand? How can writing allow me to share my insight with others? 

 How can I use writing to advance larger points or ideas that I want to communicate? How can I advocate through writing?


Title Slide:​​Title of Project

​​​Student’s Name

​​​Name of the Organization where Profile was completed


Slide #1​​Describe the organization (Profile)

Slide #2​​Summary of Leadership Criteria Findings

Slide #3​​Summary of Strategy Criteria Findings

Slide #4​​Summary of Customer Focus Findings

Slide #5​​Summary of Measurement, Analysis, and 

Knowledge Management Findings

Slide #6​​Summary of Workforce Findings

Slide #7 ​​Summary of Operations Findings

Slide #8​​Summary of Results

Slide #9​Self-Analysis Worksheet – Major Strengths and Opportunities for Improvement

Slide #10​​Recommendations

Reference Slide

Presentation Guidelines:

• Presentations MUST be NO MORE than 20 minutes.• Use bullets as much as possible.• Use a script to stay focused and on time.• Do not read your slides.• Do not use Tables or Graphs that have too much information to be readable, or that do not add value to the presentation.• Submit Notes/Script with the Presentation in the appropriate Assignment area

Technical Object Description

In 500 words accurately describe (look, feature, function) of one of the following: a refrigerator, fan, and glucometer and how it works. May consult source material if necessary, but consult only. use headings and subheadings throughout the document. Include at least two illustrations and provide source information immediately below each illustration using APA guidelines. apply basic design principles (contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity). Audience: someone with little knowledge of the object. The paper must include an introduction, a detailed description of the object (use present tense), and a conclusion.

Introduction: -- a one-sentence definition of the object. ---preview all various parts 2-3 sentences. ---discuss its uses and function 1-2 sentences. preview the content of the description. 

Detailed description: describe each part of the object in detail, including its dimension, materials, the principle of operation, function, and relation to other parts (2-3 paragraphs). -- use the present tense. --- when introducing a new concept or terms, provide a definition for a non-technical audience

the purpose is to rely on external sources


Write a descriptive essay on any eye-catching topic


Write the citations for Frankenstein Critical Analysis essay

Overcoming a legacy of mistrust

What do you think is the most significant issue in the Overcoming a legacy of mistrust: African American’s mistrust of the medical profession, article? Given all of the tools and resources we worked with in this course, from an ethical perspective what do you believe is the best way for health care systems to overcome this legacy of mistrust? Your post should be between 200 to 300 words and include at least 2 references using APA format)

English 111 - Week 11

What learning issue you want to explore? the topic should be some learning issue you (and others) have that relates to a habit of mind or way of thinking. it could relate to any of the articles we have read and does not have to be about learning in school. necessarily. 


I uploaded the files to responses to the student.

Instruction for Persuasive Outline

Pls take a look the instruction file before start the work.


a reflective self assessment

Write a reflective self assessment a page paper to your future self responding to the following prompts; keep your answer to each very brief - 

What was your favorite aspect of thinking (making or identifying arguments? Looking for assumptions? Questioning? Why?

What was your least favorite aspect? Why?

How have you changed as a thinker?

In your own view, how do you still need to improve as a thinker?



Write a 2-3 page well organized process essay. 


Think of something that you do very well. Imagine that you have been hired (at a substantial salary) to explain how to complete this task to your classmates. You may write either a directive process analysis that explains how to do something or how to make something, or an informative process analysis that explains how something is done or how it takes place.

Re-read The Method on pages 254-259 to understand the differences between these two types of process analysis essays.

Example topics:

 How to write an A+ college essay

 How to give an effective speech

 How to prepare a delicious holiday meal

 How a bill becomes a law in the United States Congress

 How a president is elected in the United States

Draft the Introduction and Thesis statement

 In the introduction, define the process, explain the purpose of the process or why it is important. State your experience in successfully completing the process.

 In the thesis, state the high-level steps of the process (3-5).

 Draft the Body Paragraphs

 In separate body paragraphs, for each thesis point, explain the details required for completing the process step successfully. 

 Provide examples and offer tips that will help the reader complete the process successfully or understand it better. State what to avoid in completing a process step. 

 Follow the guidelines in the Bedford Reader on page 257 for organizing your process analysis.

After writing your first draft, study the Checklist for Reviewing and Revising a Process Analysis (258) and Focus on Consistency (259). Adjust your essay to follow the guidelines in these two checklists.

Submit Your Essay

Upload your essay using the link below on or beforeNovember 20