Colossa Genius

Discussion 1 DUE THURSDAY

 You are going to start hosting a weekly discussion of trending topics in your field of study, (Liberal Art) and would like anyone interested to be able to access it whenever they want to listen.


In your initial post, address the following:

 What general technology-mediated channel might you consider using to suit your audience, purpose, and tone? Why?

 What are key considerations you will need to address regarding your audience, purpose, and tone when selecting a specific technology platform?


Video Journal: Audience Analysis



Do you have a favorite public speaker? Or do you remember a speech that has made an impact on you? This can be a podcast, a TV show, a web series, or a live performance you attended. For example, you may remember a TED talk that particularly impressed you. What was the purpose of this speech and who was the target audience? In this journal assignment, you will identify and analyze the audience for a talk or presentation.

Please note that your Bongo submission is only viewable by your instructor.


Choose a presentation or talk that you have liked or found useful. Think about what you liked about it and how the topic was relevant or meaningful for you as the audience. Then, reflect on the speech, its purpose, and target audience in a video journal.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

 Topic Title and Relevance: Provide a brief summary of the topic and explain why you chose this speech. Remember to include the title of the speech and name of the speaker.

 Audience Analysis: Describe the purpose and provide an analysis of the target audience of the speech.

Audience-Centeredness: Describe some ways in which the speaker adapted the speech to meet the needs of the target audience.

 Presentation Tools: Identify any presentation tools or technologies the speaker used. Explain how these tools were helpful in making the speech relevant or more engaging for the target audience.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit your response as a 2–3 minute Bongo video. Sources should be orally cited according to APA style.


For the next part of the discussion you will need to use the last reading, Dance as Function part two. In that reading a number of ritual dance characteristics and elements were introduced. The reading framed these characteristics around dances from global and historic perspective, but really these ritual elements are still all around us. Your task for this post is to share a modern ritual that you participate in that involves these elements. Please tell us about your ritual and describe it using terms from the reading. What type of ritual is it? Which of the listed ritual elements are used? How would you classify this ritual from the classifications given in the reading? Your ritual will not use all of the characteristics, but it will use many of them. Please be thorough and include as many as you can.

At first you may think it is difficult to pinpoint a ritual in your actually they are all around you so don’t look too deep, or think too hard. Here is an example we can all relate to: A typical American style kids birthday party. This is a social ritual and an initiation ritual. At the party we use circle form when we sit around the cake, which is also the ritual centerpiece. Fire is involved with the candles on the cake, and the common sound is when we all sing happy birthday. The setting is usually a house, or a park, and the cake ritual always happens on some sort of table. It is a harmonious celebration that is a rite of passage, and we also find body decoration in the party hats we wear. 

See? No problem. Just think about the rituals and celebrations in your life, and you will start to see the connections between your ritual and the characteristics described in the reading. Please make sure you refer to the ritual types, elements, and classifications described in the reading, as that is the main purpose of this discussion. Your ritual does not need to involve dance, but bonus points if it does.

There will be some overlap with people sharing the same ritual, but try and challenge yourself to come up with an example that has not already been shared.

English poems

reply to classmates poems. 50 words each reply

The Power of Communication (Persuasion)

Create an introduction to include a clear thesis statement (two sentences), a hook (1–2 sentences) that supports the thesis statement, and concise background context on the topic (two sentences).

 Develop an outline that clearly describes the main points (causes of the problem, effects, and potential solution) along with the supporting points (benefits), as well as how the evidence identified supports the main and supporting points. Annotate evidence with information regarding how it supports the points being made or appeals to the audience.

 Create a five-sentence conclusion paragraph that fully restates the thesis in new words and includes a specific, practical call to action

 Explain how one or more audience appeals were used to guide the creation of one specific supporting point and one specific piece of evidence.

 Reflect on how feedback was incorporated into your outline by concisely summarizing relevant feedback in your own words, describing specific changes made based on this feedback, and explaining how these changes improved the quality of work.

 Produce writing that is clear and well organized and applies appropriate SWS style. Writing contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling.

Health promo

Complete 175- to 265This week, you are creating a community health promotion resource on a disease of your choice

Introduction to Self Part 2

Please respond to at least two classmates' posts with feedback about their ability to interest you in their story

Leah: Like always I woke up to the screams of my alarm. It was a brisk morning of March; the Vermont air was crispy and refreshing as I made my way out to door and off to work. Unbeknown this day changed my life and shaped my future.

             The year 2020 affected everyone in many ways from death to heartbreak. I was a part time nanny at the time and the night before going into work on day in March it was all over the news that the country and state were going under quarantine. At the time I didn’t understand what this fully meant and what was to follow. I was given the hard choice of leaving the job or living with them full time and at my age, recently dropping out of beauty school, I couldn’t give up my freedom to be with a family that wasn’t my own. This was the day I made the hard decision to leave the position and kids I had become so close to.

Months filled with ups and downs, desperate choices and eventually finding my own inner peace. I had become unemployed, was broke living at home not sure what to do next. As summer continued as the shut down lengthened, sickness spread and depression rising and struggling with medication once again, my life felt like it was going in a hopeless direction. I spent a week seeking mental help at a facility trying to better my life, got left by my partner after four years, and ran away to Arizona for a short bit. After the turns in life and struggle with medications I turned to seek other ways of life. After three years I decided to pursue my degree in holistic health to better understand the natural ways of living life and to become a happier healthier person.


Melissa : June of 2015 I was throwing my cap in the air and thought I had it all figured out. This was graduation for my class at Mill River High School. I had enjoyed driving anything, going to car shows, and working on cars with my family since I was young. Now the next step to this passion was to attend Vermont Tech majoring in Automotive Technology. Little did I know at the time, a semester later I would be back home, disappointed, unsure of myself, and trying to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I had decided at 5 foot 4 inches tall and 95 pounds that the mechanic career path wasn't for me. That's where my current journey began.

After returning home from college in the middle of a frigid winter in 2016, I started by going back to my high school job full time at McDonald's. This discouraged me as most of my classmates were off at college, living their best life while I was working for a fast food chain. Even my best friend laughed at me when I called her to tell her I was coming home. I found the comfort of friends that worked there overwhelming, and helped me through the anxiety of what was next. My parents encouraged me to take classes at CCV toward the CPT program, and work for a temp agency at their place of work. When this suggestion first came up, I thought to myself ""I told myself all those years growing up there would be no way I would work there, especially in a factory setting"". I jumped at the chance because who wouldn't want to make $15 an hour at 19 years old? I completed the program, and found myself applying to the company a year later where I have been full time ever since. 

With my current role interacting with people and helping them develop I decided why not develop myself into something better? So here I am, working on myself and committing to making a change in my life as well as others.

write a haiku

What are the 3 rules of a haiku poem? Traditional Haiku Structure There are only three lines, totaling 17 syllables. The first line is 5 syllables. The second line is 7 syllables. The third line is 5 syllables like the first.


I need assistant with a Rough Draft 

Topic: Medical Advance to Quality of Life

Annotated Bibliography on Teen Pregnancy

Submit annotations (citation + summary + evaluation) for at least 3 sources. Part 2 for at least another 3 sources,. Make sure to alphabetize your sources. The completed Annotated Bibliography

Anthropology class

Symbolization and Politics of Veiling and Marginalization of Muslim Women