
Then, answer the following questions in one or more paragraphs: What claim (idea) about education did you find most intriguing and why? Describe the way that idea was drawn. How did the animation help you better understand Robinson's claim?

english 1101

Please read the following passages on Lecture Gap and Annie Dillard pages 16 through 21 and answer the following questions

WRTG 394 2 paragraphs

Please read the following scenario. Then post a response to the task described below. Green Wave Landscape ManagementYou are the operations manager for Green Wave Landscape Management, a provider of residential and commercial landscape maintenance. You have a substantial number of customers in your metropolitan area. Due to the increase of business in the summer, you must hire additional employees. This year, you hired six new employees.Henry Stewart is your most valued customer because he is a prominent real estate agent and refers many of his clients to your company. He recently had his home’s trees and shrubs sprayed for insects by your company. Yesterday you received the following letter from Mr. Stewart: August 18, 2016Dear Green Wave, I have been a customer of yours for five years and have sent you innumerable customers. And you have the nerve to send over two bozos to spray my yard. Those two idiots have killed over $2,000 in prize fish. Additionally, they were rude. As you may or may not know, I raise expensive Koi in my fishpond. Whenever your people spray my shrubs and trees, they have been asked to cover the pond. I assumed people in your profession would know how to do that without being told. Obviously, I was wrong. I am terminating my service with Green Wave, effective today. I demand immediate restitution for my dead fish. If payment is not forthcoming, I will see you in court.Sincerely, Henry Stewart In addition to the letter, you also discover that Mr. Stewart has posted scathing commentary on your blog. He has posted the same complaint and request for remuneration publicly. Now you have a public relations crisis.During your investigation, you discover that Tom Harrelson, field manager in charge of assigning workers to the various job sites, sent two new workers to the Stewart residence. The accident at the Stewart residence probably occurred because these new workers were sent alone. Your company policy is to pair new and experienced employees on work assignments.As the operations manager, you will have to respond to Mr. Stewart. You will also have to post something to the company website. You will also have to communicate internally with company employees, such as Tom Harrelson, to determine how the mistake was made. As you analyze your audience, how do the different audiences mentioned above affect your tone, strategy, etcetera? As you answer this question, consider the Eight Essential Components of Communication that your textbook, Business Communications for Success, describes on pages 12-18. The fourth component listed is Receiver. Your message to Mr. Stewart involves Mr. Stewart as the receiver. Your message to Tom Harrelson involves Tom Harrelson as the receiver. Your post to the company website involves the public as receivers. How do the different receivers affect your communication approach?Please use another component as well among the eight components listed and analyze how it affects your communication strategies as operations manager in this landscaping scenario. Please write two paragraphs in response to these questions.


What point is Ellison making about racism and the American dream in ""Battle Royal

Brain Power Point/Autonomic Nervous System Divisions/Endocrine System

Please create a Power Point that illustrates (with pictures) how the forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and their sub-parts function. In your power point also, show the brain hemispheres, brain lobes, and the parts of the brain that are involved in language development and how they function 

 Elaborate on how the brain and central nervous system send and receive messages from the body

 Elaborate on sensory reception

 Elaborate on the connection between sensory reception and sensory perception

 Explain the divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System and Endocrine System

 Explain the somatosensory Nervous System

 Explain what the textbook says about attention and memory

 List and describe the different types of memory listed in the textbook and how they work

 What does the textbook say about attachment and infant bonding?

 Compare and contrast the views of two attachment theorists

Provide APA reference citations to credit the sources that you borrowed information from to complete this assignment. Refer to the Owl of Purdue Website for information on the APA guidelines for citing references and reference lists: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ (Links to an external site.)

Ted Talk Discussion: Tzeporah Merman

The bad Math of the fossil fuel industry""","I. Own Post

Watch the video provided below. What does ""the bad Math of fossil fuels"" refer to? In your viewpoint, what should governments do to reduce production of fossil fuels while at the same time support the demand for energy? Develop your ideas by writing at least two well-developed paragraphs. 


find the mistakes and correct them

Find the place where doesn‘t make sense for you in this ppt. Then, please correct them. Try to make the wording fancy

read and answer



How Writing Works

 What is a Genre? 

Exercise 1.1: Evaluate a Literacy Narrative

For Sultaan’s or Tan’s text, answer the following questions: 

 What is it? Is it a literacy narrative? What features does it share with Douglass’s narrative? How can you tell if it’s a literacy narrative? 

 What kind of person authored this literacy narrative? What can you tell about her personal history just from this story about literacy? 

 Who reads it? (List all possible audiences of this literacy narrative.)

 What is it for? Why might the author have written this literacy narrative? What kind of message is the author trying to get across with this literacy narrative? Are there multiple messages? What are they? 

 In what ways are literacy and power connected in this literacy narrative? 

B. “What Is It?” Identify Shared Conventions

Exercise 1.2: Discover Conventions of Everyday Genres 

Make a list of three or four genres you write daily or weekly (e.g. text message, to do list, grocery list, list of lists, organizer, journal entry, etc. 

 What is it? 

 What conventions do you repeat every time you write this genre? 

 What conventions do you change or ignore? 

 How do you decide to change or ignore certain conventions? 

Multimedia Exercise 1.1: Compare Print and Digital Conventions 

Think of a traditional print genre (such as a letter). Next, think of a genre that is similar to the traditional print genre that only exists online or in a digital format (such as email). Answer the following questions: 

 How are the conventions of the online/digital genre different from the print genre? 

 What conventions does the digital genre share with the print genre? 

C. “Who Reads It?” : Identify an Audience 

Exercise 1.3: Identify the Audience 

Pick one of the everyday genres you identified in Exercise 1.2 or pick another genre that you write regularly. Answer the following questions about the audiences for that genre: 

 Who will read this document? Yourself? Others? A large audience? Or a small one? 

 What will the reader do with this document? 

 How will the reader read it? In print? Online? In a book? On a bulletin board? 

Multimedia Exercise 1.2: Identify Your Preferences as a Reader

Think of a genre that you read online regularly, such as a blog or an online newspaper. Answer the following questions from the perspective of the genre’s audience: 

 Why do you enjoy reading this genre? 

 When do you usually read this genre and on what device? (For example: On a mobile device? Tablet? Laptop or desktop computer?)

 How do the genre’s conventions make it easy and/or difficult for you to read the genre on your preferred device? 

D. “What’s It For?” Identify a Genre’s Purpose 

Exercise 1.4 Identify a Genre’s Purpose 

Pick one of the everyday genres you encounter often. Answer the following questions: 

 What does this genre address? What problem does this genre seek to fix? 

 How do you know, based solely on the document you’re reading? 

Multimedia Exercise 1.3: Identify an Online Author’s Purpose

Pick one of the online genres you read everyday (such as a blog or social network feed). Answer the questions in Exercise 1.4: 

 What does this genre address? What problem does this genre seek to fix? 

 How do you know, based solely on the document you’re reading?

Writing Assignment 3

1) Read the article “I Learned It From YouTube!” (And Other Challenges of Teaching Voice) by Robert Marks. Then, Identify and wr/ite down the author’s main point and/or argument.

 Formulate your position as you wr/ite your out/line and summ/ary (do not wr/ite your position on the article at this time; however, please summ/arise carefully and identify various weak points and/or strengths in the article).

 Outl/ine your selected article with the information above in mind.

 Save your annotations, outline, and additional notes.

 Post photos of your article annotations and provide a writt/en summ/ary of the article.

Link: https://www.bobmarks.com/downloads/Challenges_of_Teaching_Voice_by_Robert_marks.pdf

2) View the following videos and provide a brief writt/en respon/se.

Link: Venezuela's Youth Orchestra Bernstein’s West Side Story



Respond to each of the following questions. You will need to write at least 2 paragraphs, one for each question.

 What is the basic argument that Heglar makes in the short article “I Work in the Environmental Movement I Don’t Care If You Recycle”? Write a one-paragraph summary of at least 100 words that explains her argument.

 Do you agree, disagree, or both agree and disagree with Heglar’s point? Write a one-paragraph argument of at least 100 words that explains your answer to this question.


