PHI Discussion 2(2)

How might Kant's duty-based approach to making ethical choices be applied to our contemporary moral context? Give specific examples, referring back to the text to justify your argument.


  Your initial post (approximately 200-250 words) should address each question in the discussion directions and is due by 11:59 PM Central Time on Wednesday.   

 Your two response posts (approximately 125-150 words each) are due by 11:59 PM Central Time on Sunday. 

 Please remember to take ownership of your original post and answer all questions posed to you by other course participants.  

 Please use at least two appropriate scholarly references formatted in the most current APA format.  

 Please refer to the Discussion Topic rubric for detailed guidance about expectations and grading for discussions. 

 To submit your post to the Discussion Topic, select ""Start a New Thread"", type or paste your posting in the fields, and click ""Post"". To respond to your peer's post, click ""Reply to Thread

Module 3 Journal

Confidence at Work and in the Job Search,"Instructions:

 Watch: Brittany Packnett (2019) TED “How to Build Your Confidence-and Spark it In Others.”

Consider the role of confidence in your life and specifically in your internship performance and job search.  

 Then, watch: Cox, Elizabeth (2018) Ted-ED “What Is Imposter Syndrome and How Can You Combat it?” 

Consider challenges to your confidence and the existence of imposter syndrome.  

 Finally, review the list of resources at the bottom of this assignment and choose at least one additional resource to examine.

Answer the following questions in your journal assignment. Please integrate two of the assigned sources into your response, using APA format.

 How has confidence (having it or needing it) impacted your internship performance?

 How does confidence impact our job search and then our ability to perform at work and grow our career? What things might test our confidence in the job search or employment space?

 What things are you confident about when it comes to your employment search? Where could you use more confidence?

 What strategies might you use to build your employment confidence?

Submission guidelines:

 Your journal should be approximately 300-350 words in length and should address each question in the assignment directions.

 Please integrate two sources into your response and cite appropriately, using APA.  

 Please refer to the rubric associated with this assignment for detailed guidance about expectations and grading. 

 Please submit this assignment through D2L by the date and time indicated on your syllabus.

Required Sources (to be integrated into journal response):

 Article: Johnson, Candia. “3 Things You’re Getting Wrong About Confidence.” (August 26, 2018). Black Enterprise.

 Article: Zive, Ruth.“ 9 Ways to Boost Your Confidence at Work.” (2020). The Muse.

 Read: Parnes, Rachel. “Why Self-Doubt May Be Sabotaging Your Career.” (2019). LinkedIn Learning Blog.

 Watch: Ted-Ed (2014) “3 Tips to Boost Your Confidence”

Case 1

attached is the pdf to review

1. How does the organization you work for recognize and celebrate grit? Provide a specific example of potential application. 

2. What is the relationship between grit and failure?

3. As a manager, how would you attempt to develop grit in your direct reports?

I look forward to your insights!

Research Blog #3 Project 2

For this blog, you will start to pull together what you understand about your chosen conversation and the potential answers to your research question.

Step 0: 

In order to complete this blog, you will first need to choose a specific audience that you believe would be interested in the answer to your research question. Please do not say ""everyone."" For example, if my research question is ""should my county change the bus routes?"", interested audiences might be those who currently use the bus system and voters who may vote on this question in the next election. Part of your grade on this assignment involves choosing a specific audience that is appropriate for your research question. See the bulleted questions below in order to help you pick a good audience. 

Step 1: 

After you choose a specific audience, you will need to find one additional source related to your research question that is especially relevant to this specific audience. For example, in my example above, I might find a source that explains how the new bus routes impact current bus users; or I might find a source that explains the language of the question on the ballot for voters. 

Step 2: 

Then, write a 300 word letter addressed to this specific audience. In the letter, you'll explain your research so far and offer this additional source for their reading. (Although you are actually posting this letter to our class discussion board, you should pretend as if you are giving the letter to the specific audience you've identified and write the letter accordingly. This means you can address the audience specifically [""Dear Bus Riders""] and use second person pronouns such as ""you.""). 

In your letter, you should do the following:

 Explain your current research question and why you see this question as important to this particular audience. What specifically about your research is valuable, significant, and/or impactful to this audience? How does/will your research impact some aspect of their lives? Here, you might discuss personal impact, professional impact, cultural impact, political impact, or something else. 

 Describe some of the research you've done so far and how this is helping you answer your research question. Here, you do not need to necessarily go over all of your research from Blogs 2 and 3. Instead, choose to focus on the particular idea(s) and source(s) that you think will be especially relevant to this particular audience.  

 Describe the new source you found for this audience specifically. What is the title and who is the author? Here, give a brief summary of what this source says and explain why you think this source might be especially interesting/relevant to the person/group who is reading your letter.

 Explain to your audience where you plan to go next with your research. What ideas do you plan on exploring? What questions do you hope to answer? How will the next steps in your research help you to find answers/solutions to your research question?

Here are some student examples


Step 3:

After you have posted your letter, respond to two classmates. Each response should be at least 150 words long and respond to one or more of the following questions:

 Put yourself in the shoes of the specific audience they address in their letter. What questions might you have for them about their research? Are there any ideas/perspectives that you think they should consider? In what specific ways is this research topic/question relevant and significant? What suggestions might you have for them as they continue their research? 

Here's how you'll be graded: 

 Response (5 points): Does the student include thorough and detailed responses to the prompt, including explaining how the research question impacts the audience, why the audience should care, and a summary of the research done so far? 

 Source Appropriateness (4 points): Does the student identify a good source for the audience to consider, summarize it, and explain why it is relevant to the audience? Does this source build on the student's own understanding of the answer to their research question? 

 Source Citation: (2 points): Is it always clear which ideas are coming from the student and which are coming from the source? Does the student effectively indicate the source’s ideas with appropriate in-text citations, effective paraphrasing and/or quotation? 

 Further Research (2 points): Does the student discuss questions for further research? Do these questions seem appropriate and relevant to the issue as described in the letter? 

 Comments (2 points): Does the student thoroughly and specifically respond to two peer’s posts, using the commenting instructions provided by the instructor? 

Ban on Abortions

See Attachment for Questions


1. How is the social setting of the play relevant? In other words, what thoughts, beliefs, or societal expectations of this time are relevant to an important topic within the work?

2. Discuss how characterization, symbolism, or irony are used by the playwright in order to convey an important idea or issue addressed in the work

Classical Argument

Classical Argument(Writing for the community)

-3 pages excluding work citation

Due 7/15/2022 @ 2pm


After reading Love in L.A. (pages 111-113) by Dagoberto Gilb answer the following question in 200 words:

 Why do you think Marianna gives Jake her information at the end of the story?


Relate to a common idea/theme explored in one of the plays we have read 

Should have an introduction, two body paragraphs (with claim and support), and a conclusion.

Topic 1

APA format, in-text citation, references include, 1 page

Topic 1 - Interdisciplinary Teamwork, Multidisciplinary Departments & Quality Outcomes - you decide to discuss the Care Planning Processes, Care Coordination, and Person-Centered care.

Internal Communication

A Message Do-Over for a Persuasive Message to a Colleague

Samantha Parkinson works as a marketing intern for a start-up software company. She is working on an account for a new social networking platform for professionals. The platform, called LinkedB2B, allows professionals to connect in many ways similar to LinkedIn. However, it also sets up in-person networking events in several major cities and focuses on geographic proximity to connect professionals. The platform also emphasizes business-to-business (B2B) relationships rather than recruiting and consulting.

Currently, LinkedB2B charges a rate of $19 per month to all professionals on the network. It charges businesses $149 to have up to ten users on the network. So far, the network has nearly 9,000 members, most of which are in three major cities: Houston, Dallas, and Los Angeles. Typically, LinkedB2B hosts networking events three times per year in these cities. To attend the events, attendees must be LinkedB2B members. Generally, admission prices for the networking events are around $30.

Samantha believes the network should offer free accounts, like LinkedIn, so that LinkedB2B can grow its membership base. She thinks that members should pay for only premium services. Samantha decided to share her conclusions with her boss, Bianca Genova. Bianca originally created LinkedB2B and considers it her greatest professional achievement. Samantha sent the following message:

SUBJECT: Changing our Pricing Model

Hey Bianca,

Unfortunately, our current pricing model simply doesn’t bring in enough members for us to be lucrative. 9,000 members really is next to nothing in our business. To survive, we will need to get far more paying members. Ironically, we can get more paying members only by offering our membership for free. LinkedIn is the model we must follow in order to do this. It makes so much money because it gets professionals hooked to free memberships, then professionals see the added value of premium services and can’t resist paying. If we changed to a free model up front, we could get hundreds of thousands or even millions of members. I estimate that within one year, we could get at least 500,000 members if we opened up LinkedB2B for free. If we could get just 10 percent of these members to purchase premium services, we would have roughly 50,000 paying members, which is a fivefold increase over where we are now. The way to make this happen involves focusing on the following cities: Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle. We will offer free memberships to all professionals. At the free membership level, professionals can display their profiles. Our pricing for premium services would remain the same at the individual and organization levels. At the premium level, members would be able to do the following: attend networking events at discounted rates (generally 30 to 50 percent less), send ten free messages per month to non-contacts, use the blogging platform, and organize groups. I know you want this platform to succeed, so let’s plan on meeting this Friday and I can give a more specific plan for making this happen.


Complete the following tasks:

 Evaluate the effectiveness of Samantha’s message.

 Rewrite the message to improve it. Feel free to reasonably embellish the message using the FAIR model.