Review and Analysis Media Outline

Food Evolution 


Documentary Review and Analysis Outline


Topic Sentence (Production Information: Documentary Title, Director, Year Released and Production Company)

Background (Brief Summary of the Film)

Note: You can use the film’s summary/description to help craft this section. 

Thesis Statement

Claim (Was the film well-crafted/good representation of reality/informative)

Warrants (Three Main Areas you will focus on for your analysis)

1. Authors & Audience:

2. Messages & Meaning:

3. Representation & Reality:

Thesis Statement (Claim + Warrants) 1-2 sentences:


Body Paragraphs

Paragraph #1: Authors & Audience

Topic Sentence: 



Paragraph #2: Messages & Meaning

Topic Sentence:



Paragraph #3: Representations & Reality

Topic Sentence:



Critical Analysis

The New Censorship on Campus (2017)” by Jeffrey Herbst and Geoffrey R. Stone

(found in the Op-Ed section of your E-Reader)


Pick a court case that involves social media and research it. Then answer the following questions:

 What was the case about? Write a brief overview of the court case.

 Which laws were considered broken? Describe which legal issues were brought into question.

 Do you think the case violated any laws? Please explain why or why you did not agree with the court ruling.


Using the outline that I am providing and we have reviewed in class, you will complete the outline answering the personal narrative, the topic is a personal narrative (story) about an event in your life from which you learned a valuable lesson. I am attaching the outline template that you will use to complete the assignment. 

I am also attaching a sample outline that you can use as a guide.

Social Studies

Please copy/paste each question before your answer below.

What Key takeaways or impressions did you receive from the video snipet ""Starting Small"" and the lecture/or textbook about Social Studies?

Describe what observed from the ""Talking Chairs"" video, what are you taking away from Daniella and Lupita?

Diversity Book Challenge!

Research a story from Amazon or the library appropriate to 2 to 5 year old's relevant to Diversity and reflect on the following:

What is the book and why is it relevant? *Include a picture of the book cover

Choose an activity based on the book to present to children

- Describe the activity?

- What materials are required? *Include image of activity if applicable

VIDEO: Daniella and Lupe use the Talking Chairs

In this video you will see a demonstration of children's understanding of the democratic process, rule-making together, problem solving and listening to one another's ideas and perspectives. Prior to the video two girls were at a table an had an argument. The argument gets heated and one girls tells the other that her her house is ""fea"" (which means ugly in Spanish). The other child states that she's upset because the girl was touching a book she was looking at. the teacher (Darryl) notices that the two girls have a problem. He asks if they want to resolve their problem using the ""Talking Chairs"" - this is where our video begins. These are three year old children who are being exposed to the democratic process of speaking their truths respectively and simplistically, discussing what is not ok with each of them. This is the beginning of the process and these children are learning to speak up for themselves. The teacher is there as a facilitator and clarifier of what each of the children has said during the process. The process stops when the children state that they are done, and both are satisfied with the result. I want to stress that this is a very simple problem solve - many more steps can be involved and it takes both instruction and practice for a teacher to become a good facilitator.


250 words, argumentative

Is Climate Change the Greatest Threat in Human History?

K-pop and J-pop reflection

record your response or reaction to the reading and audio-visual material. summarize the material and detail your reaction to it. Some guiding questions include:

In your own words, explain what fan culture, or fandom, is.

 How do the readings and audio-visuals reflect fan culture?

 Based on the readings, do you think fandoms are a form of participatory culture or consumer culture?

 How have fandoms led to the spread of Korean and Japanese pop culture, especially in the West?

1.5 spaced Times New Roman 12pt font with a minimum of 600 and at least a maximum of 1000 words.

In-home child care and childcare

In-home child care and childcare facilities

Module 7 Assignment

I have attached the assignment below. For this assignment you will compare and contrast two works of art: one from Module 7 and another from the last 30 years. I will also attach the powerpoint the teacher sent out for module 7 artwork. Should be 250-500 words, double spaced.


Purpose Throughout Composition II, you will continue to use your research skills. The Annotated Bibliography provides the student the opportunity to identify scholarly sources for the upcoming work, think critically about the content of each source, and begin to understand the topic from multiple perspectives. Requirements • 5 scholarly sources, with full citation, followed by a summary of each that includes the following: o A one-sentence summary of the author’s thesis. o Three to four sentences that summarize the main claims and/or key pieces of information included within the article. o A one to two-sentence personal evaluation of each source. Was the author biased? Is the article credible at a college level? Did the author make claims that could not be supported? • Scholarly sources must be drawn from the OCCC Library’s databases (EBSCOHost, Opposing Viewpoints, etc.). • MLA format.

• Identify Scholarly Sources. What information is needed to provide the reader with facts and claims that cover every side of the topic? • Cite. Provide the complete citation in MLA format for each scholarly source. • Summarize. Condense the major claims of each source in your own words. • Write. Complete an annotated bibliography. This should be a living document as you can use this to draw upon to write the three upcoming works, to eliminate sources that are not relevant to the work, and to add additional sources as the semester continues and the work requirements and research needs change. Grades for this assignment 3% Of the overall grade for the course Identify Scholarly Sources Cite Sources Summarize Key Claims Write AEH Division 2 Method of Organization • 5 Scholarly Sources, include the full citation for each, followed by a summary of each. The citation should be in MLA format as it may appear in the Works Cited section of a work. The summary should appear immediately below the citation, be double-spaced, and be written in complete sentences. Criteria for Success A summary of the grading criteria for this assignment can be found in the table below. For detailed criteria, see the assignment rubric. Category Description Points Mechanics Students will communicate using academic language and conventions of Standard American English. 5 Formatting and Citations Students will format a work utilizing MLA style formatting. 5 Organization Students will present information in a unified and coherent manner. 5 Content and Analysis Students will write a work that responds to all parts of the prompt. 15 Total 30 pts.

Read the instructions above and answer the question below I need it in 24 hours MLA format


Remember: The annotated bibliography represents the research you will use to write your Classical Argument work The thesis statement that you wrote this week guides the sources you choose. Overall, the information from the sources in your bibliography will answer the research question you proposed in the Research Proposal.

Note: This assignment must be in MLA format or it will be sent back to you and/or point deductions will be incurred. There is a model for you to see how this assignment is formatted and videos on the MLA Resources Section of the Great Resources page to help you format the document correctly.