Serial Killer Literature Review Part 2

A break down of a serial killer literature


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Your goals and motivations are driven by your underlying values—the reasons you desire to achieve certain things. Values inform our thoughts, words, and actions, and they help us to grow, develop, envision and create the future we want to experience. 

Now that you have viewed videos and a reading that covered goals, motivation, and values, you’ll reflect on your own goals, motivations, and values and capture your reflections to complete the Unit 1 assignment. This assignment is about understanding your motivations for coming to the university and what drives you to accomplish milestones.  

For the assignment you will download the ""What Are Your Motivations?"" assignment template, then use it to complete the three parts of the assignment. 

Part 1: The first step in better understanding your values is by writing three to five goals for yourself. These could be personal or professional goals, and they could be short-term or long-term goals. Be sure to make them SMART goals.

Part 2: Once you’ve established your goals, think about what is motivating you to achieve those specific goals. Is it to get to a certain level in your career? Is it to achieve something you’ve always wanted to for personal reasons? Is it to set a good example for your family or friends? The second piece of this assignment is to establish two or three motivations for each goal you’ve identified. 

Your motivation for doing anything generally stems from your values. Motivating forces could be values instilled in you from a young age, or values you hold because of what you’ve learned or been exposed to. Your core values are those that drive your behaviors, actions, and words. They are the reasons we dedicate our time and energy to most things in our lives. They are our guiding principles. 

Part 3: Now that you’ve established goals and acknowledged your motivations, look at what’s motivating you, and write the underlying reason for each goal: These are your values. There could be one or several values for each goal that you have, and the values might be the same or similar for different goals.  

There are no wrong answers for this exercise. The purpose is to establish your values and to recognize what drives you to accomplish milestones. 

Part 4: Now that you’ve established goals, acknowledged your motivations, and reflected on your values, it’s time to consider how to go about achieving your goals. There are likely several steps you’d need to take in order to reach your ultimate goals, but writing down the first step that you can (and will) take can help you to form a plan of action.

Part 5: Finally, you'll want to write two or more sentences about what you learned about your goals, motivations, and values from completing this assignment

School assignment

make a cover letter and resume for an ASSOCIATE PRODUCT MANAGER (REMOTE) job

Writing 3 Memo Format

The directions to this assignment is attached below in the document called Writing 3 Memo. 

This assignment is quite easy. You do NOT need to write, at the bottom is the text you need to convert into a memo. Please read each instruction carefully. The youtube video attached and the other 2 documents are examples.


You are a pharmacy student applying for a scholarship. Describe your proficiency in another language (French), other than English, and how being bilingual has helped influence your decision to pursue a career in pharmacy and/or impacted your experience throughout pharmacy school. Provide at least one example when you were able to use this skill to make a positive impact during an experience with a patient. Note: Please answer in 500 words or less.

Organizational Behavior/Learning Audit

Good day,

Please see the attached instructions. This is not my current organization, but I would like to conduct this assignment audit on the United States Air Force Fire Department. If that doesn't provide much, I would like the audit to be on the Air Force in general.. Please use at least 3 references and 2 in text citations. If you have any questions, please let me know.


write about the photographer: Danny lion

 Answer the following questions in order:


     Introduce the photographer. Give us a little of their background. Tell us why they are notable. 

     Choose two of their photographs and embed Download embed/paste/attach them into your answer. 

     Describe in detail the images you just embedded/pasted/attached (at this point, you should know how to describe an image in detail because you learned how to do that in the Photograph Analysis exercises). Describe the context (of the situation/time) in which the photographer took those images. What were they trying to convey? Were they successful in telling their story? 



 List 2 references where you found information about the artist and/or the image.


For this Reading Journal:

 In a Word document, read and write a labeled paragraph Reading Journal for the following:


     Chapters 1-3 in Everything's an Argument

     The Qualities of Effective Expository Writing



In a nutshell:  

A reading journal is a summary paragraph of the key points from your assigned reading. It is an effective paragraph as set forth in our primary textbook, The Little Brown Handbook (Fowler and Aaron 72). The paragraph is the basic unit of thought in this class.

For more information, please see Instructions for Reading Journals.

2.7 Reading Response Journal

2.7 Reading Response Journal for “When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine” or “A Real Durwan”,"Building our Knowledge of the Story Cycle

Like the previous discussion post, compose a reading reflection journal in which you discuss one, or one set, of the themes listed below in one of the stories, ""When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine,"" or ""A Real Durwan."" To do so, make sure that you present evidence (meaning quotes) from the text, to demonstrate your skills with close textual analysis. In addition, make sure that your reading response journal contains an argument, an opinion, about how the theme(s) are used. Here are the themes from which you may choose:


 barriers to communication


 care / neglect

 love / loss

 race / racism



 Journals should be thesis driven with supporting examples and evidence

 Journals should be written in MLA format using Times New Roman 12pt font

 Journals should be 250-350 words

 Since you are providing quotes and close visual analysis, a separate works cited page is expected.

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