
After completing the activities in this lesson you will be able to:

 Explain the importance of the space and place of a speech. ( Analyzing Your Speech Situation, p. 47) 

 Explain how the size of an audience can influence a speech. ( Analyzing Your Speech Situation, p. 47)

Explain stereotyping and why people do it. (Who Is Your Audience?, p. 50)

 Describe the characteristics of an audience that a speaker should consider before developing a speech. (Who Is Your Audience?, p.50)

 List and Explain the three basic concepts for analyzing audience psychology and feelings. (Who Is Your Audience?, p. 50)

 Explain the difference between formal and informal analysis. (Gathering Info about Your Audience, p. 62)

 LIST and Explain the three types of formal audience analysis. (Gathering Info about Your Audience, p. 62)

 Define identification, and explain how to create it with an audience. (Audience Psychology: All You Need Is Love (and Identification), p. 64) 

 Explain the importance of identification to public speaking. (Audience Psychology: All You Need Is Love (and Identification), p. 64)

 Define beliefs, attitudes, and values, and explain how they differ. (Audience Psychology: All You Need Is Love (and Identification), p. 64) 

 Explain audience disposition and how a speaker would analyze it. (Feelings: More on Audience Disposition, p. 69)

Complete the following tasks to meet the objectives for this lesson:

 Read Chapter 3 in your textbook. 

 Review all chapter Materials for this lesson.

Participate in the Discussion Board for this lesson

Commemorative Speech Critique

Commemorative Speech Critique SPCH 219 Mod 5 Commemorative SpeechMANNYFRESH19G1 day ago2 viewsMichael Jordan Commemorative Speech.     Your critique on the speech should follow the guidelines below:Identify ONE positive element for each of the following items (A, B, and C).A: Introduction, PreviewB: Body, Main PointsC: Summary, ConclusionChecklist for Review of Commemorative SpeechAudience—Is the audience and the occasion apparent?Title—Does the title that fit well with the commemorated person or group or occasion? Introduction—Does the speech include an attention-getting important or characterizing event or trait or facts or story or quote? Was this something to which the audience could relate and feel?Body—Were these issues addressed in the speech?1. Reason to commemorate this person or event.2. Relationship of the speaker to the person or event, including how this relates to the audience’s lives.3. Specific examples of what this person has accomplished, achieved, or contributed, who has benefited from the life of this person or group, and why it would matter to the audience.4. Impression or impact the person or group has made on others and how this relates to the audience.5. What the audience can learn from what was described about the individual or group.6. An anecdote, short story, brief list of facts, or short story, or something else memorable to wrap up the main ideas before closing the speech.Conclusion—A conclusion that both emphasized the values of the commemorated person or group, and at the same time, gave the audience a way to remember the main message (such as a turn of a phrase, a vivid metaphor, or a word-painting, or other strong visceral or visual closing)Memorability Analysis ChecklistOrganization• something to gain attention• clear main ideas• coherent transitionsLanguage• with details• concrete, vivid, colorful• appropriate for the topic, audience, and event• turn or twist of a popular phrase to make a new meaning• use of a familiar concept or quote in a new wayDelivery• pace that fits the purpose – usually without rushing• pauses and vocal variety to be expressive of the meaning – not just to have variety, but to carry the meaning of what is being spoken• rhythm that adds power to the meaning of a key idea• strong eye contact without staring or looking too much at notes, nor too long at any one person• minimal physical movement, limited to movements that carry a purpose Rubric Commemorative CritiqueModule 5 -Rubric Commemorative CritiqueCriteriaRatingsPtsIntroductionview longer descriptionFull Marks25 ptsNo Marks0 pts25 ptsBodyview longer descriptionFull Marks25 ptsNo Marks0 pts25 ptsSummary, Conclusionview longer descriptionFull Marks25 ptsNo Marks0 pts25 ptsMemorabilityview longer descriptionFull Marks25 ptsNo Marks0 pts25 ptsFurther requirementview longer descriptionFull Marks0 ptsNo Marks0 pts0 ptsTotal Points: 100

Note,"Read and annotate"

College Students Are Not Doing Well"" by Nitish Pahwa. 

N/B: Use the Cornell note taking method. 

Length: 2 pages

Fashion Research

Where did fashion come from, who started it and how and why the world relies on it. Ehat different fashion style influences are there n and around the world today.This was done already by a previous writer, however the attached feedback is from the instructor stating necessary corrections to bring up to APA standards and final draft as well as have an outline done, which is attached. I need this to be done by Sunday at 5:00 p.m. CST


Sketch of Alma character,Alma character analysis from time of the wolves by marcia muller

Research on 5 Dynasties & 10 Kingdoms of Ancient China

1) Search for data on the assigned ancient civilizations (You may use the PP slide #22 for the links on the first 5 civilizations). Human Sexuality Slides.pptx Download Human Sexuality Slides.pptx 

2) Document what you found to be key aspects of sexuality during this time period. Consider searching images and videos as well as text. 

3) Submit your findings into the Assignment Tab AND under Discussions. 

4) Under Discussions- identify 2 ERAS/CIVILIZATIONS other than your

due in the next 4 hours

Mediation Approaches, Components, and Culture

Overview: The purpose of mediation is to provide a forum for consensual dispute resolution by the parties. Mediation is based on concepts of communication, negotiation, facilitation, and problem-solving that emphasize:(a) self-determination;(b) the needs and interests of the parties;(c) fairness;(d) procedural flexibility;(e) confidentiality; and(f)full disclosure.

Instructions: First, watch the enclosed video(s) to see how a mediation session is conducted. Next, answer the following questions from Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in “question and answer” format, that is, write both questions and answers in your post. These questions are meant to result in “short answers”, that is, 4-6 sentences of descriptive content that demonstrate your knowledge from the readings. For these questions, be sure to explain and support your answers with the textbook. Use APA in-text citationsLinks to an external site. to demonstrate that you can integrate the readings in your written work to support your rationales.

Tenant-landlord MediationLinks to an external site.

Chapter 1 Question 

 What are your thoughts or impressions about mediation as a means of resolving disputes?

Chapter 2 Questions (These questions focus on the basic components and approaches of mediation and the importance of culture in mediation):

 After reading about the “phases in the balanced mediation model” (p.28 -33), use Figure 2.1 Download Figure 2.1as a checklist to determine if all the basic components of mediation were present in the Tenant video: What components were obvious to you? What components were difficult to identify? Did the mediator effectively navigate through all the components? What components were missed or excluded?  

 What mediation approach(es) did the mediator ( in the video) use: transformative, evaluative, or facilitative? Explain.

 How did you make your determination of the mediator’s approach? Explain and support your answer from the textbook.

 What are the pros and cons of using the mediator’s approach in this case? Explain and support your answer from the textbook.

 If you were the mediator, what other approach would you have used in this case? Explain.

 Culture Matters in Mediation: Consider the cultural diversity in your community/city or your cultural norms, how might Hofstede's cultural dimensions Download Hofstede's cultural dimensions(p. 34-36) impact how you resolve conflict as a mediator? Explain

Research Story

Your Research Story will be divided into three sections—each with a noted header: An introduction, the research process, and a discussion. Each section entails the following:

 The Introduction: Your introduction should begin with a “hook” to engage the reader in your initial research question and the topic you explored. The introduction will also establish the importance and relevance of the conducted research.

 The Research Process: This is where you take the audience on a narrative journey sharing with them “the story” of how your research began—all the twists, turns, ups, downs—and how it ended. Be descriptive, exploratory, and detailed. 

 The Discussion: This section asks you to draw a conclusion about the research journey. The discussion allows you to share with your audience what you learned (or didn’t learn) from conducting the research. You might also discuss why the audience should care about something you have written—what you find relevant about the topic and the inquiry you conducted.


Discussion on What are the fears of Artificial Intelligence's (AI's) impact on jobs/economy?


Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response.

This will be the first part of preparing for your final assignment in this course. There are four general topics that you will choose from:

 3D Printing

 High speed rail

 Stem Cell Research


For this discussion write a claim statement for your assignment following the tutorial provided in unit 4.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.