Evaluation of News Bias & Tools of Rhetoric

Evaluation of News Bias & Tools of Rhetoric assignment. Read the everything in the link

5 paragraphs = 25 sentences


English Writing assignment

You will find the World Anti-Doping Agency Code at https://www.wada-ama.org/sites/default/files/resources/files/2021_wada_code.pdf

For this assignment, you will write 5 pages beginning with defining who WADA is, who does it govern, and what is the purpose. After answering these items in your intro, you will then summarize the following articles from the Code linked above. Be sure to have a table of contents and a section header for each article before you begin your summary. 

Articles 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 10, 16, and 17.


Graff notes that Ned Laff suggests that students be encouraged to view what interests them “through academic eyes”. What do you and your friends discuss frequently? Have you ever thought and written about those interests “in a reflective, analytical way”? Would you want to? What kinds of evidence might you need to examine and present?

Lay The New New (pgs. 671-675) by Kelly Stuart

After reading Kelly Stuart's The New New (pp. 671-675), answer the following discussion question in 150 words. At the end of the story, the two writers decide to continue writing Jimmy's story. What do you think he says that about them? What did Naomi reveal about Jimmy?

Classical model

Using www.Ebscohost.org. look at issues and controversies and opposing viewpoints to get at least six sources for the topic below:

Topic: Gender identity

Using classical model, construct a reasonable and balanced persuasive argument over the mention topic above. the topic should persuade the audience towards your perspective in a documented argument.

N/B: Sources must be six quality peer reviewed journals and have to be credible and relevant to the topic and the audience. Classical Argument model format

Introduction, Overview, Background, Confirmation, Rebuttals, Summation (documentation and clarity).

Length: 6 pages

ENC (Writing)

I have to do this work, which is the first draft of the informative investigation. My topic is social media

I have already done several works for this class on this topic; I can send them to you so that you can see more or less what it is about and what approach it has

The first image is the assignment and the rest is the information that appears in the link that says ""Informative Research Report

English unit 11 Speech homework

Choose one of the five organizational patterns (chronological, spatial, topical, narrative, and cause-and-effect) for informative speeches mentioned in your text.

Career skills help

ASSIGNMENT: Describe a time in your academic or professional career when you used one of the employability skills below.

 The innovation skill, which helps you use strategies to develop your ideas and create change

 The communication skill, which helps you effectively write about information, your ideas, and your perspective

 The productivity skill, which helps you plan your time and your writing

 The technology skill, which help you use digital tools and devices to document your writing efficiently and effectively

Develop a 3-4 page narrative (with an introduction, at least three body paragraphs, and a conclusion) that describes this event. Some examples could include:

 Firsts: Think of a ""first"" in your academic/professional career when you used your chosen skill, and describe that moment in detail.

 Proud moments: Choose a moment when you felt proud about an accomplishment that was made possible by using one of the above skills.

 Adversity: Describe a time when you had to think or act quickly to overcome a challenge using one of the above skills.

In your introduction, explain the scenario. In your body paragraphs, describe the employability skill you used and how it was used in your specific event. Describe the benefits or shortcomings of using this skill and how the skill contributed to your success; or alternatively, how it could have been utilized differently to achieve greater success. In your conclusion, describe what you learned about yourself through the experience and how you plan to utilize this skill in the future. 


A. Assignment Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: Create a 3-4 page writing in which you:

 Explain the scenario you have chosen.

 Describe the chosen employability skill and how it was used in the scenario.

 Describe the benefits or shortcomings of using this skill and how it contributed to any success.


     How could it have been used differently to achieve greater success?



 Describe what you learned about yourself throughout this scenario.

 Minimize mechanical and stylistic errors.

 Complete the reflection questions listed below.

B. Reflection Questions

DIRECTIONS: Below your assignment, include answers to all of the following reflection questions.

 Consider the early stages of your writing process. What brainstorming and prewriting activities did you engage in to compose your narrative? How did they help you begin formulating your ideas? How do you anticipate that these steps will make the writing process more productive? (4-5 sentences)

 Consider the skill you chose as a topic. Why did you pick this particular skill? What about it are you looking forward to exploring as you work on your later assignments in this course? (3-4 sentences)


APA format, in-text citation, references include, 1 page


Implementation of Electronic Health Record (EHR) was mandated by the government under the Health Information Technology for the Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act (2009) that provided financial incentives for EHR implementation as well as imposed penalties for non-compliance (https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/newsletter-article/federal-government-has-put-billions-promoting-electronic-health). 

Evaluate the compliance with HITECH by solo Physician Practices in 2020. Make sure to note why the different practice sizes and types have different compliance levels in the adoption of the EHR. Discuss further governmental policies and incentive programs and the penalties for non-compliance intended to assure complete compliance with HITECH in terms of effectiveness and efficacy

Unit 14

identify the steps for monroes motivated sequence,"Using the five steps in Monroe's Motivated sequence (attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, and action), you will examine Joiner's speech and answer in complete sentences the following questions