English Homework

See the information on the Office of the Federal Register website that discusses reverse logistics of hazardous materials. Discuss the problem of reverse logistics and how it relates to hazardous materials packaging. 

 Federal Register :: Hazardous Materials: Reverse Logistics (RRR)

Health care, nutrition and poverty

Topic: How do such topics as: health care, nutrition, mental health, food security, poverty, urban planning, or other global issues connect to the UN Sustainable Development Agenda and goals?


Use concrete physical details in your description and specific verbs and adjectives in your analysis, avoiding at all costs vague adjectives (""beautiful,"" ""natural,"" ""great,"" “delicious,” --and forget “awesome” or “yummy” altogether--etc.) and adverbs (""skillfully,"" ""amazingly,"" ""intensely"" etc.) or dead metaphors (""raining cats and dogs"") which are either so highly subjective or overused as to be utterly meaningless.


Discuss one of the following questions (about 200-250 words) and then comment on at least two responses from your classmates. Avoid a simple and superficial comment, e.g., me too, I agree, good idea, etc., which doesn't demonstrate any degree of your reflection or further thought. Instead, integrate your viewpoint derived from your experience, class readings and other class members' postings into your comment.  

 Have you followed a set of instructions, e.g., those step-by-step explanations of how to assemble, operate, repair, or do routine maintenance on equipment or other objects? What are they about? What factors would affect the success of instructions?

 Why are visuals important in instruction/procedure writing? What are some of the best practices with using visuals to complement instructions/procedures?

English Homework

What do you think it means to become packaging neutral?  Does this box meet your definition of packaging neutral?


Select one of your sources that you will use for your Review. You will be making notes (annotating) this text so that you can see how it is written and use it as a model for techniques you want to employ or avoid in your own writing.

This assignment is due midnight Sunday 9/24.

I need to be able to see the original text of your source AND your comments. The easiest way to achieve this may be to copy/paste the text of your source into a Word document so you can easily make notes using the ""comments"" function or by inserting your comments in a different color using the highlighter function. If you choose that route, be sure to copy/paste the title and author names.

Alternatively, if you have Adobe Acrobat, or another way to create comments/notes on a text that would be legible to me, that works.

If you submit a document that does not display your comments, your assignment will not be considered complete.

Make the following annotations/notes on your source:

 At the top of your document, use your own words to indicate what kind of text is this. Another review? A scholarly article? A newspaper or magazine article?

 Identify the thesis or main point and comment on its placement in the text (is it at the beginning? in the conclusion? why?)

 Identify reasons that support the thesis

 Identify examples that support the reasons and comment on whether these examples are convincing

 Identify any moments where the writer establishes their authority (expertise in the form of education, experience, or research?)

 Identify any moments where the writer discusses the intended audience of the text they are writing.

 Identify any use of other sources or other voices and comment on how they contribute to the overall text

You will include your own reflective paragraph (200 words) after your annotated source. 

 Did you find this source helpful? Why or why not?

 What strategies do you plan to steal in writing your own writing?

 Did this writer make any decisions you’d like to avoid in writing your own writing?

 What suggestions would you have for the writer to improve their text?

The last page of the document will be an MLA works cited page including the information for the source you chose. Be sure to include the URL in your citation so I can go find it online if I need to."

Research report

research report choose between working with words or working with visuals to complete an analysis of a corpus of study

Week 8 Final

Good day writer,

Please see the attached pictures for the assignment instructions. Please be very detailed 7-10 with as many citations. My goal is to reach Chief Master Sergeant in the Air Force and possibly career field manager. 

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Organization: United States Military, Air Force Enlisted

English Midterm Assignment


Coverage: Chapters one, two, three, four, five, and seven ONLY (the attachments are down below!)


APA format, in-text citation, references include

Part 1: 1 page

As a health care administrator, how might you ensure that you adhere to The National CLAS Standards when engaged in the design and development of culturally relevant messages while avoiding cultural bias? Reflect on how media might impact the cultural sensitivity of health messages. Then, consider how cultural sensitivity might impact a health services campaign and marketing plan ( Use culture reference ppt to have idea for this part)

Part 2: Add below requirements to the Market Plan. 1 page

 Explain which elements of your health care services marketing plan are culturally sensitive and appropriate.

 Explain how culturally sensitive and appropriate considerations might affect marketing plans and why.