Group evaluation

There are 6 members in my group. We had a meeting last week on Tuesday . We talked briefly about the meeting for about 1 hour. You need to write total 4 pages content and references extra 1 page. You need to do part II only. I have attached the rubrics and the questions together. The leader of my group is Katherine Adams, secretary Kody Tran, and other group members are Brooklyn Willett, Gema Mercado, Melissa Alonso.

All the group members were nice and helpful

100 years of solitude chap. 14-17

Analyze the “banana massacre” scene. Describe the narrative techniques García Márquez uses for this scene. Even though it is only a few pages long, do you get the sense that this is the climactic scene of the book? Why, or why not?

What is García Márquez saying about Latin American history and politics?

Dis,"Read the New Yorker article

""Why Facts Don't Change Our Minds"" written by Elizabeth Kolbert and take part in the experiment described in the previous lesson, and then respond to the prompts listed below:

1. Beneath each question listed below, explain how your answers differed between the two different ways of reading.

 What is the main idea or point of the article?

 Who is the audience that Kolbert is addressing? How do you know? (Describe things you noticed about the publication, the New Yorker, where the article appeared, that gave you this idea.)

 What might be an alternative way to explain her conclusions?

2. Why do you think Kolbert wrote this article? Does she want readers to behave in a different way? Think about something differently? Or, something else?

3. Think about where and how YOU read. Do you read on a Kindle or other type of eReader? Do you read books? Do you read articles? Do you read web pages? Do you read in another format? Be specific.

4. What do the visual elements of the text reveal? In other words, what point do the visuals make? How do the visuals support Kolbert's main claim?

5. Do you agree with Kolbert's claims in this article? Why or why not?

6. Finally, did any of the strategies you used from this week's lessons affect your understanding of the article? Which ones were the most helpful to you and why? Be specific. Have you used any of these strategies before you started this week's lessons? If so, which ones?

Respond to other students' postings in which the answers differ substantially from your own, and see if you can discover why. Probe the postings for ideas that you think miss an important point or two, and ask questions to take your understanding of the article and other students' understanding to a deeper level. Revisit the article and the website where it is posted as you consider other students' answers to confirm or reject new information you are recieving from their postings

English GLO Assignment

Old World and New World Influences on the Development of the Music of Southwestern Louisiana,"Use the Lecture Notes found under the Modules tab on the Canvas Home Page for this Course, MUSC 2310 G01, to answer the following multipart question:

Part One: Describe the cultural impact of Anglo Americans on Cajun Music of both the Accordion Period (mid 1920s to mid 1930s) and the String Band Period (mid 1930s to mid 1940s). In this part discuss 1) the reason(s) for the influx of Anglo Americans into the SW Louisiana Region, 2) the commercial impact of the Movie Industry, the Recording Industry, and the development of the Radio on SW Louisiana and on America in general, and 3) what styles of music from outside the area began to influence the development of Cajun music especially during the String Band Period.

The information needed to answer Part One can be found under the Modules Tab in Lecture Two: Cajun Music and It's Development - Part Two, Cajun Music.

Part Two: Describe the differences between the Musical Perspectives of the European Tradition and the African Tradition with regards to the musical elements of Rhythm, Pitch, and Performance as discussed in Lecture Three: Creole and Zydeco Music and It's Development - Part One, the African Influence, Jure, and Creole Music.

The information needed to answer Part Two can be found under the Modules Tab in Lecture Three: Creole and Zydeco Music and It's Development - Part One, the African Influence, Jure, and Creole Music. 

Part Three: List at least three forms of American Popular Music that influenced the creation of Swamp Pop.

The information needed to answer Part Three can be found under the Modules Tab in Lecture Four: Swamp Pop and It's Development.  

IMPORTANT: In order to get full credit for this assignment the student must, 1) answer all three parts of this assignment, 2) answer all three parts of this assignment as thoroughly as possible given the information in the Lecture Notes, and 3) turn in the assignment before the Assignment Deadline, which is Friday, December 1 by 11:59pm. This assignment is Pass/Fail. If all Parts are answered sufficiently and the assignment is turned in by the deadline the student will receive full points. However, if the student fails to sufficiently answer any of the Part of this assignment or fails to turn in the assignment by the deadline the student will receive a zero point for this assignment. This assignment is worth 15 points

GOAT Project (Rauw Alejandro is my topic)

Use a variety of informational sources to develop an argument for the Greatest of All Time (aka, the G.O.A.T.) in a topic of your choosing. Your nal product should adhere to these guidelines:

- It should argue why a topic, person, song, food, etc is the GOAT in its specic eld

- It should be between 600 and 800 words

- It should be in MLA` format

- Double-spaced

- 4-line header

- In-text citations for sources

- Works cited page

- It should feature a clear argument, supported by various pieces of evidence

Rhetorical Analysis

There is a 1000 word-minimum. All elements noted below are to be included in the analysis. See Assignment Organization.

Document Formatting: MLA formatting: Heading (name, assignment name, course name, date), original title, header (page numbers), line-spacing (double-spaced), 1”margins, and 12-point font size, Times New Roman or sans-serif font. The thesis must be underlined. 

Genre/Style: Formal analysis: thesis-driven and paragraph formatted


Choose two quotes for each story... use template provided. Using Foucault theory all 4 after the first quote and one after the second quote... Each story should have only one paragraph.

 1.Any rational relationship is inherently flawed; it is parasitic.(examples: two humans; human and language)

2.The subordinate is obligated to pursue knowledge to gain enlightenment; it is a duty or moral/ethical imperative.

3.The superior has no desire to pursue knowledge because the superior falsely believes he has the power.

4.The subordinate pursues knowledge to gain enlightenment, not to attain power to become a superior but to become an enlightened subordinate.

Book Review

I need you to make a book review for the book titled: 

""Telecollaboration in Translator Education

Implementing Telecollaborative Learning Modes in Translation Courses"" By Mariusz Marczak , 1st Edition 

""I purchased online e-book "" after the deal I will give you access to it.

- the book review should be 1500 words or a little more.

- I will give you a sample.

- APA style 6 edition

English Project

For this project, you are going to create a review of, and personal response to, a

new short story that expands our Florida & Climate Change unit. You will do this

by creating a social media influencer-like video.

First, select a short story from ASU’s Everything Change anthologies. You may

choose any story other than the one we’ve already covered in class— “The Last

Grand Tour of Albertine’s Watch”.

Volume 1:

Volume 2:

Volume 3:

Next, read the story closely and actively, being sure you can provide an accurate

summary and analysis in your video. Take notes and do some freewriting to help

you think about what you want to say. Note, as well, your personal response to

the story.

Finally, create a presentation in video format in which you both “review” the text

for your audience (summarize and analyze) and provide your personal response

to it. The summary and analysis should be addressed to a general audience (your

followers). Your personal response should reflect on the characters, themes, or

situations in the text that resonate with your own life experiences. You should

also rate the story for your audience. Five stars? Only two? Two thumbs or one

thumb up? Explain why.

The video will contain, at the very least, your own voice, speaking in a

conversational tone. You may use written notes, but do not read directly from a

script. You are welcome to experiment with different formats, adding sound or

graphics as your inclination and technical ability allow

nonverbal communication

Hide Assignment InformationInstructions

Nonverbal communication is a broad and fascinating area of study. Some research estimates that up to 90% of the emotional content of our interpersonal interactions is communicated nonverbally. One area of interest within the category of nonverbal communication is how we learn to ""claim"" and use space for ourselves (territoriality). This activity will call for some self-reflection and analysis as we examine one of our own spaces. 

 Discuss what territorial markers are.

 Why are territorial markers important?

 Using a location that you can primarily claim as your own, that you have arranged and decorated, and mostly has things in it that belong to you; write a thoughtful analysis of what an observer familiar with territoriality and territorial markers (see page 193 of the textbook) might be able to figure out about YOU based on what he or she can see in this space. Think about the objects in this place, the spatial arrangements, color choices, textures, etc. and what these would tell someone about the person who “owns” this space.

Technical Bits: At least one half page of text, 12 point font, one inch margins