Change control

The case study project you have been planning throughout the course is now underway. Predictably, the project is not completely following the project plan. In fact, two of the risks you identified in your business case assignment in course unit 1 appear to be occurring.  

Step 1: Choose any 2 of the 5 risks you identified in your business case assignment. Both risks must have sufficient impact on the project that the project’s scope – a task, deliverable, requirement, or other output – must be modified.

In other words, do not choose risks that don’t require any changes to the project, and do not choose risks that can be addressed simply by changing the project’s schedule or budget. Your risk response must require a change to some portion of the project’s scope.

Step 2: Based on lecture materials in the course thus far and the template provided on the next page, submit change control requests to modify project scope in order to respond to the risks you identified in step 1. 

Submit 2 change control request forms, one for each risk you selected in Step 1. As with earlier deliverables, use a business writing style where applicable. Also, as discussed in this week’s lecture materials, change requests should be easy to read quickly

Use the “Change Control Request Form” template to complete the assignment and submit to Blackboard.

Refer to the attached document for assignment details and grading rubric

Interdisciplinary studies seminar (coco)

reflect on your journey in the Interdisciplinary Studies program. The initial post is 

Did you achieve these outcomes? Why or why not? What have you learned and how have you developed as an INDS student?

 Students will become conversant     in the basic intellectual foundations and theories of program disciplines     and will develop a working definition and academic pathway for their     Interdisciplinary Studies experience.

 Students will develop     interdisciplinary thinking and research skills that will allow them to     engage with content knowledge and the theoretically underpinnings across     traditional disciplinary boundaries.

 Students will develop a     philosophy and definition of Interdisciplinary Studies and     demonstrate global awareness through reflective exercises and the     application of content knowledge.


Introduction: background/context. Devote one sentence to an overview of the First Amendment and public college campuses. A couple sentences that provide an overview of the Rasmussen and his tweet. Thesis statement.

 Body paragraph 1: fully explain the First Amendment and how it functions on a public college campus. Very few limitations (threatening an individual) but otherwise, you are allowed to say what you want without fear of governmental repercussions. A democracy values everyone’s ideas and opinions, so allowing everyone to express themselves in school models the values of democracy (ACLU). 

 Body paragraph 2: Harm of allowing Rasmussen to keep his job. Rasmussen’s bias could manifest in worse grades for female students and therefore negatively impact their education. In the classroom, students might not feel respected and therefore become disinvested in succeeding in that class.

 Body paragraph 3: Benefit of allowing Rasmussen to keep his job. Debate his ideas and prove him wrong. His public announcement of bias allows female students to make the choice not to enroll in his class.

 Body paragraph 4: Harper values respect. Quote from the Harper website (respect). We can respect his ideas but he doesn’t appear to respect other people’s. 

 Conclusion: If we want all students to be treated with respect but also need to enforce Freedom of Speech, what can we do? Can’t fire him for what he says but we can fire him if he doesn’t do his job.


     IU’s solutions: double blind grading and alternative class (quote the article). Explain how this eliminates bias. Drawbacks – this costs of the college money.

     Students can boycott his class. If students don’t enroll, Rasmussen won’t have a class to teach and can lose his job. 

Historical analysis of the grades his students have earned. If there is clear bias, then he can be dealt with.

DB #2: Smooth Talker and Not So Smooth

For this discussion board, watch a snippet of President Obama's extemporaneous speech he delivered at the foot of the Edmund Pettus Bridge for the 2015 Selma Jubilee Celebration (better known as #Selma50) and then watch Phil Davidson's speech to Stark County and answer the questions below:

 After watching the speech, on a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you believe Pres. Obama delivered his extemporaneous speech? Please explain your rating. 

 Discuss if you believe his gestures and eye contact helped or contrasted with the message he was trying to send? Was his overall delivery effective? Why or why not?

 Discuss the purpose and his audience. Is Obama's message appropriate for the audience and demographics? Explain your answers. 

 Now discuss Phil Davidson's message, delivery skills (eye moments, hand gestures, movement in front of the audience, etc.).

5. Compare and contrast the two very different speech deliveries.

Your response should be 5 to 7 sentences in length (or longer). Refrain from mentioning your political views as it relates to this speech.


The final project is a research paper of no more than 5 pages on one leadership theory of your choice. This leadership theory should be one that is based on the concepts you have learned and discussed in the course, and one that resonates and applies to the leadership quote you discussed in Unit 1.


Leaders have a clear, compelling vision that they can communicate effectively to their team. They inspire others to buy into this vision and work towards it. This is different from management, which is more about executing plans and meeting objectives. Leaders not only set these objectives but also provide the motivation and direction to achieve them.

Leaders possess high emotional intelligence. They understand their own emotions and those of their team members. They use this understanding to manage relationships and navigate social networks effectively. Managers, on the other hand, may not necessarily need to have high emotional intelligence, as their role is more about ensuring tasks are completed efficiently. Leaders empower their team members. They encourage them to take initiative, make decisions, and contribute their ideas. pending time on short-term goals allows the manager to focus on creating the systems and processes the company needs to create the changes the leader has envisioned (Okuchi, 2021). This creates a sense of ownership and commitment among team members, leading to higher productivity and morale. In contrast, managers may focus more on controlling and directing their team members to ensure tasks are completed as planned. These insights highlight the differences between leadership and management. While both roles are crucial in an organization, they require different skill sets and approaches. Leaders inspire and motivate, while managers plan and coordinate. Both roles complement each other and are necessary for the success of any organization. 

A manager is someone who is responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff. They are involved in activities such as planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the work of a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. In conclusion, while the roles of a manager and a leader are distinct, they are not mutually exclusive. A person can be both a manager and a leader, depending on the situation and the needs of the organization or team.


Daft, R. (2023) The Leadership Experience (8th ed.) Cengage Publishers.

Okuchi, A. (2021). Mgmt. Theory - The key differences between Managers and Leaders. Principles of Management. YouTube video.

DB #5: Is Your Source C.R.A.P Approved?

1. Watch ""The C.R.A.P Test for Evaluating Websites"" video on YouTube. Link to video and information on C.R.A.P. test: to an external site.

2. Find an online source that is relevant to your persuasive speech topic, and you would consider credible according to the CRAP test. (You can use a source that you've already put in your outline or plan to use). Using tips from each letter of the CRAP test, give specific reasons why the website you have chosen would be a credible source. For example, for each term used in the acronym C.R.A.P, you are to write 2 to 3 sentences describing how your resources relates to each letter. 

My persuasive speech topic is (Encouraging more physical activity in schools.)

DB #5 Continued: Let Us Captivate the Audience!

Blogger's Prompt: 

In module four's blog post, you selected three potential topics for your upcoming Persuasive Speech. In this blog, you will select the topic that you will most likely use in your persuasive speech outlines and video. You will use three different attention-grabbing strategies from Chapter 10 and apply them to your topic. Just to recap some of the strategies are the following: relate the topic to the audience, state importance of the topic, startle audience, a question to the audience about your topic, begin with a quotation, tell a story related to your topic, or use a visual aid. 

Blogger's Instructions:

 Discuss three different attention-grabbing introductions for your selected topic. 

The topic I want to choose is (Encouraging more physical activity in schools.)

English 105 Research

Read the uploaded file. This is 3 assignments in one. Do them in order. Because each relates to the other. Maintain the same Topics chosen in Assignment one, in the subsequent assignments.

Answering questions separately

select FIVE case studies to complete.

Read the case studies and answer the questions below. Use

complete sentences in response to the questions posed and please correct all spelling errors as

points may be deducted for grammar and spelling mistakes

English design thinking

Topic: healthcare industry. 

 In this assignment, students must construct a 5 full page research assignment on the topic they outlined on their Project Topic Worksheet. This assignment is meant to allow students the opportunity to explore, in-depth, an aspect of design thinking as it applies to their professional field or proposed professional field