Cultural Relativism and Moral Action

Cultural diversity refers to religious, sexual, racial, and other forms of social difference. A moral dilemma is a situation in which one must make a decision between two or more options such that the options involve seemingly ethical and/or unethical conduct.


Primary Discussion Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Saturday (11:59:59pm Central).

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. 

The Chairwoman of the Board of Directors has selected you to lead the effort to create an international internship program for your organization. You will be leading a cross-cultural virtual team, including the vice president (VP) of human resources and department heads from all areas of the organization from its locations throughout the United States. The team is responsible for developing a 3-month summer program for 50 international interns. The international interns will be selected from university programs in their home countries, will travel to the organization’s U.S. locations, will live and work in the United States, and then may have the potential to be offered a permanent position with the organization.

Using the course resources and the CTU Library, research global organizational culture and respond to the following questions:

 What best practices do you recommend for leading a virtual cross-cultural team?

 How will the organization onboard the interns and introduce them to U.S. culture?

 What are the benefits of the international internship program to the interns and to the organization?


Go to the Regent library website and find the ""Full Database List"" here.Links to an external site. Take some time looking through the dozens of research tools available through that list. Find one in particular that you did not know existed and that interests you. Spend some time looking through the materials. Then, post a brief summary of the database and describe why you think it will be valuable to you throughout this course.  200 wrds

Rhetorical precis on

How artificial intelligence has changed my students

13th, 14th, and 15th amendments

I need 8 paragraphs on this, I already set it up.

The impact of the 13th, 14, and 15th amendment on reconstruction was an attempt to address the

issue of slavery, citizenship, and voting rights.

I. Introduction

II. Slavery impact of the13th amendment 

III. Citizenship and 14th amendment

VI. Voting rights and 15th amendment

V. Conclusion

English assignment 3

The annotation is not a summary or paraphrase. In this paragraph, you will interpret and evaluate the contents of the article itself. It is a narrative paragraph of about 100 words providing information and assessment about the article

Write the introduction for your

Write the introduction for your =. The introduction should include a hook, background information, a thesis statement and the 3 main points that support your position.

TOPIC: Should physical education be mandatory in schools?

Thesis: physical education should not be mandatory in schools

Evan Thomas 300 word entry

Evan Thomas, former editor at large for Newsweek, shares strategies for student writers to improve their writing with a specific focus on email. For this week’s journal entry, you will reflect on the advice Thomas provides.

Respond to the journal prompt using analysis and critical thinking in no fewer than 300 words using conventional English.

What two points in the Thomas video for this unit impress you as being most significant in guiding email communication? Why?

Article Critique

Find an article in the area of your particular research project that does not strike you as credible. A general internet search might be a good way to find such an article.

Attach a copy of the article to a short 2-3 page analysis that addresses...

 What is/are the issue(s) the author considers? 

 What is the author's thesis? 

 How does the author attempt to support the thesis? 

 Is persuasion evident? Is there an evident bias?

 What are the specific flaws in the article and how might you respond to the author's points with better research and argumentation? (Perhaps you could cite another source you have found which better presents the truth of the matter.)

The relationship between social media and anxiety disorders Persuasive research request

Persuasive Request to Pursue Research Email

Typically, before a writer expends energy on a research proposal, they ask for permission from their decision-maker to start the project. You practiced researching a project in the learning activity. In previous units, you have demonstrated persuasive writing strategies. Now use what you learned about persuasive writing in this assignment.

You will write an email to your decision-maker requesting permission to move forward with the relationship between social media and anxiety disorders for the researched proposal to solve a problem or address a weakness in your workplace or community. You will provide evidence to support the viability of your topic.

Checklist: Make sure your submission:

 Contains no fewer than 500 and no more than 700 words.

 Follows correct email format.

 Includes subheadings to break up sections of the email.

 Describes the problem or project you want to work on and explains its significance.

 Integrates at least two viable sources into the request to demonstrate research is available to support the topic.

 Provides current 7th edition APA formatted in-text citations and references pages.

 Contains no grammatical or mechanical errors.