
compare and contrast on monogamy and polygamy relationships. MLA format. 5 sources from the palm beach state library resources.


APA format , in-text citation, references include, 2 pages

DISC Test Result: DISC Personality Type S – Steadiness

Do: Reflect on specific instances in which a leader has had a powerful impact on you. These leadership examples may be ones that you consider unsuccessful, as well as those you consider successful; they may be from the health care industry, as well as from other fields. Consider the behaviors that you observed and how they relate to leadership characteristics and styles as well as values.

- Consider how the leadership examples you have identified and the statements in your DiSC profile relate to one another. What insights does this give you with regard to the following:

 How you, personally, evaluate leadership effectiveness

 Your own leadership strengths and preferences

 Potential challenges or areas in which you need to strengthen your leadership skills and competencies

Address the following:

 Provide two or more leadership examples that are personally meaningful.

 Evaluate your leadership strengths and preferences, as well as potential challenges and areas for development. Be sure to refer to specifics of your DiSC profile, as well as insights from the Learning Resources.

Standard care

APA format, in-text citation, 2 pages, references include

The standard of care that is determined for your state or country. Reflect on how this determination is made and consider whether setting the standard care in this method improves health outcomes for health services organizations. Think about how the development of a standard of care might contribute to the development of protocols, clinical practice guidelines, or policies and procedures in health services organizations.

 Analyze and describe how the standard of care is determined in Maryland State

 Explain how these standards contribute to efforts aimed at improving health outcomes in your organization through the development of protocols, clinical practice guidelines, policies and procedures.

 Be sure to include support from the literature.


Rewrite the paragraph, correcting all the mistakes. Make your corrections in the 

space provided beneath each sentence.

Tomorow is a big day for me as I have a job interview. I’m so nervous, this job would be a 

ideal match for me and it provides excellent opportunities for advancement. Since I haven’t 

went to a interveiw in a long time. Im trying to prepare so I will do good. I had researched 

the company and has few question to ask. Other things to do: dress for success. Arrive five 

minutes early. Polite. Extend warm greatings. May be practice with mock interview before 

I go. So I will have a idea of how to respond to questons. That would be a good idea so I 

wont feel unprepared or anxous of triping up at the interview. I’ll see if one of my friends 

nor family members are available to work on it with us. Want to do my best so will research 

other tip for interviewing good before I go in. Have other sugesstions for me?

Vaccinations Persuasive Essay

MLA style

Original ( Non-plagiarized

At LEAST 6 academic sources

1400-1600 words (5-6 pages)


Works Cited page (per MLA)

summary and critical response

Summary and critical response for Unite 2 and 3 I think the total of 150 to 200 summary and 400 to 500 words for critical response. The article is pages 260-262 of your 10th edition textbook working at MacDonalds 

** NOTE: Both sections of this assignment (the Summary and the Critical Response) should be saved as ONE DOCUMENT in the file name format described below.

Please submit your Summary & Critical Response Essay here as an attachment for grading.  Before you post your Summary & Critical Response Essay, be sure to save your work with the following file name:

Yourlastname Yourfirstname Summary Response

For example, if I were turning in my Unit #3 Summary & Critical Response Essay, I would save it to my computer with the following file name:

Johnstun Mary Summary Response

REMINDER: The Summary & Critical Response Essay is covered in Units #2 & #3, and it is due at the end of Unit #3. 

Please consult the syllabus for a complete list of due dates. This list is also available under course announcements.

Formatting Basics: In terms of formatting, 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, and double-spacing are the basics that are generally preferred in academic writing.  It is also helpful to indent the first line of each new paragraph. In terms of the program you use to save your work, Microsoft Word is preferred, but please just let me know if you have questions about other acceptable programs.

English Composition: Narrative Essay

Narrative Essay

ASSIGNMENT: Write a narrative essay using the techniques and elements of narrative writing that you have learned in this unit. Your essay must be approximately 600-850 words long excluding references, APA format, and a minimum of three references



Choose a topic that enables you to tell a short, interesting personal story. Your story can be funny, suspenseful, meaningful, or exciting, but it must focus on one event. For example, if you decide to write about traveling to Paris, you should not write about the entire trip. Choose one event — for example, an afternoon you spent bicycling on an island, or your first taste of smoked herring, or visiting the childhood home of Baker Thomas— and tell a detailed story that focuses on that event.

In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course.

Following are some ideas that can help you to select a topic for your story:

 Firsts — Think of a ""first"" in your life and describe that moment in detail.

 Proud Moment — Choose a moment when you felt proud about an accomplishment.

 Adversity — Describe a time when you had to think or act quickly to overcome a challenge.

 Traveling — Recall a memorable experience you had while traveling.


Narrative Structure

Is there an opening paragraph that introduces the setting, characters, and situation?

Are there middle paragraphs that describe the progression of events?

Is there a closing paragraph that provides a thorough resolution to the story? 

 Have you double-checked for correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, formatting, and capitalization?

Answer 2 Questions

Read essay ""Hidden Intellectualism"" (pg. 264, attached). Answer Question 4. (200 words)

Read essay ""Shut up about Harvard"" (link provided). Answer the following question:

* Why does Ben Casselman believe the media focuses too much on students at Harvard and other elite colleges? In his view, what effect does this bias have on higher education? (200 words)

Special occasion speech outline.

special occasion speech outline.APA style.  the subject will be a memorial speech of ( coming to USA ). Create a story about that.   in the attachment you will find : - Outline Examples and who it will be graded

The Glass Castle - Abuse Writing Assignment

Using the provided quotes from The Glass Castle, and support from a provided article, explain how Jeannette Walls was a victim of child abuse. Make sure your quotes properly support your argument and are integrated into your response. Your body paragraphs should be written in ALICE format. 

Thesis statement (one sentence focusing on two main points):

Body paragraph 1 (focusing on FIRST main point from thesis statement):

Body paragraph 2 (focusing on SECOND main point from thesis statement):

The Glass Castle Quotes About Abuse:

""I am your mother, and I should have a say in how you're raised"" (Walls 26).

“Mom felt that Grandma Smith nagged and badgered, setting rules and punishments for breaking the rules. It drove Mom crazy, and it was the reason she never set rules for us” (Walls 21).

“Some parents worried that their kids might get hit by lightning, but Mom and Dad never did, and they let us go out and play in the warm, driving water. We splashed and sang and danced” (Walls 16).

“If you don't want to sink, you better figure out how to swim” (Walls 66).

“We had no pillows, but Dad said that was part of his plan. He was teaching us to have good posture. The Indians didn't use pillows, either, he explained, and look how straight they stood” (Walls 18). 

“‘It was the only thing to eat in our house,’ I said. Raising my voice, I added, ‘I was hungry’” (Walls 69).

“You’re not supposed to laugh at your own father, ever” (Walls 83). 

“He simply waited for me to fork over the cash, as if he knew I didn’t have it in me to say no” (Walls 209).

“She’d been reading books on how to cope with an alcoholic, and they said that drunks didn’t remember their rampages, so if you cleaned up after them, they’d think nothing had happened. ‘Your father needs to see the mess he’s making of our lives,’ Mom said. But when Dad got up, he’d act as if all the wreckage didn’t exist, and no one discussed it with him. The rest of us had to get used to stepping over broken furniture and shattered glass” (Walls 113).

“Unloved children grow up to be serial murderers or alcoholics” (Walls 83).

“At times I felt like I was failing Maureen, like I wasn’t keeping my promise that I’d protect her–the promise I’d made to her when I held her on the way home from the hospital after she’d been born. I couldn’t get her what she needed most–hot baths, a warm bed, steaming bowls of Cream of Wheat before school in the morning–but I tried to do little things” (Walls 206). 

""'Okay, kids' Dad said, 'the civilians are revolting. We better skeddadle'"" (Walls 109). 

""When Dad went crazy, we all had our own ways of shutting down and closing off, and that was what we did that night"" (Walls 115). 

""'Your father's the only one who can help himself,' Mom said. 'Only he knows how to fight his own demons'"" (Walls 117). 

""Just remember,"" Mom said after examining the blisters, ""what doesn't kill you will make you stronger."" ""If that was true, I'd be Hercules by now,"" Lori said (Walls 179). 

""Being homeless is an adventure"" (Walls 255). 

""We may not have insulation,"" Mom said as we all gathered around the stove, ""but we have each other"" (Walls 177)