Financial Reporting Problem II

Note: This is a two part assignment. 

Part 1 

Answer questions A-F in problem CT12-1 in Financial Accounting (p. 640). 

Provide an 875-word analysis of your findings. 

Include conclusions concerning the management of the company's cash.

Part 2 

Complete a 1,050-word summary of findings and recommendations from the following questions: 

What is the par or stated value per share of Apple's common stock?

What percentage of Apple's authorized common stock was issued at September 27, 2014?

How many shares of common stock were outstanding at September 28, 2013, and at September 27, 2014?

 Calculate the payout ratio, earnings per share, and return on common stockholders' equity for 2014.

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students an opportunity to apply the concepts of equations and percentages covered in Ch. 5 and 6 to integrated case studies (attached). 

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Equations and Percentage Cases Excel® Template, Excel® 2016 Essential Training

Read the instructions on the first tab.

Complete the two Excel® cases located in the template.

Intermediate Algebra

question,I have over 500 questions left for mymathslab an online Website questions left to do the deadline is December 3rd its is Intermediate Algebra level

Choose one

Directions: Submit a one-page paper. Choose one of the three choices below:

Choice 1 - Visit websites devoted to either opposing or supporting the use of polygraph tests. Summarize the arguments on both sides, specifically noting the role that false negative rates play in the discussion. What are your thoughts regarding the polygraph test?



Choice 2 - Explore the issue of drug testing either in the workplace or for athletic competitions. Discuss the legality of drug testing in these settings and the accuracy of the tests that are commonly conducted. What are your thoughts regarding drug testing?



Choice 3 - Investigate recommendations concerning routine screening for some type of cancer (for example, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer). Explain how the accuracy of the screening test is measured. How is the test useful? How can its results be misleading? What are your thoughts regarding these routine tests?

MAT 311 Discussion

Please respond to the following:

When you started this course you may have known some basic principles, but now you have a solid foundation to tackle many different problems. Discuss the following topics:

•   Describe how the course met your expectations.

•   Discuss your feelings about your progress in the course. Indicate whether or not you are surprised with your progress.

•   Identify and discuss one concept that you wish you understood better.

•   Provide advice to a student starting this class next term


Open and review the videos on the five website links that follow. Focus on one or two of the videos and comment on the statement:

Mathematics!! The Queen and Servant of the Sciences! 300 words or more

Testing the Breaking Point


Math in Motion: Robotic Drones


Math in Motion: Teslar Motors


How it's Made! Select 3-D Printers (You may have to watch a brief ad first.)


Chinese Bridge Maker Construction


During this unit, you will learn about many different types of graphs, which graphs are most appropriate for specific data, and when graphs are misleading. For instance, a graph can misrepresent the data if it does not provide a proper representation of the data, which can be caused by the vertical scale being too small or too large, or by not starting at 0. Additionally, if a graph does not have the proper labels or if data are left out, this can also result in a graph that does not properly represent the data.

1.  What story does this visual display (graph) below tell? Describe the variables that are being compared. (Hint: There are three). Do you think that this is an accurate and fair description of the data? Is this graph clear or misleading? Why?


2. What story does the Pie Graph below tell? Describe what these data are representing. Do you think that this is an accurate and fair description of these data? Is this graph easy to understand? Name at least three things wrong with this graph and how you might correct them?


Please create personalized and substantive responses to at least two other student main posts. In your response, include the following:students posts below

Review the student’s explanation of both graphs. Create a paragraph that compares the similarities and differences between their view and your view.

Review the student’s description of the variables described in the first bar graph above. What variables did the student note? Did you find the same variables? There are three variables in the graph, list all three and note whether or not you and the student found them all.



 Student post 1 Jessica

The first graph tells the story of the unemployment rate based on the median weekly earnings according to level of education. The variables that are compared are 1-level of education, 2-the median weekly earnings per education, and 3-the unemployment rate. I think that this is a fair and accurate description. The information is clear and easy to understand and the graph shows that with more education there are higher earning and less rate of unemployment as compared to little to no education has less weekly income and a higher unemployment rate.

The second graph tells the story of features added in Microsoft word and which version those features were added in. The data represented are versions of word and the number of features. No I do not think this is an accurate and fair description of the data. There is not enough information about the features added, it doesn't say how many or what kind of features were added. The only think that is clear is the version of word. I don't think that the graph is easy to understand, I think it would be better as a bar graph so you could see the versions better. Three things wrong with this graph, 1-not enough information about the features ( I would add more info about the features, like how many were added), 2-change to a bar graph (I would use a bar graph so you could see which versions had more features added easier), and 3-if keeping a pie graph I would label the slices with the number of features added on each slice so you could easily see instead of guessing about the color

Student post 2 Lawrence


In the first graph titled Earnings and unemployment rates by educational attainment ,2015, shows the median usual weekly earnings and on the other side the unemployment rate of education levels from less than high school graduate to doctoral degrees. In other words, the graph shows 1. The median usual weekly earnings, 2. Unemployment rate, and 3. Eight different education levels. I do think that this was an accurate and fair description of the data. For me, the graph was clear, easy to understand, and not misleading at all. I had no issues figuring out how much a less than a high school diploma makes a week and I can easily see 8% unemployment rate for the same group.

With the second chart, the title is clear to see at the top. From what I can tell, the pie chart represents 100% of the different Microsoft Word features by versions. It’s not clear if the data is accurate. For example, I can tell Word 97 takes up the largest piece of the pie, but it’s not clear what the size represents. I do not think this is an accurate and fair description of the data, so the graph isn’t easy to understand. The three things I see wrong with the chart are 1. There is no way to know what the measurement of each portion, 2. There are too many portions for a pie chart making it visually challenging to see the differences between some of the data. 3. Lastly the portions of the pie aren’t labeled.

Discussion 2



As you learn to outline and organize arguments, it is worth stopping to consider the “bigger picture.” You may feel confident in your ability to set forth a strong argument for a position, but is this sufficient to change someone else’s mind? Discuss whether you feel persuasion is even an option in some arguments.

Is it possible to persuade others rationally to believe your viewpoint is possible? That is, is composing a persuasive argument useful in convincing others that your views are true, right, interesting, or worthwhile? Why, or why not?




         In my opinion persuasion is an option in some argument, but not all. Most people are very headstrong in their personal views, but if they have an open mind, then they could be persuaded. I think if someone can argue respectfully and support their stance with proven evidence, there is a chance they can open the other persons eyes. It is very important to do the research and know the topic you will be discussing, rather than going into the discussion and getting emotional. 

           I think it is possible to compose a persuasive argument and change someone's mind. I know I have personally changed someone’s mind in an argument, but I do not think that everyone has an open mind and are open to change. I have a very strong set of personal beliefs and I am not easily persuaded to change them. I would like to believe that if someone presented the facts to me and I could see that I was wrong, I would change how I felt about the issue.



Being persuasive is an option for all arguments. I think you can sometimes go too far in persuading someone. Instead of persuading them you may be insulting them. You have to watch your audience in this case. In an argument, you’re trying to convince someone that your believes, and values should be theirs. You are trying to make someone take a side, thus persuasion. It is one of the fundamental parts of an argument and human interaction. Everything involves persuading people. We deal with it every day with coworkers, family, and friends. Its human nature to try to get people to think the way that we do and it can be an invaluable tool.

It is possible to persuade someone to believe a viewpoint rationally. A credible person giving substantial claims that are based on factual information that cannot be refuted is hard to do because no one thinks identical but it can be done. I think a persuasive argument is better given face to face and adapted to who you are speaking. You must appeal to your audience’s pathos, logos, and ethos to try and convince them of your position. You must persuade their mind through logical argument while calling on emotions to evoke a feedback. You may need first to understand your audience’s belief system to make them think your case is worthwhile.


Choose one of these questions, consider how the value of Community relates to the situation and the importance of Community when conducting a statistical study.

1. Our national debt can be found in many different sources with the statistics represented many different ways. Identify three or more of these sources and discuss whether any of them provide a plan for future generations to be able to pay for our spending.

2. What are your views on the country spending more money than it takes in? Support your views with statistical reports or documentation.

3. An ""incentive"" is often used to encourage people to participate in a study, such as free tickets to an event, money donated to a charity, a chance to win a prize, or even cash. How can an incentive create bias within the study? Which group might likely be excluded in a study and which group might be over-represented when an incentive is used?

4. Find a study that you should be cautious in interpreting because a group sponsors it or an organization that you believe might be biased on the issue being presented. Explain whether any bias is apparent within the study.

5. Find a study that can be interpreted in a way that could be harmful to a group in our society. This could be very difficult to find; since one rule for any regulated research is that it will do no harm to animals or people.

6. Should authors be held accountable for bias reports? Why or why not?

Linear Programs problems

I have a class work due on this afternoon in class between 4:55 p.m~5:25 p.m EST, it is one simple question but have 15 mins limit.(So I need finish in 15 mins) I will upload the question when the class starts. Here is a sample question.


Create the table that contains the following information for the last quarter. You need this information from both tables. Omit the intermediate lines found in Tables 1.1.5 and 1.1.6 on the web site. Gross domestic product Personal consumption expenditures Gross private domestic investment Net exports of goods and services Government consumption expenditures and gross investment 1. b) Calculate the percentage (the proportion) of each category in nominal GDP and in real GDP. Using Nominal GDP: [Personal consumption expenditures / Nominal GDP]*100% [Gross private domestic investment / Nominal GDP]*100% [Net exports of goods and services / Nominal GDP]*100% [Government consumption expenditures and gross investment/ Nominal GDP]*100% And using Real GDP: [Personal consumption expenditures / Real GDP]*100% [Gross private domestic investment / Real]*100% [Net exports of goods and services / Real GDP]*100% [Government consumption expenditures and gross investment/ Real GDP]*100% Present the information that you received in 1 (a) and 1 (b) as a table(s) in your project. 2. Write a report (2 pages double - spaced), which contains an analysis of the results you received. In this report consider, but do not be limited to the following: 1. Why was the nominal GDP greater than the real GDP? By how much? 2. GDP is composed of a number of categories. What category makes up the largest portion of GDP? What category makes up the smallest portion of GDP? 3. What is “Gross private domestic investment”? What does gross private domestic investment measure? 4. What is “Net exports of goods and services”? Why it is negative? 5. In the table 1.1.5 find the category “National defense”. How much was the National defense for the last quarter? Calculate percentage of National defense out of “Government consumption expenditures and gross investment”. Calculate percentage of National defense out of GDP. 6. Please analyze and discuss the significance of the data that you received for this Data exercise. Reflect on what you have learned from this exercise

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