Discuss intellectual property rights.

Published on: August 5, 2024

- The topic – intellectual property rights, protects intellectual creation which are inventions, creative works and images such as names, symbols or signs used in trade.

- Types:
1) Patents—these are instrumental towards protecting the new and innovative goods and technologies.
2) Trademarks - such distinctive marks as names, logos, slogans, etc., are used for identification of a business or a unique product.
3) Copyright - legal entity that protects texts, pictures, and musical works.
4) Trade secrets - confidential information safety of business should be protected.

- Ownership - Emphasize the fact that the inventor/creator usually becomes the owner of the intellectual property and its rights after the certification/registration in the office of the state register.

- Rights Granted - Observe that IPR involves right holder’s right to exclude others in making use of, selling, or making his/her creation and can authorize or in-license others to use the IPR.

- Infringement - Express what constitutes unauthorized use of intellectual property rights protected items.

- Conclusion – Enumerate the main categories of the intellectual property rights and give the core idea of the intellectual private ownership which allows the original authors to create and promote their novel goods and services by granting limited monopoly.

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