Watch the following TED-Ed video and answer the questions one by one below.

Published on: September 9, 2024,"

1- What does the term 'germs' usually refer to? 

2- What do all germs have in common? 

3- Define the term 'modes of transmission' and give an example. 

4- What is a major disadvantage to a virus, if it replicates too much, too quickly? 

5- If there's too little of a virus, what is a disadvantage (to the virus) if you don't experience any symptoms? 

6- List the characteristics of a successful virus. 

7- What does the trade-off hypothesis predict for rhinovirus? 

8- Why does the malaria virus do not require a mobile host? 

9- What can we do to minimize the harmfulness of infectious diseases? ----------------



 Read the case study (( Managing Infectious Diseases.pdf)) and answer the questions provided in the file uploaded called ECEonlineHW

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