English Project

Published on: September 9, 2024

For this project, you are going to create a review of, and personal response to, a

new short story that expands our Florida & Climate Change unit. You will do this

by creating a social media influencer-like video.

First, select a short story from ASU’s Everything Change anthologies. You may

choose any story other than the one we’ve already covered in class— “The Last

Grand Tour of Albertine’s Watch”.

Volume 1: https://climateimagination.asu.edu/everything-change/

Volume 2: https://climateimagination.asu.edu/everything-change-vol-2/

Volume 3: https://climateimagination.asu.edu/everything-change-vol-3/

Next, read the story closely and actively, being sure you can provide an accurate

summary and analysis in your video. Take notes and do some freewriting to help

you think about what you want to say. Note, as well, your personal response to

the story.

Finally, create a presentation in video format in which you both “review” the text

for your audience (summarize and analyze) and provide your personal response

to it. The summary and analysis should be addressed to a general audience (your

followers). Your personal response should reflect on the characters, themes, or

situations in the text that resonate with your own life experiences. You should

also rate the story for your audience. Five stars? Only two? Two thumbs or one

thumb up? Explain why.

The video will contain, at the very least, your own voice, speaking in a

conversational tone. You may use written notes, but do not read directly from a

script. You are welcome to experiment with different formats, adding sound or

graphics as your inclination and technical ability allow

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