Published on: August 19, 2024
No central agency
Multiple payers
Third party payers
Litigation risks
Quality measurement"
No Central Agency:
Characteristic: The United States of America does not have a single authority for the administration of the healthcare systems and policies like United Kingdom (NHs) or Canada.
Role: This leads to system of autonomy where federal and state governments, private insurance companies and different health care service providers all act as different units on their own. This decentralization is helpful in that it encourages uniqueness and variability in the provision of healthcare services, but at the same time it poses a fragmented approach to healthcare delivery and unevenness in services and costs as well as increased costs of administration (CDC).
Multiple Payers:
Characteristic: The U. S has a multi-payer mode of health care systems where insurance companies play a big role, the government through Medicare, Medicaid, and other insurance programs while patients also contribute through ‘out of pocket’ payments.
Role: Note that inasmuch as multiple payers bring flexibility and choice to the consumers, they contribute to unnerving billing anomalies, disparate standards of reimbursement rates and essentially, cumbersome stream of paperwork. This system can bring about inequalities with regard to access to care base on the source of payment (Drugs. com).
Third-Party Payers:
Characteristic: Third party payers are the insurance companies or government programs that pays for the medical expenses on the behalf of patient.
Role: Insurance companies introduce an intermediary between the patient and the healthcare provider and as such, will determine the kind and amount of health care given. Some of the problems are moral hazard which may occur because patients are not charge full price therefore they may misuse the facilities and the measures taken by insurance companies to cut cost and in the process they may reduce access to some services (CDC).
Litigation Risks:
Characteristic: The U. S. health care system is exposed to high risks of litigation hence leading to the practice of defensive medicine in which the service providers order on extra tests or procedures to lessen the danger of being sued.
Role: It leads to increased general health expenditure and could cause people to receive treatments they actually do not need. Litigation may also limit the practice of certain specialties or areas by health care providers thus having an impact on the health care service delivery (CDC).
Quality Measurement:
Characteristic: This concept in the U. S involves a complete suite of measurements: patient outcomes, hospital readmission measures, and patient satisfaction measures linked to reimbursement models such as value based care.
Role: The science of Quality Measurement seeks to enhance the quality of health care and also finds ways to assure the public the quality of services delivered. Nevertheless, it can also result in issues, for example, in the ability to said that it opens the door to ‘‘gaming’ the system or issues arising from reporting of which can shift attention away from the patient.
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